Share Appeal | Archdiocese of Dublin

Share Appeal

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Share Sunday Appeal 2018

Dear Friends,

The parish of the future will be different.  The urgent task of our time is to try to reach out to younger generations, leading them to know Jesus Christ and understand what Jesus can mean in their lives.

I hope tomorrow’s parish will be a place of welcome for all.  In my conversations with young people, it is clear that we have to be more welcoming and attentive to the young, embracing difference and open to exploring their questions and concerns.  In addition, I hope tomorrow’s parish will be a centre of learning where all find nourishment in faith and support in friendship.  I hope that tomorrow’s parish will also be confident and outward-looking sending ‘missionary disciples’ to bring the presence of Christ into the world.

To make the parish of the future a reality, we need to constantly develop new ways of working together, sharing resources and expressing solidarity.  Share is crucial in enabling a better future for all. Your contributions to Share will ensure that we meet all our responsibilities while prioritising working together for mission.

Thanks to Share, we are able to provide support services to our parish communities in child safeguarding, education and schools, repairs to buildings, prudent financial management, human resources and training people to work in evangelisation and catechesis.

Thank you for supporting the Share collection and I appeal to you to continue to give generously to Share, the second collection, each Sunday.  Your help is invaluable in building the parish of the future.

Yours sincerely,

Diarmuid Martin
Archbishop of Dublin


The Share Newsletter is available in PDF format  below. Click on the link to access the newsletter.

Share Newsletter 2018   Share Poster 2018


Litir ‘SHARE’ – Irish translation of the Share Newsletter 2018

Tá saol difriúil i ndán don pharóiste sa todhchaí atá romhainn amach. Is é an tasc is práinní atá romhainn inniu ná teacht ar na glúnta óga, á dtreorú chun aithne a chur ar Íosa Críost agus gaol ar leith a bheith acu le Íosa Críost agus an bhaint atá ag Íosa ina saol a thuiscint.

Tá súil agam go mbeidh paróiste an todhchaí an-fháilteach roimh chách.  Sna comhráití a bhíonn agam le daoine óga tá sé soiléir go gcaithfimid bheith níos fáiltí roimh agus níos cúramaí don aosóg, ag fáiltiú roimh difríochtaí agus a bheith oscailte dá gceisteanna agus dá n-imní.  Ina theannta san tá súil agam go mbeidh paróiste an todhchaí ina hionad foghlama ina bhfaighidh siad spreagadh creidimh agus tacaíocht chairdis.  Tá súil agam go mbeidh paróiste an todhchaí muinineach agus fadbhreathnaitheach ag cur ‘deisceabail miseanacha’ ar fáil chun Íosa Críost a chur i reim sa saol.

Chun an paróiste a bheith réadúil sa saol inniu, caithfimid slite a fháil chun co-oibriú lena chéile, ag roinnt acmhainní ar a chéile, agus ag tacú  lena chéile.  Cinntíonn bailiúchán SHARE go mbeidh todhchaí níos feaarr ann do gach duine.  Cinnteoidh SHARE go mbeimid in ann aghaidh a thabhairt ar ár bhfreagrachtaí agus ag tabhairt tús áite, co-oibriú lena chéile don mhisean atá againn.

A bhuíochas do SHARE, táimid in ann seirbhísí tacaíochta a chur ar fáil do phobail ár bparóistí i réimsí ar leith mar chumhdach leanaí, oideachas agus scoileanna, athchóiriú agus deisiú foirgneamh, bainistiú airgeadais, acmhainní daonna agus traenáil daoine chun obair soiscéalaíochta agus caiticéise a chur i gcrích.

Gabhaim buíochas libh as tacaíocht a thabhairt do SHARE go leanúnach gach Domhnach agus impím oraibh bheith fial flaithiúil le do dheonachán do SHARE sa dara bailiúchán inniu.  Is mór an cúnamh é d’obair athnuachana sa pharóiste amach anseo.


Previous editions (Dublin Diocese Consolidated Parish Financial Statements)

Share Newsletter 2017   Share Poster 2017

Share Newsletter 2015   Letter from Archbishop for Share 2015

Share Newsletter 2014   Letter from Archbishop for Share 2014

Share Newsletter 2013

Share Newsletter 2012

Share Newsletter 2011

Share Newsletter 2010

Share Newsletter 2009