Dublin Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes
The Presbytery
51 Home Farm Road
Dublin 9
D09 W5W4
The services provided by the office include:
- Organising of all administration and financial controls for both of our pilgrimages.
- Processing all applications and medical assessments for all Assisted Pilgrims intending to travel.
- Liaison with the various voluntary committees who assist with the pilgrimages.
- Liaison with the Lourdes authorities, travel agents, Dublin Airport and parishes.
- Training and vetting of all volunteers.
- Co-ordinating the Associate Membership Collections in parishes across the Diocese.
- Making information, liturgies and handbooks available to individual parishes organising a pilgrimage.
- Contacts of a pastoral nature by phone or in person from former or older pilgrims.
Canon John Flaherty, Director
01 8087556
Deirdre Daly
Administrative Sectary
01 8087555
Helpers Council: helperscouncil@dublindiocese.ie