265 results found for: BUILDING HOPE

Building Hope with Open Hearts – Pastoral Letter of Archbishop Farrell

Building Hope with Open Hearts Pastoral Letter – Archbishop Dermot Farrell 1 September 2024 JESUS’ CONCERN IS FOR OUR HEARTS… he seeks to draw us close, heart-to-heart with him. ‘Come to me, all you who labour and are heavy burdened, and I will give you rest.’ (Mt 11:28). Jesus calls […]

Building Hope Pastoral Aids

Building Hope Pastoral Aids Please find below the Pastoral Aids that have been issued for use in your parish and partnership meetings: A. First Joint Pastoral Teams Gathering B. Towards a Partnership Council of Parishes C. Mass Scheduling in our Partnership Parishes D. Pastoral Planning Aid 2023 E. Social Justice: […]

Building Hope – 2022

Building Hope Spring Pastoral Gatherings

The PowerPoint presentation used at the four Building Hope Spring Pastoral Gatherings in March 2023 can be downloaded here as a PDF. The two short videos shown as part of the presentation can be viewed here: (The resources mentioned in the above video can be found at Partnership in Practice.) […]

Building Hope in Parish Partnership – Advent 2022

Building Hope in Parish Partnership – Advent 2022 Below is the list of Parish Partnerships shared with parishes in the first week of Advent 2022, along with the Timeline and Pastoral Aids which will be used in the next stage of Building Hope. Archbishop Farrell’s Advent Pastoral Letter can be […]

Building Hope feedback: Archbishop Farrell responds

Dear Parish Team, PPC & PFC,  Thank you once again for your engagement with the Easter 2022 initial phase of the Building Hope strategic planning process in the Archdiocese. Please find below a document from Archbishop Farrell which summarises your responses to the initial parish Building Hope engagement and offers […]

Radical Renewal: How Dublin Archdiocese is ‘Building Hope’

This article was published in the Irish Catholic newspaper on July 28, 2022. A PDF of the page can be found here. With thanks to the Irish Catholic Radical renewal: How Dublin Archdiocese is ‘Building Hope’ By Fr Gareth Byrne Unprecedented change is coming in the Archdiocese of Dublin. In April […]

Building Hope parish gathering resources

Please send all Building Hope correspondence to buildinghope@dublindiocese.ie Many thanks to everyone who participated in this week’s Building Hope Zoom meetings. Approximately 275 people from 115 parishes took part. It is great to see the momentum building. Thank you to all who participated. Training will be available again along the […]

Building Hope response form

Building Hope response form

A print-ready version (PDF) of the Building Hope response form can be downloading by clicking the image below. If you are ready to make your submission, please click on this link to the Building Hope Response Form and on the first page of the form type in the Parish Code […]

Building Hope Animator – Invitation

Click here to download a PDF of this invitation

An Invitation to Parish Partnerships Building Hope

An Invitation to Parish Partnerships Building Hope   Dear Parish Team, Chair of PPC and Chair of PFC As confirmed by the 3,000 responses to the Building Hope Task Force consultation, there is a widespread desire for renewal in our faith communities. All the signs around us indicate that, to […]

The Building Hope Prayer

The Building Hope Prayer Pilgrim God, we give you thanks and praise. You constantly journey with us even in our darkness and doubts. We seek your way of loving kindness to walk together as one family. Open our eyes to recognise you in the faces of one another, in the […]

Building Hope Principles

Building Hope: Pastoral Strategy Implementation Group

Building Hope Pastoral Strategy Implementation Group   Terms of Reference To advise the Archbishop on the development of a Pastoral Plan for the Archdiocese, having regard to the recommendations of the Building Hope Task Force and of the Sacraments Implementation Group. To ensure consistency and the greatest possible integration with […]

Building Hope Task Force Report

Building Hope Task Force Report In April, Archbishop Dermot Farrell established a Task Force called Building Hope. The Task Force was asked to assess the needs of the people of the Archdiocese emerging from Covid-19 and to work to support parish communities as they undertake a radical renewal, looking to […]

Task Force: Building Hope

      Building Hope Task Force       Archbishop Farrell has established a Task Force called Building Hope. The Task Force has been asked to begin with an assessment of the needs of the people of the Archdiocese emerging from Covid-19 and to work to support parish communities […]

Task Force: Building Hope

Building Hope Task Force Archbishop Farrell has established a Task Force called Building Hope. The Task Force has been asked to begin with an assessment of the needs of the people of the Archdiocese emerging from Covid-19 and to work to support parish communities to undertake a radical renewal, looking […]


  Archbishop Dermot Farrell has attended the first meeting of the Task Force on a Church for the Dublin Archdiocese of Tomorrow which he has established under the title, Building Hope.   The Task Force is chaired by Very Rev Monsignor Ciaran O’Carroll, Episcopal Vicar for Clergy and Administrator of […]



Living the Hope of Easter: Archbishop Dermot Farrell, Pastoral Letter, Easter 2022

    “They have taken the Lord from the tomb, and we don’t know where they have put him.” (John 20:2). Mary’s grief at the death of her Lord, is compounded by the shock of the empty tomb. Someone has taken the body of the one she loves. Like Mary Magdalene […]

Stanhope St. Convent 200th Anniversary

   STANHOPE STREET CONVENT 1819 TO 2019   Homily notes of  Most Rev. Diarmuid Martin,  Archbishop of Dublin   Church of the Holy Family Aughrim Street, 2 February 2019 “I have a fascination with the history of Dublin and today’s celebration for the 200th anniversary of the opening of Stanhope Street […]

Service of Commemoration & Hope

 National Family Support Network  SERVICE OF COMMEMORATION AND HOPE  Words of  Most Rev. Diarmuid Martin  Archbishop of Dublin   Church of Our Lady of Lourdes, Sean Mc Dermott Street 1st February 2019     “This is a parish where so many people  give their time and energy in building up this community, […]

The Church in Ireland: Signs of Hope-New Challenges

Journeying in Hope — THE CHURCH IN IRELAND – SIGNS OF HOPE – NEW CHALLENGES  Speaking notes of  Most Rev. Diarmuid Martin, Archbishop of Dublin  Saint John’s Parish, Tralee, 24th February 2015    “On Sunday last I presided at a ceremony in the Pro-Cathedral in Dublin during which I welcomed over […]

23/02/2012 Reform of the Church in Ireland: Facing the Future with Hope

    Mater Dei Spring Lecture Series 2012   REFORM OF THE CHURCH IN IRELAND:   FACING THE FUTURE WITH HOPE   Speaking Notes of   Most Rev. Diarmuid Martin   Archbishop of Dublin and Primate of Ireland   ——————   Mater Dei Institute, 23rd February 2012   Clonliffe Road […]

9/1/09 “Beyond Optimism Hope”

Presentation and Dialogue on the Book of Mgr Luigi GiussaniBEYOND OPTIMISM Speaking Notes ofMost Rev. Diarmuid MartinArchbishop of Dublin, Primate of Ireland—————-National College of Ireland, Dublin, 9th January 2009 Being a Bishop in these times can be very frustrating.  There are many challenges to face in the Church in Ireland […]

27/03/07 New Hope for Northern Ireland

Statement from Archbishop Diarmuid Martin, Archbishop of Dublin, following agreement to form Powersharing  Executive in Northern Ireland.   27th March 2007 “Yesterday’s events in Northern Ireland are certainly historic and bring to an end years of violence, hurt and misery for thousands of families there. Importantly, it marks the beginning of […]

Pastoral Strategic Planning Resource 2025–2027

Building Hope Pastoral Strategic Planning Resource 2025–2027 For Parishes and & Parish Partnerships Click here to download this 32-page PDF (6Mb)

Final Mass in Lourdes – Homily of Bishop Dempsey

Dublin Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes Final Mass Homily of Bishop Paul Dempsey I heard a story a while ago, a true story of a young man who was successful in life. He was married and had a child. One day while at work his wife phoned and asked if he […]

Feast of St Ignatius of Loyola – Homily of Archbishop Farrell

Feast of St Ignatius of Loyola Homily of Archbishop Dermot Farrell Church of St Francis Xavier, Gardiner Street Wednesday, July 31, 2024   I come here this evening to celebrate Mass on the Feast of St Ignatius of Loyola, a soldier dedicated to advancing his own glory who became, under […]

Feast of St Kevin – Homily of Archbishop Farrell

Feast of St Kevin, June 3, 2024 Homily of Archbishop Dermot Farrell St Mary’s Pro-Cathedral, Dublin “I have told you this, so that my own joy might be in you, and your joy be complete.” (John 15:11). When our faith comes to life, it is a sharing in the joy […]

Pope Francis appoints Fr Donal Roche as Auxiliary Bishop of the Archdiocese of Dublin

Pope Francis appoints Fr Donal Roche as Auxiliary Bishop of the Archdiocese of Dublin On, Tuesday, March 5, 2024, the Holy Father Pope Francis appointed Fr Donal Roche, a priest of the Archdiocese of Dublin, as Auxiliary Bishop of the Archdiocese of Dublin. Please find below an overview of the […]

Rite of Election 2024 – Homily of Fr Gareth Byrne

Rite of Election of Catechumens and Call of Candidates St Mary’s Pro-Cathedral, Dublin Sunday, February 18, 2024 Homily of Very Rev Gareth Byrne, VG For the Feast of St Brigid, the 1st of February, I was given a gift of a basket planted with miniature daffodils, almost ready to flower; […]

Diocesan Diary 2024

Diocesan Diary 2024 January Monday, January 1 Mary, Mother of God World Day of Peace. Mass in Ballyroan Saturday, January 6 Epiphany Holy Day of Obligation Thursday, January 18, to Thursday, January 25 Week of Prayer for Christian Unity Inaugural service in Our Lady Mother of the Church, Castleknock, at […]

Partnership in Practice

Examples of creative partnership practice building hope…   ‘For now, what we need is the chance to change, to make space for the new thing we need’ – Pope Francis, Let Us Dream Below are some examples of building hope / partnership in practice gathered from across the diocese. Click […]

Feast of St Kevin 2023 – Homily of Archbishop Farrell

Feast of St Kevin St Mary’s Pro-Cathedral June 3, 2023   Remembering Saint Kevin—Welcoming God’s Future To remember St Kevin is to call to mind not only the patron of our diocese, but it is to celebrate the roots of the Church in this Diocese of Dublin. Celebrating our roots […]

Chrism Mass 2023 – Homily of Archbishop Farrell

Chrism Mass St Mary’s Pro-Cathedral Thursday, 6th April 2023 Homily of Archbishop Dermot Farrell   “The spirit of the Lord has been given to me, for he has anointed me. He has sent me to bring the good news to the poor, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and to the […]

Diocesan Diary 2023

 Diocesan Diary 2023 January January 1 Sunday Mary, The Holy Mother of God World Day of Peace.  Mass to take place in St Mary’s Pro Cathedral, Marlborough Street at 11.00 a.m. January 6 Friday Epiphany Holy Day of Obligation January 18 – 25 Wednesday – Wednesday Week of Prayer for […]

St Andrew’s, Westland Row, First Sunday of Advent – homily of Archbishop Farrell

St Andrew’s Parish, Westland Row, First Sunday of Advent 2022 Homily of Archbishop Dermot Farrell “You know ‘the time’ has come: you must wake up now”—says Paul to the Romans in the reading we have just heard—“our salvation is even nearer than when we came to know Christ” (Rom 13:11). […]

The Time Has Come: Archbishop Dermot Farrell, Advent Pastoral Letter, 2022

The Time Has Come Archbishop Dermot Farrell, Advent Pastoral Letter, 2022 I am struck by the phrase from the Letter to the Romans offered to us in the First Sunday of Advent liturgy: ‘You know “the time” has come: you must wake up now; our salvation is even nearer than […]

Homily of Fr Gareth Byrne at the Grotto of Lourdes

Birthday of the Blessed Virgin Mary, 8th September, 2022, Homily at the Grotto of Massabielle, Lourdes, Fr Gareth Byrne, Vicar General and Moderator of the Dublin Diocesan Curia Micah 5: 1-4; Psalm 12; Matthew 1: 18-23 Last Saturday, 3rd September, was my niece’s 18th Birthday. I can remember that day […]

Feast of St Kevin – homily of Archbishop Dermot Farrell

Feast of St Kevin, 3rd June 2022. 10.30am, St Mary’s Pro-Cathedral Homily of Archbishop Dermot Farrell Saint Kevin (c. 498-618), was “the gospel clothed, as it were, in a body” (Alban Butler).  In honouring him as a model of living the gospel of Christ, we celebrate all the people of […]

Week of Prayer

You are warmly invited to join together in a Week of Prayer to the Holy Spirit for the renewal of the Church in Dublin from May 29 to June 6 – Ascension Sunday through Pentecost to the Feast of Mary, Mother of the Church. Your Week of Prayer resource booklet […]

Lay Ministry Collection – 14th/15th May

Lay Ministry Collection 14th/15th May   Archbishop’s invitation to contribute to Lay Ministry Collection In celebrating World Vocations Day last Sunday, we reminded ourselves to pray continuously for vocations to the priesthood, an urgent need in the Archdiocese today. An urgent need, too, is to find new ways for priests […]

Chrism Mass homily of Archbishop Dermot Farrell

Chrism Mass homily of Archbishop Dermot Farrell St Mary’s Pro-Cathedral, 13th April 2022, 7.30pm   My sisters and brothers, gathered here at this evening’s Mass, we—the people of this diocese, of this ‘church’—in our diverse roles and different stories, form the visible sign of the unity of the Church. All […]

Parish Resources, Easter 2022

Parish Resources, Easter 2022, contains a letter of introduction from Archbishop Dermot Farrell, as well as: 1. Living the Hope of Easter: Archbishop Dermot Farrell, Pastoral Letter, Easter 2022 2. Archdiocese of Dublin Statement of Mission 3. Building Hope: The Principles which inform our Pastoral Strategy 4. Parish Partnerships, Initial Phase: […]

Archdiocese of Dublin Statement of Mission

Statement of Mission A year after his installation, Archbishop Dermot Farrell, guided by the Building Hope Task Force Report, presents a Statement of Mission for the Dublin Archdiocese. This Statement highlights our core mission in a time of rapid change, setting out a vision for the diocese and providing values […]

Synodal Pathway

Context In his homily of the 3rd June 2021 the Archbishop reminded us of the context we find ourselves in as we are invited to embark upon a synodal pathway. This context is one of an ever-changing Church in an ever-changing world. “The Church centred around the monasteries of early […]

Homily of Archbishop Dermot Farrell for the Feast of Saint Kevin

      Homily of Archbishop Dermot Farrell for the Feast of Saint Kevin, Mass for the Metropolitan Chapter of Dublin,     3rd June 2021: St Mary’s Pro-Cathedral   I welcome members of the Metropolitan Chapter of Dublin to the annual Mass celebrated on the Feast of Saint Kevin who founded […]

Homily of Archbishop Dermot Farrell for Chrism Mass 2021

Homily of Archbishop Dermot Farrell for Chrism Mass 2021 31st March 2021 St Mary’s Pro Cathedral     I extend a warm welcome all those priests and lay faithful who are participating by webcam with us in the celebration of our Chrism Mass. “The spirit of the Lord is given […]

Diocesan Offices

Archbishop’s Office Archbishop’s House, Drumcondra Road Lower, Dublin 9, D09 H4C2 The Archbishop’s Office supports Archbishop Farrell in his daily work at the service of the Archdiocese. The Archbishop’s PA, Mary Irwin, seeks to create a welcome for all those working with and seeking to be in touch with the […]

Opening of Margaret Aylward Centre

OPENING OF THE MARGARET AYLWARD CENTRE FOR FAITH AND DIALOGUE Reflections of Archbishop Diarmuid Martin  – Holy Faith Convent, Glasnevin, 1st February 2014 “This is an extraordinary building.  It takes us all by surprise.  It is a wonderful example of contemporary creativity in building and style and yet it is surrounded […]

Archbishop Farrell – Letter to the Order of Preachers on 800th anniversary

Archbishop Dermot Farrell Letter to the Order of Preachers on the 800th anniversary of their arrival in Ireland   As the Dominicans in Ireland mark the eight hundredth anniversary, both of their arrival among us, and of the birth of Saint Thomas Aquinas, I write to reflect on the Dominican […]

Fifth anniversary of the World Meeting of Families – homily of Archbishop Farrell

Introduction and Homily to Mark the 5th Anniversary of World Meeting of Families St Mary’s Pro-Cathedral, Sunday, August 27, 2023, at 11am   Introduction to the Liturgy My brothers and sisters I welcome you to our Sunday Mass, on this day when the Liturgy (the Church) puts before us Jesus, […]

St Patrick’s Day – homily of Archbishop Dermot Farrell

St Patrick’s Day 2023: St Mary’s Pro-Cathedral 10.30am Homily of Archbishop Dermot Farrell We gather to give thanks to God for the gift of Patrick, whose preaching and ministry planted a seed that grew in the hearts of successive generations of Irish people, down to our own day. Patrick offered […]

Message of Archbishop Farrell – 10th Anniversary of the Pontificate of Pope Francis

10th Anniversary of the Pontificate of Pope Francis Today I offer my prayerful good wishes to Pope Francis as he celebrates the 10th Anniversary of his election as Pope.  I thank God for his ministry which, building on that of his predecessors, brings us face to face with the promise, […]

Homily of Archbishop Farrell at Mass for the World Day of Peace

Mass for the World Day of Peace, 1st January 2023 St Mary’s Pro-Cathedral, 11.00 am Homily of Archbishop Dermot Farrell An eol duit, a Mhuire, Cá rachair i mbliana Ag iarraidh foscaidh Do do leanbh Naofa Tráth bhfuil gach doras Dúnta ina éadan Ag fuath is uabhar An chine daonna? […]

Homily of Archbishop Farrell on the Feast of St Laurence O’Toole

Feast of St Laurence O’Toole, Patron of the Archdiocese of Dublin Monday, November 14, 2022 Homily of Archbishop Dermot Farrell at Mass in St Mary’s Pro-Cathedral In the quest to seek and find God in all things, there is always an area of uncertainty. Indeed, there must be. If a […]

Solemnity of the Assumption – Homily of Archbishop Farrell

Solemnity of the Assumption, 2022 Homily of Archbishop Dermot Farrell St Mary’s Pro-Cathedral 1 His Servant in her Lowliness Today is a day of hope. To celebrate the Assumption is to enter into the hope and the confidence God has for us: “He has looked upon his servant in her […]

Synodal Pathway report and letter from Archbishop Dermot Farrell

Feast of St Kevin, Patron, June 3, 2022 Dear Father, Deacon and members of Parish Pastoral Councils, On this, the Feast of St Kevin, I am pleased to publish Synodal Pathway: the Dublin Diocesan Report (Synthesis). Throughout the Diocese almost 13,000 people engaged in ‘spiritual conversations’ in their parishes about […]

The Principles which Inform our Pastoral Strategy

The Principles which Inform our Pastoral Strategy 1. Jesus Christ is the foundation and centre of our mission and ministry. 2. Baptism gives us our vocation as brothers and sisters of Jesus Christ respecting the different yet complementary roles of lay, consecrated and ordained people. 3. Consultation, collaboration, listening and […]

Homily of Archbishop Dermot Farrell for Celebration of the Eucharist to Mark the Day of Consecrated Life 2022

  Homily of Archbishop Dermot Farrell for Celebration of the Eucharist to Mark the Day of Consecrated Life 2022 Redemptoristine Monastery, Iona Road, 5th February 2022 Every year the Church celebrates the World Day of Consecrated Life.  It is an occasion to thank the Lord for the gift of lives […]

Homily of Archbishop Dermot Farrell at the Annual Mass for the World Day of Peace

Homily of Archbishop Dermot Farrell at the Annual Mass for the World Day of Peace Church of Our Lady of Victories, Ballymun, 1st January 2022   We gather in Ballymun in this church dedicated to our Lady of Victories, and we gather on a day that the Church dedicates to […]

Family Support Network – Church of Our Lady of Lourdes, Sean McDermott Street

Homily Notes of  Most Rev. Dermot Farrell  Archbishop of Dublin Church of Our Lady of Lourdes, Sean McDermott Street, Monday 1st March 2021   The parish of Our Lady of Lourdes knows more than most the importance of the Family Support Network.  Since the 1980s, the families of this parish […]

Lent 2021

LENT 2021   The Office for Evangelisation & Ecumenism, the Diocesan Liturgical Resource Centre and Parish Pastoral Workers to compile a list of upcoming initiatives for celebrating Lent 2021 – Use the link to find a rich number of resources for online prayer, meetings, activities and resources suitable for sharing. […]

Notices for Parish Newsletters 08/02/2021

  Parish Notices       Accord Annual Collection Accord Dublin’s Annual Collection will take place on the weekend of 13th & 14th February. We realise that it will be much more difficult for parishes to support us this year – although the demand for services is greater than ever. […]

Notices for Parish Newsletters 01/02/2021

Parish Notices      World Day for Consecrated Life – 2 February 2021 Join us for Online Service of Prayer, Music and Reflection to mark World Day for Consecrated Life. Tuesday 2nd February at 8.00 p.m. The Service of prayer will  be livestreamed from the Monastery of St. Alphonsus, Drumcondra, […]

Special Needs school announced for Crumlin

  Press Release Friday December 18, 2020   ARCHBISHOP DIARMUID MARTIN WELCOMES ESTABLISHMENT OF NEW SPECIAL SCHOOL IN SOUTH DUBLIN        Archbishop Diarmuid Martin expressed his satisfaction that he has been able to facilitate the opening of a new special school in the Crumlin area that will offer urgently […]

Mass with Dublin Accord Staff & Families

  Third Sunday of Advent 2020  MASS WITH DUBLIN ACCORD STAFF AND FAMILIES Homily notes of  Most Rev. Diarmuid Martin Archbishop of Dublin Church of Saint Joseph Terenure, 12 December 2020       Introduction We celebrate the Third Sunday of Advent.  In our Gospel reading, we encounter the figure […]

Feast of St. Laurence O’ Toole

FEAST OF SAINT LAURENCE O’TOOLE 2020  Homily notes of Most Rev. Diarmuid Martin Archbishop of Dublin Pro-Cathedral, 14th November 2020     Saint Paul reminded us in our first reading that his ministry was a ministry of service for Jesus’ sake.  He himself was simply the earthenware jar charged to […]

Homily at St. Mary’s Sunday Mass

TWENTY-FIRST SUNDAY 2020 Homily notes of Most Rev. Diarmuid Martin Archbishop of Dublin ————————————————- Saint Mary’s Church Street, 23 August 2020   “Economic consequences of pandemic may well challenge people’s mental health and their sense of personal identity and worth. Some may be tempted to give in to a pattern […]

Eid Celebrations Croke Park

 EID CELEBRATIONS 2020 AT CROKE PARK,  DUBLIN  Words of Greeting of Most Rev. Diarmuid Martin, Archbishop of Dublin Friday 31 July 2020   I am happy to have this occasion to wish the entire Muslim community in Ireland and especially those gathered here in Croke Park:  Eid Mubarak, warm wishes […]

Reflections on Covid-19 from St. Patrick’s College Maynooth

Reflections on Covid-19 from St. Patrick’s College Maynooth   Dr Gaven Kerr is a philosophy lecturer at St Patrick’s College, Maynooth   Treating People with Dignity    The British Medical Journal recently published a debate in which a professor of bioethics argued that age should be a legitimate factor in […]

Latest Update on Coronavirus Situation

FURTHER GUIDANCE ON CORONAVIRUS SITUATION   4 June 2020   Diocesan Retreat:  The main Diocesan Retreat was to begin at Tulfarris Hotel on Sunday next 7th June.  Father Brendan Purcell, who was to preach the Retreat, has prepared a short video talk on the subject he had chosen for the […]

Mass & Dedication of Wicklow Parish Centre

    Seventh Sunday of the Year 2020 MASS AND DEDICATION OF NEW PARISH CENTRE   Homily Notes of Most Rev. Diarmuid Martin Archbishop of Dublin   Saint Patrick’s Church, Wicklow, 23rd February 2020 “I will never forget the impression I had when I came here to Saint Patrick’s Church some […]

200th Anniversary of Milltown Church

    First Sunday of Advent 2019 TWO HUNDREDTH ANNIVERSARY OF THE CHURCH OF THE ASSUMPTION AND SAINTS COLUMBANUS AND GALL, MILLTOWN Homily Notes of  Most Rev. Diarmuid Martin Archbishop of Dublin Church of the Assumption and Saints Columbauns and Gall, 1st December 2019     “This morning, at our […]

Ardlea 50th Anniversary

GOLDEN JUBILEE MASS CHURCH OF SAINT JOHN VIANNEY, ARDLEA Homily notes of notes of Diarmuid Martin, Archbishop of Dublin Saint John Vianney, Ardlea, 15 November 2019 ”I have good reason to remember 1969, the year in which this Church was opened and dedicated to Saint John Vianney.  It was the […]

Mass for Deceased Priests

MASS FOR THE DECEASED PRIESTS 2019 Homily notes of Most Rev. Diarmuid Martin Archbishop of Dublin ——————————————– Pro-Cathedral, 9th November 2019 Once again, as we do each year in the month of November, we come together to remember those priests of this Archdiocese of Dublin or who ministered in the […]

Blessing of New Chapel at Nazareth House

BLESSING OF NEW CHAPEL AT NAZARETH HOUSE, DUBLIN  Homily Notes of   Most Rev. Diarmuid Martin, Archbishop of Dublin Nazareth House, Malahide Road, 4th November 2019     “It is a great joy for me to bless this new Chapel.  It will be a focal point in the life of the Nazareth […]

Ministry for Lector & Candidacy for Deaconate

Thirty-First Sunday 2019 ADMISSION TO MINISTRY OF LECTOR AND CANDIDACY FOR DIACONATE Homily notes of  Most Rev. Diarmuid Martin Archbishop of Dublin Church of the Holy Spirit, Ballyroan, 2 November 2019 ​“In our Gospel reading, we encounter the figure of the chief tax collectorZacchaeus, who as the reading says, “is […]

Reception of Remains of Fr. Tony Coote (RIP)

  RECEPTION OF THE REMAINS OF FATHER TONY COOTE   Homily notes of Most Rev. Diarmuid Martin  Archbishop of Dublin Church of Saint Laurence O’Toole, Kilmacud, 6pm 1st September 2019   “When one day the train arrives in that Station, I will get out onto the platform with hope and […]

Our Lady of Victories Golden Jubliee

  Feast of Corpus Christi 2019 GOLDEN JUBILEE OF THE CHURCH OF OUR LADY OF VICTORIES Ballymun Road Homily notes of  Most Rev. Diarmuid Martin Archbishop of Dublin   Church of Our Lady of Victories, 23 June 2019   We gather to celebrate the Golden Jubilee of this Church of Our […]

Holy Thursday Chrism Mass

CHRISM MASS 2019  Homily notes of  Most Rev. Diarmuid Martin,  Archbishop of Dublin ———————————————– Pro-Cathedral Dublin, 18th April 2019   “I would like first of all to take this opportunity to express our congratulations and prayers to Father Fintan Gavin as he takes on his new ministry as Bishop of […]

The Church of the Future

      175th  Anniversary of Saint Michael’s Church, Pery Square, Limerick     THE CHURCH OF THE FUTURE   Lecture notes of   Most Rev. Diarmuid Martin  Archbishop of Dublin Saint Michael’s Church of Ireland, Limerick, 19 March 2019     “I am delighted to be here to celebrate the […]

Bonnybrook Church Reopens

    First Sunday of Lent 2019   REFURBISHMENT OF THE CHURCH OF SAINT JOSEPH THE ARTISAN BONNYBROOK AND DEDICATION OF THE NEW ALTAR   Homily notes of  Most Rev. Diarmuid Martin  Archbishop of Dublin – Church of Saint Joseph the Artisan, Bonnybrook, 6pm 9 March 2019     “New […]

Papal Altar Bonnybrook Bound

Press Release Friday March 8th Altar used at Papal Mass finds a permanent home The altar used by Pope Francis when he celebrated Mass in the Phoenix Park in Dublin has found a permanent home in a North Dublin parish.  Parishioners in Bonnybrook in Dublin will be worshipping at the […]

New Future for Dublin Parishes

New future for Dublin Parishes PRESS RELEASE Thursday 6 December 2018   Archbishop Diarmuid Martin has this week announced the successful merger of three Dublin parishes into one with more expected in 2019. Over three years of local planning and consultation has resulted in the establishment of the new Parish […]

Mass for Deceased Priests

  MASS FOR DECEASED PRIESTS 2018 Homily notes of Most Rev. Diarmuid Martin Archbishop of Dublin Pro-Cathedral, 10 November 2018   “The Church is fruit of the Holy Spirit. It is interesting that in each of the great Creeds of our Christian faith, the reference to the Church comes in the section […]

Pope Francis’ speeches in Ireland

Speeches and homilies of His Holiness Pope Francis during his Apostolic Visit to Ireland

Third Sunday of Advent, Bawnogue Church

Third Sunday of Advent 2017 MASS TO CELEBRATE THE REFURBISHMENT OF THE CHURCH OF THE TRANSFIGURATION, BAWNOGUE Homily notes of Most Rev. Diarmuid Martin Archbishop of Dublin —————— Church of the Transfiguration, Bawnogue, 17th December 2017 Once again in today’s Gospel we encounter the extraordinary figure of John the Baptist. […]

First Sunday of Advent

First Sunday of Advent 2017 CLOSING MASS OF THE GOLDEN JUBILEE CELEBRATIONS OF THE CHURCH OF THE HOLY SPIRIT BALLYROAN Homily Notes of Most Rev. Diarmuid Martin Archbishop of Dublin ————————————— Church of the Holy Spirit, Ballyroan, 3 December 2017 The Gospel reading of this first Sunday of Advent was […]

St. Vincent’s Fairview 160th Anniversary

 Saint Vincent’s Hospital Fairview   MASS OF THANKSGIVING FOR 160 YEARS OF CARING   Homily notes of  Most Rev. Diarmuid Martin Archbishop of Dublin Saint Vincent’s Hospital Fairview, 27th November 2017   “We come with this Mass to look back on one hundred and sixty years of caring and service to […]

Huntstown Church Reopens

  Feast of Christ the King 2017 MASS TO CELEBRATE THE REOPENING OF THE CHURCH OF THE SACRED HEART OF JESUS, HUNTSTOWN   Homily notes of  Most Rev. Diarmuid Martin, Archbishop of Dublin   Huntstown, 26th November 2017   “Today, we celebrate the Feast of Christ the King.  Kings are not all […]

World Meeting of Families at Newman Church

  CELEBRATION OF THE EUCHARIST WITH FRIENDS OF THE WORLD MEETING OF FAMILIES Homily notes of Most Rev. Diarmuid Martin Archbishop of Dublin ———————————————- Newman University Church, 22nd October 2017 We celebrate this Mass in a unique Church. It was the dream Church of Blessed John Henry Cardinal Newman, one […]

Feast of Our Lady of Aparecida

Feast of Our Lady of Aparecida MASS WITH THE BRAZILIAN CATHOLIC COMMUNITY   Homily notes of  Most Rev. Diarmuid Martin  Archbishop of Dublin ——————————————– Church of Saint Mary of the Angels, Church Street, 15th October 2017   “I am particularly happy to celebrate with the Brazilian Catholic Community in Dublin the Feast […]

Mass for New Academic Year

 MASS FOR THE BEGINNING OF THE ACADEMIC YEAR 2017 Homily notes of   Most Rev. Diarmuid Martin Archbishop of Dublin Saint Patrick’s College, DCU,  Drumcondra, Monday 25th September 2017   Introduction   “At the beginning of the new school year, we come to entrust to the Lord the work of education […]

Lourdes Pilgrimage Student Blogs

Elaine Kelty Dominican College Sion Hill The highlight for me on this day was The Youth Mass that took place in the Underground Basilica. As part of the Flag and Stewarding Team I had the opportunity to take part in the flag parade. We met in front of the accueil […]

African Chaplaincy 10th Anniversary

Twenty Second Sunday of the Year 2017 TENTH ANNIVERSARY OF THE AFRICAN CHAPLAINCY OF THE ARCHDIOCESE OF DUBLIN   Homily notes of  Most Rev. Diarmuid Martin,  Archbishop of Dublin Saint Pater’s Church, Phibsborough, 3rd September 2017   “This is an important occasion.  Congratulations are due to so many who have worked […]

Ashford Church Centenary

  100TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE CHURCH OF THE MOST HOLY ROSARY ASHFORD Homily notes of Most Rev. Diarmuid Martin Archbishop of Dublin ————————————————————— Ashford, 30th June 2017 “The Centenary of a Parish Church is a great occasion for any community. This centenary of the Church of the Most Holy Rosary […]