The Lord has always called people to share his mission of service of the Gospel. The call to priesthood is born out of that invitation (of Jesus), to “come, follow me and I will make you fish for people” (Matt 4:19). The one called to priestly ministry is the one whose very life is defined by that invitation, who sees their life tied up with the One who came that we “might have life, and have it in abundance” (John 10:10). Because in truth, if this is where the Lord is calling you, then all I can say is that your heart will know no greater joy than in following
Archbishop Dermot Farrell
In sharing in the Sacrament of Orders, the deacon is authorised and empowered to order, direct, focus the attention of the people on their dignity as baptised members of the Body of Christ. The deacon is called to help the people, and himself, to “judge wisely the things of earth and hold firm to the things of heaven” (Concluding Prayer, Second Sunday of Advent). The deacon continues in your life, and the lives of others, what he recognises and has experienced of Christ. The diaconal ministry is not so much a copying of the life of Jesus, as a continuation of it
Archbishop Dermot Farrell
You Are Most Welcome…
to the webpages of the Office for Vocations and Permanent Diaconate for the Archdiocese of Dublin. We hope you will find these pages informative and helpful. Trying to understand where we are being called in life is an exciting adventure. Being called to be a priest today is a calling that fulfils the deepest desires in the human heart to both serve the Lord and our brothers and sisters. It takes time and courage to discern a vocation to priesthood. Understanding where God is calling you is about unearthing a treasure that the Lord has placed in your heart. You don’t have to be on your own as you discern a vocation to priesthood. We are here to help you.
Responding to the call of Christ to be a priest is an exciting challenge today. Being a Spiritual Father and Spiritual Healer to those entrusted to your care takes courage! Being a priest today brings with it the knowledge that you are not alone, that with Christ and the love and support of the believing community you will make a profound difference in the lives of all those you come into contact with. We have only one life, if that life is lived out as a priest then it will be a life well spent!
If you have any questions or if you would like to meet with the Director of Vocations please do not hesitate to make contact. It takes courage to make that first step, so it is important to know that any contact you make will be in strict confidence and will put you under no obligation.