March 2, 2021

Day of Prayer for the victims of the Covid pandemic – March 3rd 2021

  Day of Prayer for the victims of the Covid Pandemic – March 3rd 2021   From Ash Wednesday, and throughout Lent, the Presidents of the Bishops’ Conferences throughout our Continent invite us to pray for the victims of the pandemic. On many occasions, the bishops from all over Europe […]
February 15, 2021

Lent 2021

LENT 2021   The Office for Evangelisation & Ecumenism, the Diocesan Liturgical Resource Centre and Parish Pastoral Workers to compile a list of upcoming initiatives for celebrating Lent 2021 – Use the link to find a rich number of resources for online prayer, meetings, activities and resources suitable for sharing. […]
January 24, 2021

Catholic Schools Week 2021

Catholic Schools Week 2021   Catholic Schools Week 2021 will be celebrated from Sunday 24 January to Sunday 31 January 2021 on the theme ‘Catholic Schools: Communities of Faith and Resilience’. Please see below the resources for Primary, Post-Primary and for a resource for the celebration of Catholic Schools Week […]
December 29, 2020

Bishop Dermot Farrell, Archbishop Elect of Dublin

Address of Bishop Dermot Farrell on his appointment as Archbishop of Dublin Church of Our Lady of Lourdes, Sean McDermott Street, Dublin 1  It is with a humble heart that I accepted Pope Francis’s invitation to serve the people and clergy of the Diocese of Dublin as bishop. I am […]
September 9, 2020

Care at the end of life – Bishop’s Statement

‘Care at the End of Life’ – Irish Catholic Bishops’ Conference     Following its Autumn General Meeting this week, the Irish Catholic Bishops’ Conference have released the following statement entitled Care at the End of Life:   Statement Human dignity is inherent in every person from the first moment […]
August 20, 2020

Prayer Resources for use during Coronavirus Pandemic

Thank you to our colleagues in the Catholic Communications Office for compiling a range of prayer resources for all of us to draw on at this time. With them, we will keep working as long as we can to use on line technology to help us pray, to give us hope […]
July 22, 2020

Towards Peace Spiritual Support Service

Towards Peace Spiritual Support Service   Towards Peace is a service offering spiritual support for anybody who has been abused, physically emotionally, sexually, spiritually, in a religious/church environment. Towards Peace was established in October 2014 by the Irish Catholic Bishops’ Conference and is now co-funded by the IEC and AMRI […]
July 13, 2020

Reflections on Covid-19 from St. Patrick’s College Maynooth

Reflections on Covid-19 from St. Patrick’s College Maynooth   Dr Gaven Kerr is a philosophy lecturer at St Patrick’s College, Maynooth   Treating People with Dignity    The British Medical Journal recently published a debate in which a professor of bioethics argued that age should be a legitimate factor in […]
May 23, 2020

Marriage Preparation Courses

Marriage Preparation Courses ACCORD Dublin continues to provide marriage preparation courses for couples in the diocese. Despite having had to cancel 26 courses between March and July, the majority of our couples are rescheduled, and for those whose weddings are going ahead during this difficult period,  individual courses  will be […]
May 15, 2020

Latest Update on Coronavirus Situation

FURTHER GUIDANCE ON CORONAVIRUS SITUATION   4 June 2020   Diocesan Retreat:  The main Diocesan Retreat was to begin at Tulfarris Hotel on Sunday next 7th June.  Father Brendan Purcell, who was to preach the Retreat, has prepared a short video talk on the subject he had chosen for the […]
May 5, 2020

Mass Cards available from Pro Cathedral

Mass Cards On-Line   St. Mary’s Pro Cathedral are now taking orders for Mass cards on line and over the phone.   On Line E-mail your Mass Card order and details to When you receive confirmation – make your donation. Click the “Donate” button and pick Mass Card product […]
April 26, 2020

2020 Lourdes Pilgrimage Postponed

A letter to all in Our Pilgrimage Family at this continuing time of Covid 19 Pandemic   I write to you on behalf of Archbishop Diarmuid Martin, President of our Diocesan Pilgrimage and on behalf of the Pilgrimage Committee. It is sadly with regret and disappointment that we have no option […]
April 24, 2020

Online Alpha Course

Online Alpha Course The Diocesan Young Church Dublin Team are running an online Alpha course which will start from next Wednesday, 8th July, from 8.00-9.00pm. The course will be run from the comfort of your own home over Zoom for 11 weeks until September 16th. Alpha is a series of […]
April 1, 2020

Faith in a Time of Pandemic – On Line Surveys

Coronavirus, Church and You DCU’s Mater Dei Centre for Catholic Education (Director, Dr. Gareth Byrne) has made an important survey available. The Covid-19 pandemic has obviously had a profound effect on Church. As we pass the most severe period of lockdown, it seems a good time to assess how clergy […]
March 30, 2020

Second Review of Child Safeguarding Practice in the Archdiocese of Dublin

Second Review of Child Safeguarding Practice in the Archdiocese of Dublin undertaken by The National Board for Safeguarding Children in the Catholic Church in Ireland (National Board) Date of Review Report: March 2020 Please see link to full report below Second Safeguarding Review Archdiocese of Dublin
December 3, 2019

Significant change proposed in Sacramental Preparation

Dublin Diocese begins process of significant change in Sacramental Preparation   Press Release Tuesday December 3rd 2019   The Archbishop of Dublin, Diarmuid Martin, has said training must begin immediately to prepare volunteers in parishes to support families in preparation for Baptism, Confession, First Communion and Confirmation.   For some […]
November 22, 2019

Share Sunday & 2018 Financial Reports

Share Sunday Financial Statements & Annual Report 2018 MESSAGE FROM ARCHBISHOP DIARMUID MARTIN  Sunday November 24th 2019  “Share, the Diocesan Development Fund, is founded on the ideas of communion and sharing that are at the heart of the Christian life. During the rapid geographic expansion of the Dublin Diocese in […]
October 31, 2019

St Patrick’s College – Courses 2020

St Patrick’s College, Maynooth  Courses 2020 The National Centre for Liturgy, in association with St Patrick’s College, Maynooth, are currently offering to parishes a comprehensive course Leading God’s People in Public Prayer – forming lay leaders in the task of presiding. The course will provide training for those who may […]
October 18, 2019

Extraordinary Month of Mission

It’s 100 years since Pope Benedict XV’s encyclical Maximum Illud called Catholics to bring the Good News to all peoples (Missio Ad Gentes).   To commemorate its anniversary, Pope Francis has declared October 2019 to be an Extraordinary Month of Mission (EMM2019).   This special month of prayer and action calls us all […]
October 16, 2019

Coming Home in Crisis – Crosscare report on Irish Emigrants

Coming Home in Crisis New report identifies negative experiences of vulnerable Irish emigrants Press Release – Monday, 14 October  2019   Vulnerable Irish emigrants returning to this country are experiencing poverty, homelessness, isolation, mental and physical health needs, according to a new report launched today. The findings are contained in […]
October 11, 2019

Canonisation of John Henry Newman – Events & Resources

Canonisation of Blessed John Henry Newman     On Sunday 13 October Blessed John Henry Newman will be declared a Saint by Pope Francis.  Blessed John Henry Newman was  the founder of the first Catholic university in Ireland.  He served as the university’s first rector (1854-1858).  In his 1993 Encyclical […]
September 30, 2019

Bishop Eamonn Walsh retires as auxiliary Bishop of Dublin Diocese

Bishop Eamonn Walsh retires as auxiliary Bishop of Dublin Diocese Press Release – Monday September 30th 2019 Pope Francis has accepted the resignation from the Office of Auxiliary Bishop of Dublin presented, on reaching the age of 75, by Bishop Eamonn Walsh.  The announcement was made in Rome this morning, […]
September 26, 2019

Ancient Bell donated to National Museum

    Archbishop Martin donates historic hand bell to National Museum of Ireland       The Archbishop of Dublin, Diarmuid Martin has donated an ancient iron hand-bell, thought to date from the 8th or 9th centuries to the National Museum of Ireland.   The Knockatemple Hand-Bell has been in the possession […]
September 18, 2019

Curtain Call for Clonliffe for Culture Night

  Culture Night Celebrations around the Diocese    Dubliners have a final chance to see what life was like in one of the city’s most historic buildings when the Dublin opens its archive on Clonliffe College seminary for Culture Night.  This represents a final chance to visit the former seminary as […]
September 11, 2019

Lourdes – The Students Experience

Lourdes – the students experience Sunday 8th September   The final full day of the pilgrimage began with glorious sunshine tinged with a bittersweet feeling in the air. While we consider how lovely it will be to see our families on our return and inform them of our experience over the […]
September 4, 2019

Young & old depart for Lourdes on Dublin Pilgrimage

  A 99-year-old former school principal is joining 2,000 other people leaving Dublin airport today (Wednesday) as the annual Dublin Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes gets underway. Nora Hawkes, originally from Askeaton in Co. Limerick and living in Rathgar in Dublin has not let her 99th birthday celebrations prevent her from […]
August 28, 2019

Fr. Tony Coote RIP

The death has occurred this evening (Wednesday 28th August)  of Fr. Tony Coote, Administrator, Mount Merrion Parish. Archbishop Diarmuid Martin expressed his sympathy to Father Coote’s mother, members of his family and all those who supported him during his long illness, especially his ever loyal priest friends.   Archbishop Martin […]
August 6, 2019

Letter to Priests from Pope Francis

Letter of the Holy Father to Priests on the 160th anniversary of the death of the holy Curé of Ars, 04.08.2019   To my Brother Priests. Dear Brothers, A hundred and sixty years have passed since the death of the holy Curé of Ars, whom Pope Pius XI proposed as […]
July 29, 2019

Dublin Diocesan Personnel Changes 2019

DUBLIN DIOCESAN PERSONNEL CHANGES 2019 Effective weekend of 10th/11th August 2019 Additional appointments will be announced on a future date     EPISCOPAL VICARS On the retirement of The Most Reverend Raymond Field, The Very Reverend Paul Thornton, Co-PP is appointed Episcopal Vicar with responsibility for the Deaneries of Blanchardstown, […]
July 19, 2019


  Faithcast is the weekly podcast from, the news source for the Irish Catholic Bishops’ Conference. Presented by Brenda Drumm, Faithcast is a mixture of interviews and news from the Catholic Church in Ireland.   Episode 54 of Faithcast features an interview with Peter Sands of Youth 2000 in […]
May 15, 2019

Sacraments Review in Dublin Diocese

Sacraments Review in Dublin Diocese   In September 2018, Archbishop Martin set up a Sacraments Review Group to make recommendations on the future practice of Baptism, First Reconciliation, First Communion and Confirmation. The approach agreed was to consult widely and deeply and, out of this, to determine future directions.   […]
March 8, 2019

Papal Altar Bonnybrook Bound

Press Release Friday March 8th Altar used at Papal Mass finds a permanent home The altar used by Pope Francis when he celebrated Mass in the Phoenix Park in Dublin has found a permanent home in a North Dublin parish.  Parishioners in Bonnybrook in Dublin will be worshipping at the […]
March 5, 2019

De Valera in the Gate Lodge 1919

100 years ago this week and without the knowledge of the then Archbishop of Dublin, William Walsh, Éamon de Valera hid out in the gate lodge of Archbishop’s House in Drumcondra having just escaped from Lincoln Jail. The plot was carried out at the request of Michael Collins and Harry […]
February 22, 2019

Emmanuel soloist chosen for “The Voice”

Organisers of the Emmanuel Concerts, which begin in Dublin on Monday (February 25th)  have said they are delighted to be without one of their chosen soloists! Eva Campbell from Skerries Community College was selected to lead her school in a solo performance in the Helix next week, but everyone is […]
February 7, 2019

Survey on Sacraments

Listening 2019    The Archdiocese is seeking the views of parents,  teachers, priests and parish personnel  and the wider faith community on how we might improve the way we prepare and celebrate the Sacraments of Baptism, Reconciliation, Communion and Confirmation. As many people as possible are invited to take part […]
December 26, 2018

Unwanted Gifts Appeal in Pro

Press Release December 26th  2018  Pro Cathedral asks for Unwanted Gifts for Homeless Before you start looking for the gift receipts to exchange unwanted Christmas presents , why not put them to good use by donating any them to the homeless? Staff at St. Mary’s Pro Cathedral in Dublin are […]
December 6, 2018

New Future for Dublin Parishes

New future for Dublin Parishes PRESS RELEASE Thursday 6 December 2018   Archbishop Diarmuid Martin has this week announced the successful merger of three Dublin parishes into one with more expected in 2019. Over three years of local planning and consultation has resulted in the establishment of the new Parish […]
November 27, 2018

Crosscare Annual Food Appeal

Sincere thanks to all those who supported this years Parish Food appeal. An extraordinary 13 tonnes of food has been collected for distribution to families most in need at this time. Thanks also to the many, many people who gave up their time to help out at the main Crosscare […]
November 25, 2018

2017 Annual Report & Financial Statements

Share Sunday Financial Statements &  Annual Report   Today, Share Sunday, we publish Financial Information relating to the Archdiocese of Dublin. Share Sunday is when support is sought and parishioners are reminded of the work made possible by their donations to the second collection at Masses. The following newsletter was […]
October 4, 2018

Crosscare seek cuts reversal for young homeless

Young, homeless and unemployed: Jobseekers under 26 experiencing homelessness worst affected     Thursday 4th October, 2018   Crosscare is urging the Government to reverse the discriminatory cuts to Jobseeker’s Allowance for adults under 26 experiencing homelessness. Uniting at the gates of Leinster House with the National Youth Council of […]
September 30, 2018

Renowned Pro Cathedral Organist Retires

  Renowned Pro Cathedral Organist Retires after four decades of service   Professor Gerard Gillen bought a remarkable 42 years as Organist Titular at Dublin’s Pro-Cathedral to a close today, when he played for the final time at Mass celebrated by Archbishop Diarmuid Martin. Many concelebrants joined with Archbishop Martin […]
September 3, 2018

Dublin Parishes to reflect on Church renewal after World Meeting of Families

  Press release September 3rd Archbishop Diarmuid Martin asks parishes to reflect on the renewal of the Church after the World Meeting of Families   Archbishop Diarmuid Martin has asked each parish in the Archdiocese of Dublin to carry out a preliminary consultation on how to proceed with Church renewal […]
August 29, 2018

Pope Francis’ speeches in Ireland

Speeches and homilies of His Holiness Pope Francis during his Apostolic Visit to Ireland
August 12, 2018

Statement on priest standing aside

In line with Church Policy on Safeguarding Children a parish priest of Dublin has voluntarily stood aside from his position because of concerns brought to the Diocese and reported to the Gardai.  The information received relates to several decades ago and is not connected to the parish. Standing aside does […]
July 30, 2018

The Late Bishop Fiachra Ó Ceallaigh (RIP)

The death has occurred (Sunday 30 July) of Most Rev. Fiachra Ó Ceallaigh, OFM, retired Auxiliary Bishop of Dublin
May 23, 2018

Choose Life/8th Amendment

Parish gatherings & discussions | Message of Archbishop Martin | Statement of Irish Catholic Bishops’ Conference | Choose Life 2018 newsletters | Pastoral Message of Irish Bishops
May 10, 2018

Planning for Panama

  Planning for the Pope in Panama! Young Dubliners inspired by Pope Francis are being invited not just to come to see him in the city this summer, but to join in a pilgrimage to Panama next year for World Youth Day. World Youth Day is an international Church event, […]
April 17, 2018

Two boys’ choirs in unique concert in Dublin

  Press Release Tuesday April 17th 2018  Pro Cathedral to host unique concert with the boys of the Palestrina & the Escolanía   St. Mary’s Pro Cathedral in Dublin will this week host a unique joint concert of two renowned boys’ choirs when the Palestrina, the boys’ Choir of the Pro […]
March 21, 2018

Bishops welcome Pope Francis to World Meeting of Families in Dublin

  Press Release – Wednesday 21 March 2018  Bishops warmly welcome Pope Francis to the World Meeting of Families in Dublin   •  Two Irish families to present ‘Icon of the Holy Family’ to Pope Francis today The Irish Catholic Bishops’ Conference has warmly welcomed the announcement today by the Holy […]
March 20, 2018

Irish families to present WMOF Icon to Pope Francis

Press Release – Tuesday 20 March 2018 Irish families to present World Meeting of Families icon to Pope Francis in Rome   Two Irish families will present the official World Meeting of Families 2018 ‘Icon of the Holy Family’ to Pope Francis in Rome during his weekly General Audience with the […]
February 26, 2018

Emmanuel gets underway in the Helix

  Press Release Monday February 26th 2018 Emmanuel Concert Series gets underway in the Helix   Dublin secondary school students will take to the stage this week, singing hymns that will be sung at Mass in the Phoenix Park this August – hopefully celebrated by Pope Francis!  Although a visit […]
February 8, 2018

World Day of the Sick 2018

Experts in the field of dementia and Alzheimer’s will take part in a conference in Dublin this weekend to mark World Day of the Sick 2018
January 24, 2018

World Communications Day 2018

The theme for 2018 is: “The truth will set you free” (Jn 8:32) - Fake news and journalism for peace
January 1, 2018

Homily for World Day of Peace

World Day of Peace  2018 ‘Migrants and Refugees: men and women in search of peace.’ 11am January 1st  2018 Feast of Mary the Mother of God.   Homily from Mgr. Lorcan O’ Brien, Administrator, Church of Sacred Heart, Donnybrook, Dublin.   “On the morning of the 16th of October, in […]
November 13, 2017

Two ordinations on Feast of St. Laurence O’ Toole

The Archbishop of Dublin, Diarmuid Martin, will ordain two men to the priesthood tomorrow (Tuesday 14th November).  The ordinations of Deacons James Daly and Bill O’ Shaughnessy will take place on the Feast Day of Dublin’s Saint Laurence O’ Toole in the Pro Cathedral at 11am.  Bill and James will […]
October 30, 2017

Dublin Bishop appointed to new Vatican Role

  Press Release Saturday October 28th October 2017 Bishop Paul Tighe appointed Secretary to Council for Culture   The Archbishop of Dublin, Diarmuid Martin has congratulated Bishop Paul Tighe on his appointment by Pope Francis as secretary of  the Pontifical Council for Culture  today (Saturday October 28th). Bishop Tighe has been […]
September 18, 2017

Culture Night in Clonliffe

Catholic Church collections the focus of Culture Night in Clonliffe How Dublin & Irish Catholics generously respond to international appeals for help will be the focus of this year’s Culture Night Exhibition in Holy Cross College, Clonliffe on Friday night. The exhibition will feature photos, documents, letters and records from […]
September 11, 2017

Lourdes Pilgrimage Student Blogs

Elaine Kelty Dominican College Sion Hill The highlight for me on this day was The Youth Mass that took place in the Underground Basilica. As part of the Flag and Stewarding Team I had the opportunity to take part in the flag parade. We met in front of the accueil […]
September 7, 2017

2,000 Dublin Pilgrims in Lourdes

Demand for places to travel to Lourdes with the Dublin Diocesan Pilgrimage increased significantly this year with a capacity number of sick pilgrims making the journey to the French Marian Shrine today (Thursday 7th).   Led every year by Archbishop Diarmuid Martin, the Dublin pilgrimage is the largest of its kind […]
August 31, 2017

Principles of Responsibility Regarding Priests who father Children while in Ministry 

Principles of Responsibility Regarding Priests who father Children while in Ministry    31 August, 2017 In response to representations from Coping International, the Irish Catholic Bishops’ Conference has published the following: Principles of responsibility regarding priests who father children while in ministry Upon ordination, priests promise to live a life […]
July 12, 2017

Church Appeal for East Africa

Church Appeal for East Africa   As the appalling situation facing the people of East Africa has reached a critical stage, Archbishop Diarmuid Martin has appealed for support for a Church collection for Trócaire There are severe food shortages in South Sudan, Somalia, Kenya and Ethiopia brought about by drought […]
July 10, 2017

Notice on Avalon DVD Marriage Courses

  Notice on Avalon DVD Marriage Courses   Some couples preparing for Marriage have been in contact with the Archdiocese regarding a pre-marriage DVD being marketed by Avalon RC Limited.   As we have indicated in previous statements DVD and on line courses cannot meet the required criteria for Preparation […]
June 27, 2017

International Day Against Drug Abuse

Press Release – Monday 26 June 2017 Bishop Éamonn Walsh welcomes Vatican message marking the international day against drug abuse See below message from Cardinal Peter Turkson for the International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking   Bishop Éamonn Walsh of the Irish Bishops’ Drugs Initiative has welcomed today’s message […]
June 7, 2017

Ecumenical Bible Week 2017

Ecumenical Bible Week 4th-11th June “Faith Comes by Hearing the Word of Christ.” (Rom 10:17) Ecumenical Bible Week 2017 got underway on Sunday evening (June 4). The week long programme of events runs each year from Pentecost to Trinity Sunday and this year there are 23 events with 25 presenters […]
May 8, 2017

Beatification of Fr John Sullivan SJ

John Sullivan SJ First Beatification ever in Ireland The first ever beatification in Ireland, that of Father John Sullivan SJ (1861 – 1933), took place at on Saturday May 13th  during the celebration of Mass in Saint Francis Xavier Church on Gardiner Street in Dublin. Beatification, which confers the title ‘Blessed’, […]
May 7, 2017

Coptic Pope Tawadros II to visit Archbishop Martin

 Press Release – 17/5/17 Coptic Pope Tawadros II to visit Archbishop of Dublin Martin The Coptic Orthodox Leader, His Holiness Pope Tawadros II, will tomorrow (Thursday May 18th) visit the Archbishop of Dublin, Diarmuid Martin. It is the first time that Pope Tawadros, Pope of Alexandria and Patriarch of the See of Saint […]
April 30, 2017

‘Home for Good?’ Report on Returning Irish Emigrants

‘Home for Good?’ report on returning Irish emigrants Press Release –  May 3rd, 2017 New report details difficulties experienced by returning Irish emigrants ‘Red-tape’, employment, accommodation and emotional well-being are the main challenges associated with returning to Ireland according to a survey of recently returned Irish emigrants. Forming the basis of […]
April 28, 2017

Diocesan & Parish Financial Reports

Share Sunday 2017   Diocesan & Parish Financial Reports  In December 2016 the Archdiocese of Dublin filed two financial reports with the Charities Regulatory Authority.   The first financial report of the “Charities of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Dublin”   comprises the financial statements of the Diocesan Offices and a […]
March 1, 2017

Emmanuel 2017

Press Release – Monday 6th March 2017 Unique student concert series begins in Dublin’s Helix   Almost two and a half thousand teenagers from all over Dublin and surrounding counties will be on stage in the Helix over the next four nights – singing and playing Church music. The students, […]
February 28, 2017

Homily at Reception of Remains of Cardinal Connell

Reception of Remains Desmond Cardinal Connell Pro Cathedral – 23 February 2017   Homily of Bishop Eamonn Walsh, Auxiliary Archbishop of Dublin “On the mountain the Lord of hosts will prepare for all people a banquet of rich food”   For Cardinal Connell the mountain represented being in communion with God: […]
February 21, 2017

Cardinal Desmond Connell, RIP

 Cardinal Desmond Connell a Profile    Desmond Connell was born on 24 March 1926. His father, John Bernard Connell, a native of Moycullen Co Galway, was a civil servant who was a member of the Irish delegation to the Ottawa Conference of 1932 and was later appointed by Sean Lemass as […]
February 21, 2017

Cardinal Connell’s Life and Ministry

Biographical Details of Emeritus Archbishop, Desmond Cardinal Connell   Archbishop Desmond Connell was born in Phibsboro on the 24th of March 1926.   Educated at St. Peter’s National School, Phibsboro and Belvedere College, he studied for the priesthood at Clonliffe College and was ordained by Archbishop John Charles McQuaid on […]
February 21, 2017

Cardinal Connell a Personal Reflection

“A Victorian Gentleman” by Rev. Damian Mc Neice   I remember accompanying Cardinal Connell to an event welcoming a new Board of Management in the Mater Hospital. It was during the time of crisis in the Diocese of Ferns in 2002. After the formal ceremony and a reception we were […]
January 25, 2017

Pope Francis – World Communications Day Message

Pope Francis’ World Communications Day Message ‘Fear not, for I am with you (Is 43:5): Communicating Hope and Trust in our Time’   Access to the media – thanks to technological progress – makes it possible for countless people to share news instantly and spread it widely.  That news may […]
January 4, 2017

2016 Annual Report and Financial Statements

2016 Annual Report  and Financial Statements 2016 Dublin Diocesan Annual Report: 2016 Parish Financial Statements: 2016 Charities of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Dublin:  
December 14, 2016

Biblical Approaches for Effective Preaching

  Book Launch Speaking from Within: Biblical Approaches for Effective Preaching by the Rev Dr Kieran Canon O’Mahony OSA (Veritas).   Speaking Notes of Fr Kieran McDermott Episcopal Vicar for Evangelisation and Ecumenism   St Patrick’s Cathedral –   December 2016   Your Grace, Dean Morton, members of the Cathedral Chapter, […]
December 9, 2016

Child Safeguarding Update

 Child Safeguarding Update 2016    The head of the child safeguarding and protection service in the Archdiocese of Dublin has said they have seen another decline in the number of complaints and allegations of abuse being processed by their service this year. There were four new allegations of child sexual […]
November 14, 2016

Crosscare Emigrants Survey

Returned Irish Emigrants ask to take part in a Nationwide Survey on Coming Home   PRESS RELEASE   Monday 14th November 2016   Recently returned Irish emigrants are being asked to share their experiences of coming home in a new survey launched today by Crosscare Migrant Project.   The Migrant Project is asking […]
October 26, 2016

Funeral Ministry Policy

Funeral Ministry Policy The Christian community since the earliest times has accompanied people through providing a ritual framework within which a funeral takes place. These rites are acts of public worship at which a number of elements are involved: God is praised; the Resurrection of Jesus is proclaimed conveying the […]
September 23, 2016

The Catholic Church & 1916

Press Release Friday September 23rd “I have seen & heard of the brave deeds of priests and nuns during the week and I believe they are the best friends of the workers. Now, we had better turn to Number One” – James Connolly, Easter Week, 1916 The Archbishop of Dublin, […]
September 7, 2016

Lourdes 2016 – Jubilee of Mercy

2,000 Dubliners to cross Holy Door in Lourdes Press Release – Wednesday September 7th   In a unique ceremony to mark the Jubilee year of Mercy called by Pope Francis almost 2,000 pilgrims from Dublin will process through a Holy Door of Mercy at Lourdes in France this week. The […]
August 24, 2016

Trustees of the National Seminary meet in Maynooth

Press Release – Feast of Saint Bartholomew, Apostle, Wednesday 24 August 2016 Trustees of the National Seminary meet in Saint Patrick’s College, Maynooth   Saint Patrick’s College, Maynooth, this week welcomed fourteen new seminarians to start their training for the priesthood.   The Trustees of the College met yesterday in Maynooth […]
July 25, 2016

Young Pilgrims leave for WYD in Poland

Over 300 young Dublin Pilgrims are leaving Dublin Airport today to attend the biggest Catholic Youth Festival in the world with Pope Francis. World Youth Day begins in Krakow in Poland tomorrow. Pope Francis will attend on Thursday and the event finishes with a huge open air Mass on Sunday. […]
July 15, 2016

Statement on Nice terrorist attack

DEFEND DEMOCRACY BY STRENGTHENING DEMOCRACY  Comment of Archbishop of Dublin Diarmuid Martin July 15th 2016  “The terrorist attack in Nice has been well described as an attack on democracy and the values that underpin democracy. I join with people of all faiths and walks of life in condemning such attacks […]
July 13, 2016

Archbishop appointed to Vatican Communications Board

It was announced today (13th July 2016) that Pope Francis has appointed Archbishop Diarmuid Martin of Dublin as one of 16 Members of the newly established Vatican Secretariat for Communications.  The body consists of six cardinals, seven bishops and three laypersons.  Its aim is to oversee the coordination and streamlining […]
June 20, 2016

Archbishop establishes Newman Centre for Faith & Reason

Notre Dame University to steward new Centre for Dialogue between Faith and Reason Archbishop Diarmuid Martin has announced the establishment of a new Centre for dialogue between faith and reason, between Church and society. The American Notre Dame University, one of the most distinguished Catholic Universities worldwide, will steward the […]
June 10, 2016

Ordination of Eight Deacons

Feast of Saint Kevin  ORDINATION OF EIGHT DEACONS FOR SERVICE IN THE ARCHDIOCESE OF DUBLIN  Homily notes of Most Rev. Diarmuid Martin Archbishop of Dublin Pro-Cathedral, Saturday  4th June 2016 11.00am                  One of the significant achievements of the Vatican Council’s reflection on the Church was the restoration in […]
May 24, 2016

Pope Francis confirms date and theme for World Meeting of Families

Pope Francis confirms date and theme for Ireland’s World Meeting of Families Tuesday 24 May 2016 Pope Francis has decided that the World Meeting of Families will be held in Dublin on 22 to 26 August 2018, with the theme “The Gospel of the Family: Joy for the World”.   […]
May 10, 2016

Unique 1916 Commemoration in Pro-Cathedral

Press Release – Tuesday May 10th 2016 Dublin Cathedral premiere of unique 1916 commemoration   One of the country’s most distinguished traditional musicians, Dr Charlie Lennon, has composed a new suite to commemorate the 1916 centenary.  The composition Áille na hÁille – a Terrible Beauty will have its first Dublin […]
May 5, 2016

World Communications Day

Resources for World Communications Day on Sunday 8 May 2016   Produced by the Catholic Communications Office of the Irish Catholic Bishops’ Conference     Key Themes from Pope Francis’ message for World Communications Day on the theme ‘Communication and Mercy: A Fruitful Encounter’ Some of the key points […]
May 4, 2016

Safeguarding Children & Support Services

The final tranche of reports into Safeguarding Practice in Religious Congregations have been published today. The audits were carried out by the National Board for Safeguarding Children in the Catholic Church in Ireland and are available in full on Anyone who has been affected by the detail of these […]
April 27, 2016

Pope Francis Approves John Sullivan Beatification

Press Release Wednesday 27th April 2016 Pope Francis approves the beatification of Venerable John Sullivan Archbishop Diarmuid Martin has warmly welcomed the news today that Pope Francis has approved the beatification of Venerable John Sullivan (1861-1933) Pope Francis approved the decree that authenticated a miracle attributed to Fr Sullivan at […]
April 25, 2016

Crosscare Emigrants Guide

  Press Release – Monday April 25th   New guide prepares Irish emigrants for work in Australia’s outback     Crosscare’s Migrant Project has launched printed and on-line support resources for Irish workers in Australia, involved in the lucrative Fly-In/Fly-Out sector. The leaflet was produced by Crosscare Migrant Project and is […]
April 8, 2016

Apostolic Exhortation Amoris Laetitia

Please see below the text of the Holy Father Francis which was delivered today at a press conference in Archbishop’s House in Dublin by The President of Irish Catholic Bishops’ Conference, Archbishop Eamon Martin of Armagh, and the Vice-President, Archbishop Diarmuid Martin of Dublin. to welcome the Apostolic Exhortation of Pope Francis Amoris […]
March 28, 2016

1916 Centenary Prayer of Remembrance

 CENTENARY PRAYER OF REMEMBRANCE    Lord, Merciful and Kind, I remember the men, women and children who died during 1916 and throughout the troubled journey of our island’s history. Ar dheis Dé go raibh a n-anamacha.   Look kindly I pray, on the people of Ireland from all traditions, at home […]
March 25, 2016

Priests Council Data Report 2016

<b>Priests Council Data Report 2030</b> Please see below a link to a comprehensive report complied on behalf of the Diocesan Priests Council looking at future trends for many aspects of Diocesan life and personnel numbers. The Council is making the report widely available to help with ongoing planning discussions for […]
March 1, 2016

Emmanuel 2016

  Press Release – Monday February 29th 2016   Young Voices rise up in the Helix     An extraordinary event, which sees over 2,000 teenagers enthusiastically singing religious music live on stage, gets underway in Dublin’s Helix tonight.   Students from all over Dublin will raise their voices in a […]
February 29, 2016

Dublin Priest Ordained Bishop in Vatican

Press Release – Saturday February 27th Dublin Priest Ordained Bishop in Vatican The Archbishop of Dublin, Diarmuid Martin has congratulated Bishop Paul Tighe on his episcopal ordination in the Vatican today (Saturday February 27 2016). Bishop Tighe was ordained in St. Peter’s Basilica in Rome by Cardinal Pietro Parolin, Secretary […]
February 17, 2016

“Statement from Pontifical Commission for Protection of Minors”

STATEMENT OF THE PONTIFICAL COMMISSION FOR THE PROTECTION OF MINORS Cardinal Seán O’Malley, OFM Cap., President of the Pontifical Commission for the Protection of Minors, together with all the Commission Members, issued today the following statement on the obligation to report suspected sexual abuse to civil authorities: “As Pope Francis […]
January 18, 2016

Priests Council Data Report 2030

  Priests Council Data Report 2030 Please see below a link to a comprehensive report complied on behalf of the Diocesan Priests Council looking at future trends for many aspects of Diocesan life and personnel numbers. The Council is making the report widely available to help with ongoing planning discussions […]