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Synod – latest updates

Thursday, October 24, 2024

Click here for the Synod 2024 Newsletter for Sunday, October 27

Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Preaching the Sunday Readings during the Synod: Click here for Reflections for the 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time (October 27), the last of a series of four texts being offered for each of the October weekends. These texts link Synodal themes with the readings of the Sundays. Those preaching at the liturgies are welcome to read the texts provided in place of a homily, or weave them into their homilies. A podcast of these reflections can be listened to here.

Click here for Synod Supports for the 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time.


Thursday, October 17, 2024

Click here for the Synod 2024 Newsletter for Sunday, October 20


Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Preaching the Sunday Readings during the Synod: Click here for Reflections for the 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time (October 20), the third of a series of four texts being offered for each of the October weekends. These texts link Synodal themes with the readings of the Sundays. Those preaching at the liturgies are welcome to read the texts provided in place of a homily, or weave them into their homilies. A podcast of these reflections can be listened to here.

Click here for Synod Supports for the 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time.


Thursday, October 10, 2024

Click here for the Synod 2024 Newsletter for Sunday, October 13


Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Preaching the Sunday Readings during the Synod: Click here for Reflections for the 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time (October 13), the second of a series of four texts being offered for each of the October weekends. These texts link Synodal themes with the readings of the Sundays. Those preaching at the liturgies are welcome to read the texts provided in place of a homily, or weave them into their homilies. A podcast of these reflections can be listened to here.

Click here for Synod Supports for the 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time.

A Second Collect is proposed for the whole month, to be used after the Collect for the day, as follows:

Holy God,
You have made us all members of the body of Christ, the people of God,
and poured into our hearts the abundant gift of your Spirit.
Today, we pray earnestly for all gathered in Rome for the Synod:
may your grace go with them
and give to all the courage
to bring faith, hope and love in abundance
to meet the challenges before us.
We make our prayer through our Lord Jesus Christ
Who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
God, for ever and ever. Amen.


Thursday, October 3, 2024

Click here for the Synod 2024 Newsletter for Sunday, October 6


Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Preaching the Sunday Readings during the Synod: Click here for Reflections for the 27th Sunday in Ordinary Time (October 6), the first of a series of four texts which will be offered for each of the October weekends. These texts link Synodal themes with the readings of the Sundays. Those preaching at the liturgies are welcome to read the texts provided in place of a homily, or weave them into their homilies. A podcast of these reflections can be listened to here.

Click here for Synod Supports for the 27th Sunday in Ordinary Time (October 6).


Monday, September 30, 2024

As the Synod begins in Rome, below are links to the Irish National Synthesis Document and the Instrumentum Laboris (Working Document) for Synod 2024.

The Irish National Synthesis Document

The Instrumentum Laboris (Working Document) 2024


Friday, September 27, 2024

I write to you on behalf of Archbishop Dermot and the Diocesan Synodal Animation Team. We are seeking your help, this time in the lead up to the Synod on Synodality Year 2, which will be held in Rome from October 2 to 27. It represents the next stage in the process of listening and discerning what God wants from us, His People, in the world of today.

The Synod so far
The Archbishop and the diocesan Synod Team wish that this moment of opportunity not be allowed slip. The first session of the Synod on Synodality last October described what a synodal Church looks like, emphasising the spirituality and principles that underpin synodality. The Instrumentum Laboris (the working document, which is available at, for the second session of the Synod, has as its focus the ‘how’ of ‘becoming a missionary synodal Church’. It will be the task of the Synod to outline how we are to become a truly missionary people.

We have been considering ways of raising consciousness of, and interest in, the gathering in Rome and helping people to have a better understanding of what is taking place. Therefore, we are asking your support as outlined below:

Following the success of last year’s initiative, a set of resources will be offered for each of the October weekends.

  • Four reflections linking Synodal themes with the Sunday readings
  • Podcasts of these reflections
  • Homily pointers – those preaching at the liturgies are welcome to weave them into their homilies
  • Prayer of the Faithful – some suggestions
  • A Second Collect – one for all four Sundays of the Synod, to be used at your discretion
  • A Newsletter

Newsletter to be distributed
The Newsletter will be prepared each week and sent to every parish on Thursday mornings. The parish is asked to have it printed off, and distributed after the weekend Masses. We suggest that those who were synod animators in your parish when the synodal journey began might take responsibility for the distribution. You may also wish to make it available on your website and social media platforms.

If you would support us in these efforts to raise consciousness and understanding of the Synod among our people, and to pray for the success of the Synod, we would be deeply grateful, and hopefully our joint efforts will benefit the people, the parishes and the diocese.

In grateful appreciation

Fr Kieran McDermott


Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Ecumenical Prayer Vigil for the Synod
Our Lady Mother of the Church, Castleknock, Dublin 15, D15 X277
Friday, October 11, 7pm

Monday, April 15, 2024

Please find at the following links two recently compiled documents:
Section 1 – Archdiocese of Dublin Consultation Synthesis – March 2024
Section 2 – Archdiocese of Dublin Testimony – March 2024 







Monday, September 18, 2023
Letter from Fr Kieran McDermott, chair of the Diocesan Synodal Steering Committee:

I write on behalf of Archbishop Farrell and the Diocesan Synodal Steering Committee, seeking your help.

The Synod on Synodality – Communion, Participation and Mission, opens in Rome on October 4th, representing the next stage in the process of listening and discerning what God wants from us His People in the world of today.

The Archbishop and our Committee are keen that this moment of opportunity be used to build on the considerable interest shown last year when almost 13,000 people of the Archdiocese participated in the initial stages of the Synodal process. We have been considering ways to raise consciousness of, and interest in the events in Rome and to help people to have a better understanding of what is occurring.

Therefore, we are asking your support with the following:

  • A letter from the Archbishop will be provided which may be read at the Masses on September 30th / October 1st.
  • A series of texts will be offered for each of the October weekends. These texts will link Synodal themes with the readings of the Sundays. Those preaching at the liturgies are welcome to read the texts provided in place of a homily, or weave them into their homilies.
  • A weekly newsletter will be prepared by our Committee and sent to every parish on Thursday of each week. The parish is asked to have it printed off, and distributed at the weekend Masses. We suggest that those who were animators in your parish last year might take responsibility for the distribution.

Thank you for supporting these efforts to raise consciousness and understanding of the Synod and to pray for its success. It is our hope that our joint efforts will benefit the people, the parishes and the Archdiocese.

In grateful appreciation

Fr Kieran McDermott


Previous documents:
Synodal Pathway Report: The Archdiocese of Dublin report
Synthesis of the Consultation in Ireland for the Diocesan Stage of the Universal Synod 2021 – 2023
Report of the Digital Synod for the Continental Stage
Instrumentum Laboris for the First Session (October 2023) and the Instrumentum Laboris FAQ


Please click here for intercessions for use at Masses on the two Sundays preceding the Synod in Rome (September 24 and October 1) as well for use on weekdays. These have been provided by the General Secretariat of the Synod in Rome.


A final blessing for use at Masses on the weekend of Sunday, October 1, provided by the General Secretariat of the Synod in Rome, can be accessed here (PDF).


Please click here to download the first of the five weekly newsletters (two-page PDF). This newsletter contains Archbishop Farrell’s letter ahead of the Synod in Rome. The Archbishop’s letter can be read at Masses this weekend. The parish is asked to print and distribute the newsletter at the weekend Masses. It is suggested that those who were animators in your parish last year might take responsibility for the distribution.

Please click here to download the second of the five weekly newsletters (two-page PDF). The parish is asked to print and distribute the newsletter at the weekend Masses. It is suggested that those who were animators in your parish last year might take responsibility for the distribution.

Please click here to download the third of the five weekly newsletters (two-page PDF). The parish is asked to print and distribute the newsletter at the weekend Masses. It is suggested that those who were animators in your parish last year might take responsibility for the distribution.


Please click here to download the fourth of the five weekly newsletters (two-page PDF). The parish is asked to print and distribute the newsletter at the weekend Masses. It is suggested that those who were animators in your parish last year might take responsibility for the distribution.

Please click here to download the fifth of the five weekly newsletters (two-page PDF). The parish is asked to print and distribute the newsletter at the weekend Masses. It is suggested that those who were animators in your parish last year might take responsibility for the distribution.

A reminder that an Ecumenical Vigil will be held in Christ Church Cathedral this Saturday, September 30, at 7pm. More information is available at

On Saturday, September 30, an ecumenical prayer vigil will take place in Rome in the presence of Pope Francis and representatives of different Churches, to unite us in praise and silence, in listening to the Word. Young people aged between 18 and 35 from across Europe, from all Church backgrounds, are invited from Friday evening to Sunday afternoon and will be welcomed for a weekend of sharing, to journey together as the people of God.

For information on the live broadcast of this vigil, visit


Further resources:


“Together” Ecumenical Prayer Vigil (YouTube video; September 30)
Homily of Pope Francis at the Ecumenical Prayer Vigil (text)

Natalie Becquart on women and the Synod
Rafael Luciani on the theology of Synodality
Synod on Synodality (Wikipedia)
Synod on Synodality (Catholic News Agency)
The Synodal Times

You can follow the  General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops on these specific social channels:
Facebook @16th Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops
Twitter: @16SynodAssembly
Instagram:  @16ordinarygs


Please find available here Reflections for the 27th Sunday in Ordinary Time (October 8), the first of a series of four texts which will be offered for each of the October weekends. These texts will link Synodal themes with the readings of the Sundays. Those preaching at the liturgies are welcome to read the texts provided in place of a homily, or weave them into their homilies.


Please find available here Reflections for the 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time (October 15), the second of a series of four texts which will be offered for each of the October weekends. These texts will link Synodal themes with the readings of the Sundays. Those preaching at the liturgies are welcome to read the texts provided in place of a homily, or weave them into their homilies.


Please find available here Reflections for the 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time (October 22), the third of a series of four texts which will be offered for each of the October weekends. These texts will link Synodal themes with the readings of the Sundays. Those preaching at the liturgies are welcome to read the texts provided in place of a homily, or weave them into their homilies.


Please find available here Reflections for the 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time (October 29), the last of a series of four texts offered for each of the October weekends. These texts link Synodal themes with the readings of the Sundays. Those preaching at the liturgies are welcome to read the text provided in place of a homily, or weave them into their homilies.


The Synod participants’ Letter to the People of God can be read here