Latest News

November 3, 2009

1/11/09 Opening of Church of Holy Rosary Ballycragh

Feast of All Saints 2009OPENING OF THE CHURCH OF THE HOLY ROSARY, BALLYCRAGH Homily Notes ofMost Rev. Diarmuid MartinArchbishop of Dublin and Primate of Ireland———–Ballycragh, 1st November 2009 There is something very significant in celebrating the Dedication of a new church building on the Feast of All Saints.  At a […]
November 3, 2009

28/10/09 Irish Spiritan Province Foundation

Foundation Day of the Irish Spiritan Province150 YEAR OF SPIRITAN PRESENCE IN IRELAND Homily Notes ofMost Rev. Diarmuid MartinArchbishop of Dublin and Primate of Ireland———–Kimmage Manor, 28th October 2009         Over last weekend, the Irish College in Rome hosted an historical Seminar on Cardinal Paul Cullen, who was Archbishop of […]
November 3, 2009

25/10/09 Canonisation of Jeanne Jugan

MASS OF THANKSGIVING FOR THE CANONIZATION OF SAINT JEANNE JUGAN Homily Notes ofMost Rev. Diarmuid MartinArchbishop of Dublin and Primate of Ireland———–Mount Merrion, 25th October 2009 The life story of Jeanne Jugan is at the same time an ordinary story and an extraordinary one.   That story blossomed and gave birth […]
November 3, 2009

24/10/09 Feast of Jesus the Divine Master

FEAST OF JESUS, THE DIVINE MASTER Homily Notes ofMost Rev. Diarmuid MartinArchbishop of Dublin and Primate of Ireland———–Divine Master centre, Dublin, 24th October 2009 I am particularly happy to be here with you this afternoon to celebrate with the Sisters and with the friends of the community the Feast of […]
October 10, 2009

10/10/2009 Irish Kidney Association Thanksgiving Service

Irish Kidney AssociationSERVICE OF REMEMBRANCE AND THANKSGIVING Homily Notes ofMost Rev. Diarmuid MartinArchbishop of Dublin, Primate of Ireland—————- Corpus Christi Church, Drumcondra, 10th October 2009 This is a unique gathering.  It is a gathering in which people from so many backgrounds come with hidden thoughts, thoughts about loved ones who […]
October 9, 2009

9/10/2009 Solidarity the Challenge for Europe

The First Catholic Social Days for EuropeSOLIDARITY – THE CHALLENGE FOR EUROPE The concept and reality of solidarity for Europe A reflection on the basis of the Social teaching of the Church Speaking Notes ofMost Rev. Diarmuid MartinArchbishop of Dublin, Primate of Ireland—————- Gdansk, 9th October 2009 The name of […]
October 8, 2009

08/10/09 Mission Sunday

The Annual Mission Sunday collection will take place in Churches throughout Ireland on the 18th October next. The collection which takes place in Catholic Churches worldwide provides financial assistance to Young Churches and missionaries allowing them to meet the spiritual and human needs of some of the world’s poorest people. […]
October 5, 2009

29/09/09 Parish and Evangelisation

PARISH AND EVANGELIZATION Homily Notes ofMost Rev. Diarmuid MartinArchbishop of Dublin, Primate of Ireland—————- Church of the Assumption, Dalkey, 29th September 2009  I am pleased to be with this evening as you celebrate as a Parish Community the anniversary the dedication in September 1841 of this Church of the Assumption.   […]
October 5, 2009

5/10/09 Opening of Law Michaelmas Law Term

VOTIVE MASS OF THE HOLY SPIRITon the occasion of theOPENING OF MICHAELMAS LAW TERM 2009 Homily Notes ofMost Rev. Diarmuid MartinArchbishop of Dublin, Primate of Ireland—————- Saint Michan’s Church, Halston Street, 5th October 2009 We have come to invoke the Holy Spirit.  How does the Spirit work?  We see one […]
October 2, 2009

02/10/09 Day for Life 2009

The Catholic Church in Ireland celebrates Day for Life 2009 on Sunday 4 October.  The theme for this year’s Day for Life is suicide, building on 2008’s focus on mental health. On behalf of the Irish Bishops’ Conference, Bishop John Fleming, Bishop of Killala, today launched the Day for Life Pastoral […]
October 2, 2009

2/10/09 Episcopal Vicar Appointed

Archbishop Diarmuid Martin has appointed Mgr Dermot Clarke, Parish Priest of the Holy Family Parish, Aughrim Street, as Episcopal Vicar for the Pastoral Area which covers the two Inner City and Cullenswood Deaneries. He takes over as Episcopal Vicar from Bishop Fiachra O’Ceallaigh whose resignation as Auxiliary Bishop was accepted […]
September 28, 2009

27/09/09 Homes for Elderly Opened

Comments ofMost Rev. Diarmuid MartinArchbishop of Dublin, Primate of Ireland—————- Saint Benedict’s Housing for the Elderly, Malahide, 27th September 2009 The scriptures have always looked on a long life as a special blessing from God.  I believe that we can say – at least in the Western world – that […]
September 24, 2009

24/09/09 Culture Night Pro Cathedral

Young people raise their voices for homeless   Over two hundred teenagers and young adults will be singing in the Pro Cathedral in Dublin this Friday evening(25th) to raise funds for homeless services.   The event is taking place to mark culture night in Dublin where venues throughout the city will […]
September 22, 2009

22/09/09 Schools Mass Homily

Mass to mark the opening of the new school year  Homily Notes ofMost Rev. Diarmuid MartinArchbishop of Dublin, Primate of Ireland—————- Church of the Holy Redeemer, Bray, September 2009           The readings of our Mass this evening at the beginning of a new school year remind us of the […]
September 21, 2009

21/09/09 Bishop’s Statement on Lisbon

Statement of the Standing Committee of the Irish Bishops’ Conference on the   occasion of the second referendum on the Lisbon Treaty “Values Matter”   The Lisbon Treaty is of the greatest importance, not only for us here in Ireland but also for the future shape of the European project.  Although the situation […]
September 21, 2009

21/09/09 Ecumenical Prayer Tent

PRESS RELEASE  September 21st Immediate   Farmers can reap what they sow in ecumenical prayer tent Farmers attending the Ploughing Championships on Tuesday will, for the first time, be invited to leave their prayers at a stand run by the representatives of Dublin’s Catholic and Church of Ireland Dioceses. Representatives […]
September 21, 2009

18/09/09 150th Anniversary of Terenure College

150TH ANNIVERSARY OF TERENURE COLLEGE Homily Notes ofMost Rev. Diarmuid MartinArchbishop of Dublin, Primate of Ireland—————-  18th September 2009   I am genuinely happy to be here this evening as Terenure College begins the celebrations of the one hundredth and fiftieth anniversary of its foundation.  I am delighted to be […]
September 17, 2009

17/09/09 Crosscare Appeal for Help

Families looking for food from homeless centres   For the first time in its recent history, Crosscare is finding families turning up at their food centres looking for food to put on the table at home. Crosscare is the social care agency of the Archdiocese in Dublin and has been […]
September 17, 2009

17/09/09 Bishop Ó Ceallaigh Retires

Archbishop pays tribute to retiring Auxiliary Bishop The Archbishop of Dublin, Dr. Diarmuid Martin, has paid tribute to Bishop Fiachra Ó Ceallaigh whose Episcopal resignation has been accepted by His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI. Bishop Ó Ceallaigh was ordained an auxiliary bishop of the Archdiocese in 1994. Archbishop Martin said […]
September 15, 2009

15/09/09 150th Anniversary of Blackrock College

Homily Notes ofMost Rev. Diarmuid MartinArchbishop of Dublin, Primate of Ireland—————- Blackrock College 15th September 2009  We celebrate 150 years of the life of Blackrock College.  It is not easy to imagine what the world was like a century and a half ago.   Few of us can imagine what the […]
September 8, 2009

11/09/09 Closing Mass Lourdes 2009

CLOSING MASS OF THE 2009 DUBLIN DIOCESAN PILGRIMAGE TO LOURDES Homily Notes ofMost Rev. Diarmuid MartinArchbishop of Dublin, Primate of Ireland—————-September 2009 The Gospel reading at our opening Mass was the Gospel of the first message of the Angel to Mary.  It was a message which she did not fully […]
September 7, 2009

08/09/2009 Opening mass Lourdes 2009

OPENING MASS OF THE 2009  DUBLIN DIOCESAN PILGRIMAGE TO LOURDES Homily Notes ofMost Rev. Diarmuid MartinArchbishop of Dublin, Primate of Ireland—————-8th September 2009 Sixty years ago the first Dublin Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes took place.  As we look back it would be difficult to comprehend the grace which this pilgrimage […]
September 7, 2009

07/09/2009 Dublin Diocese Diamond Jubilee Pilgrimage

Press Release Monday September 7th 20092000 take part in Dublin Diocese Diamond Jubilee Pilgrimage Over 2,000 people have travelled to Lourdes to take part in the 60th Pilgrimage from the Archdiocese of Dublin which runs until Friday. The first Diocesan pilgrimage was made by boat and plane in August 1949.  At the […]
July 20, 2009

19/07/09 MacGill Summer School 2009

John Hume Lecture 2009THE IRISH ECONOMY – WHAT WENT WRONG?  HOW WILL WE FIX IT? Speaking Notes ofMost Rev. Diarmuid MartinArchbishop of Dublin and Primate of Ireland———–MacGill Summer School, 19th July 2009  I was struck by the phrase of Franklin D Roosevelt quoted by Joe Mulholland in his introduction to […]
July 5, 2009

05/07/09 Feast of St. Oliver Plunkett Homily July 5th

Fourteenth Sunday of the Year 2009FESTIVAL DAY OF SAINT OLIVER PLUNKETT Homily Notes ofMost Rev. Diarmuid MartinArchbishop of Dublin and Primate of Ireland———–Parish of Saint Peter, Drogheda, 5th July 2009         I am sure that Saint Oliver Plunkett pondered this text from Saint John’s Gospel on the Good Shepherd many […]
June 30, 2009

28/06/09 RCIA-All Hallow’s

BECOMING THE BODY OF CHRIST Speaking Notes ofMost Rev. Diarmuid MartinArchbishop of Dublin and Primate of Ireland———–All Hallows College, 28th June 2009 I am delighted to be able to speak to you at the opening of this Conference entitled Becoming the Body of Christ which takes place just as we begin […]
June 27, 2009

27/6/09 Ordinations Homily

Opening of theYear of Evangelisation in the Archdiocese of DublinORDINATIONS TO THE PRIESTHOODAndCOMMISSIONING OF LAY PASTORAL WORKERS Homily Notes ofMost Rev. Diarmuid MartinArchbishop of Dublin and Primate of Ireland———–Pro-Cathedral, 27th June 2009 The Archdiocese of Dublin is living and experiencing difficult times.  The generous efforts of many good priests, of […]
June 26, 2009

26/06/09 Ordinations and Commissioning of Lay Pastoral Workers in Dublin Diocese

Press Release  Friday the 26th June Ordinations and Commissioning of Lay Pastoral Workers in Dublin Diocese This Saturday (June 27th) three men will be ordained priests  – two for the Archdiocese of Dublin and one for the Capuchin Province of Korea, at a ceremony in St. Mary’s Pro-Cathedral in Dublin. And for the first […]
June 16, 2009

16/6/09 IPPN Address

IRISH PRIMARY PRINCIPALS NETWORK (DUBLIN)Introductory remarks ofMost Rev. Diarmuid MartinArchbishop of Dublin and Primate of Ireland———– 16th June 2009 One of the many anxieties I had returning from Geneva to become Archbishop of Dublin was my lack of preparation for working in the area of education.   I had worked in only one […]
June 15, 2009

12/06/09 Deus Caritas East book launch

Book LaunchWHO IS MY NEIGHBOUR? Remarks ofMost Rev. Diarmuid MartinArchbishop of Dublin and Primate of Ireland———–Veritas House, Dublin, 12th June 2009 There were many who expressed a certain surprise that Pope Benedict XVI chose to write his first Encyclical Letter on the love of God: Deus Caritas Est.    It seemed […]
May 20, 2009

20/5/09 Statement on Child Abuse Commission

In response to requests to comment on the publication of the report of the Commission to Inquire into Child Abuse, Archbishop Diarmuid Martin said he was mindful that short, superficial comments would be an injustice to victims He said,” Their stories of horrible abuse are, in many cases, stomach turning; […]
May 11, 2009

11/05/2009 Meeting of Religious Leaders, Brussels

Meeting of Religious Leaderswith the President of the European Commission and the President of the European Parliament Speaking Notes ofMost Rev. Diarmuid MartinArchbishop of Dublin and Primate of Ireland———–Brussels, 11th May 2009 As an Irish Church-leader, some months ago the question I would have been asked travelling around Europe was: […]
May 10, 2009

10/5/09 Statement on Safeguarding Procedures

A priest of the Archdiocese of Dublin has voluntarily stood aside from his position in a parish as a result of information giving rise to child protection concerns. This is in accordance with the Church’s Standards and Guidance document on Safeguarding children.  Standing aside is important to allow all appropriate […]
May 8, 2009

8/5/2009 Archbishop to attend EU meeting of Churchleaders

Archbishop Diarmuid Martin has been invited by Mr José Manuel Barroso,  President of the European Commission, to take part in a meeting of twenty leaders of different Churches and faiths groups at the headquarters of the European Commission in Brussels on Monday next ( 11th May.)   This gathering is the fifth […]
April 24, 2009

24/4/09 Papal Anniversary Homily

FOURTH ANNIVERSARY OF THE BEGINNING OF THE UNIVERSAL MINISTRY OFPOPE BENEDICT XVI Homily Notes ofMost Rev. Diarmuid MartinArchbishop of Dublin and Primate of Ireland———–Pro-Cathedral, 24th April 2009 Four years ago today, on 24th April 2005, Pope Benedict XVI formally began his mission as Universal Pastor of the Church. There is a […]
April 24, 2009

26/04/09 Share Sunday Letter

DIOCESAN FINANCES Year ended 30th June 2008 My dear people and priests, Every year about this time, I write to you about the diocesan fund Share, established thirty-five years ago.   This fund has been an outstanding success in assisting the development of the very many new parishes established in the […]
April 19, 2009

19/4/2009 Donnycarney Parish Mass

SECOND SUNDAY OF EASTER 2009Homily Notes ofMost Rev. Diarmuid MartinArchbishop of Dublin and Primate of Ireland———–Our Lady of Consolation, Donnycarney, 19th April 2009 In today’s Gospel we see the strong personality of the apostle Thomas.  The other disciples are overjoyed as Jesus appears to them, confirming what he had taught […]
April 11, 2009

11/4/09 Easter Vigil Homily

EASTER VIGIL 2009 Homily Notes ofMost Rev. Diarmuid MartinArchbishop of Dublin and Primate of Ireland———–Pro-Cathedral, 11th April 2009        Christianity is a religion of freedom, a religion that frees.   With the resurrection of Jesus, humankind and all creation experience an explosion of freedom. The entire history of God’s dealings with humankind, […]
April 10, 2009

10/4/09 Way of the Cross Reflections

WAY OF THE CROSS 2009  Phoenix Park Dublin   Elements for reflections ofMost Rev. Diarmuid Martin Archbishop of Dublin and Primate of Ireland Good Friday, 9th April 20089   FIRST STATION Jesus comes to one of the most solemn moments of his earthly mission.  He comes to celebrate the Passover […]
April 9, 2009

9/4/2009 Maundy Thursday Homily

Maundy Thursday Address  by Bishop Eamonn Walsh, Auxiliary Bishop of Dublin at Church of Ireland, Kilternan Parish Church The unconditional love of God for each one of us is difficult to comprehend, particularly as we mostly experience love that has unspoken conditions attached to it. Tolstoy speaks of the Russian […]
April 9, 2009

09/04/09 Chrism Mass 2009

CHRISM MASS 2009 Homily Notes ofMost Rev. Diarmuid MartinArchbishop of Dublin and Primate of Ireland————- Holy Thursday, Pro-Cathedral, 9TH April 2009   Very often, as I begin to celebrate Mass here in the Pro-Cathedral, I am distracted by the words on the poster on that column towards my left: “Dublin […]
March 16, 2009

16/03/2009 St Patrick’s Day Message

PRESS RELEASE IMMEDIATE 16th March 2009   MESSAGE OF ARCHBISHOP DIARMUID MARTIN FOR SAINT PATRICK’S DAY 2009   Church leaders in Northern Ireland have asked for prayers on Saint Patrick’s’ Day following the tragic events of the past week which cost the lives of two young soldiers and a policeman and […]
March 13, 2009

13/3/09 Aifreann Phádraig Naofa

President Mary Mc Aleese will be one of the participants at Mass to mark St. Patrick’s Day in St. Mary’s Pro Cathedral in Dublin on Tuesday 17th at 10am. The Archbishop of Dublin Diarmuid Martin will bless shamrock at the Mass, which will be celebrated in Irish. The Dublin Diocesan Music group […]
March 13, 2009

15/01/09 Vincent De Paul Christmas Collection

I would like to express my very special appreciation for the generosity shown by the people of the Archdiocese of Dublin on the occasion of the annual collection for the Society of Saint Vincent de Paul just before Christmas.   The final figures for the collection show an increase of […]
March 13, 2009

13/3/09 Together for Good Pastoral Letter

The four Church Leaders together with the Irish Council of Churches and Evangelical Alliance, asked churches this weekend to offer special prayers for “our land and our people” and encouraged people to wear a purple ribbon as sign of commitment to working together for good. Aware that people want to […]
March 3, 2009

03/03/2009 Christian Values and Irish Membership of the EU

CHRISTIAN VALUES AND IRISH MEMBERSHIP OF THE EUThe personal view of an Archbishop Speaking Notes ofMost Rev. Diarmuid MartinArchbishop of Dublin, Primate of Ireland—————-Institute of International and European Affairs, 3rd March 2009  I should tell you about two aspects of my life style that are not reflected in my CV.  […]
February 25, 2009

25/02/2009 Ash Wednesday

  Pres Release Ash Wednesday 25th February, Immediate  The Archbishop of Dublin, Dr. Diarmuid Martin has said the current concern over unacceptable behaviour in the financial world, is an example of how individual, personal behaviour which is fundamentally immoral, can lead to a seriously destructive effect on the fabric of […]
February 25, 2009

25/02/2009 Ash Wednesday,UCD

ASH WEDNESDAY 2009 Homily Notes ofMost Rev. Diarmuid MartinArchbishop of Dublin, Primate of Ireland—————-University College Dublin, 25th February 2009 IntroductionThis morning we begin the season of Lent with the ancient celebration of the imposition of Ashes. Ashes have a varied symbolism.  They symbolise death, they symbolise repentance, they symbolise a […]
February 24, 2009

24/02/2009 Statement on Safeguarding Children Report

  Press Release 24th February 2009 Immediate STATEMENT OF ARCHBISHOP DIARMUID MARTINon the occasion of the Publication of the First Annual Report of the National Board for Safeguarding Children in the Catholic Church in Ireland Archbishop Diarmuid Martin welcomes the publication today of the first Annual Report of the National Board for Safeguarding Children in […]
February 17, 2009

17/02/09 Trinity College Historical Society

Trinity College Historical SocietyEVENT IN HONOUR OF ARCHBISHOP DESMOND TUTU Speaking Notes ofMost Rev. Diarmuid MartinArchbishop of Dublin and Primate of Ireland———-Trinity College, Dublin, 17th February 2009          “That thanks are due to the Auditor for his Address”.   Thanks are indeed due to the Auditor, for his address and […]
February 8, 2009

8/2/2009 World Day of the Sick Homily

Fifth Sunday of the YearWORLD DAY OF THE SICK 2009 Homily notes ofMost Rev. Diarmuid MartinArchbishop of Dublin, Primate of Ireland———————-Our Lady, Help of Christian, Navan Road, 8th February 2009 The Gospel reading we have heard is a very interesting one.  If we look closely at it we can see […]
February 6, 2009

06/02/2009 World Day of the Sick

  Press Release February 6th Immediate  World Day of the Sick: Suicide – A Community Responds A dramatic theatre representation of stories of suicide will form a central role in events to mark World Day of the Sick in the Archdiocese of Dublin this weekend.  World Day of the Sick is celebrated […]
February 6, 2009

06/02/2009 OLCH to perform for Pope Benedict

  Dublin Diocese Choral Society to perform for Pope Benedict Press Release February 6th Immediate The Choral Society of the Archdiocese of Dublin is traveling to Rome this weekend to perform for Pope Benedict as part of the 80th anniversary celebrations of the founding of the Vatican City State. 160 people from […]
February 3, 2009

02/02/2009 Day of Prayer for Consecrated Life

DAY OF PRAYER FOR CONSECRATED LIFE 2009 Speaking Notes ofMost Rev. Diarmuid MartinArchbishop of Dublin and Primate of Ireland ———-Saint Theresa’s Church, Clarendon Street, 2nd February 2009 Just some days ago, we celebrated the 50th anniversary of the announcement by Pope John XXIII of his intention to call an Ecumenical […]
January 30, 2009

30/1/2009 Hundreds booked for Liturgy Workshops

  There is more than G.A.A. going on around Croke Park tomorrow! (Saturday) Earlier in the day over five hundred people will gather at Clonliffe College for a series of workshops on Music and Liturgy on topics such as Praying with Icons, Showing Solidarity with the Displaced and the Gospel […]
January 26, 2009

26/01/2009 Catholic Schools Week

CATHOLIC SCHOOLS WEEK 2009 Speaking Notes ofMost Rev. Diarmuid MartinArchbishop of Dublin and Primate of Ireland ———-Emmaus Conference Centre, 26th January 2009  Before you can even pose the question “What is a Catholic school”, much less answer it, you have to ask the question: “What is education about?”   An Italian […]
January 22, 2009

22/1/09 Week of Prayer for Christian Unity

  The Week of Prayer for Christian Unity  Dublin Council of Churches Inaugural Service Homily Notes of Rev Fr Kieran McDermott CPP (Dundrum)  Christ Church (Presbyterian) Rathgar – 18th January 2009 “In his hands we are one” –  Ezekiel 37:17 Introduction Just as we gather in this beautiful Church dedicated to […]
January 15, 2009

15/1/09 Church Teaching on Mutuality of the Sexes

In a recent television interview, Archbishop Diarmuid Martin was quizzed about the significance of certain phrases taken, often in isolation, from documents of the Church on homosexuality. In response the first question of the interview Archbishop Martin clearly and without hesitation replied that he fully accepted the teaching of the […]
January 9, 2009

9/1/09 “Beyond Optimism Hope”

Presentation and Dialogue on the Book of Mgr Luigi GiussaniBEYOND OPTIMISM Speaking Notes ofMost Rev. Diarmuid MartinArchbishop of Dublin, Primate of Ireland—————-National College of Ireland, Dublin, 9th January 2009 Being a Bishop in these times can be very frustrating.  There are many challenges to face in the Church in Ireland […]
January 7, 2009

06/01/2009 Festival of Peoples

Feast of the Epiphany 2009FESTIVAL OF PEOPLES Homily Notes ofMost Rev. Diarmuid MartinArchbishop of Dublin, Primate of Ireland—————-Pro-Cathedral, Dublin, 6th January 2009 Most of us will have fond memories from our own homes – in so many parts of the world – of the figures of the three wise men […]
January 2, 2009

2/1/2009 New Year Events at the Pro

People from around the world who have made Dublin their home in recent years will be central to New Year celebrations in St. Mary’s Pro Cathedral over the next week. For the first time, the Marionette puppet Theatre from Prague will present the “Christmas Story”  in the Pro Cathedral on […]
January 1, 2009

1/1/2009 World Day of Peace Homily

WORLD DAY OF PEACE 2009 Homily Notes of Most Rev. Diarmuid Martin Archbishop of Dublin and Primate of Ireland ———- Church of the Assumption, Booterstown, 1st January 2009 The words that we heard in the first reading and in the psalm express the fundamental prayer that is in each one […]
December 26, 2008

26/12/08 Unwanted Gifts Appeal

If you are still wondering what to do with the jumper that didn’t fit; the fancy soaps that aren’t needed or the DVD that you got three copies of – staff at St. Mary’s Pro Cathedral in Dublin can put your unwanted gifts to good use. For the fourth year […]
December 24, 2008

24/12/08 Homily and Christmas Message

CHRISTMAS MIDNIGHT MASS 2008 Homily notes and Message ofMost Rev. Diarmuid MartinArchbishop of Dublin, Primate of Ireland—————-Pro-Cathedral, Dublin 24th December 2008 “Do not be afraid… Today in the town of David a saviour has been born, he is Christ the Lord” The Feast of Christmas is about the birth of […]
December 23, 2008

23/12/08 Statement following the publication of the NSBCCC report into the Diocese of Cloyne

STATEMENT FOLLOWING THE PUBLICATION OF THE NSBCCC REPORT INTO THE DIOCESE OF CLOYNE Archbishop Diarmuid Martin notes that as a result of an investigation carried out by the National Board for Safeguarding Children in the Catholic Church a situation has been reached in relation to a specific diocese in which […]
December 11, 2008

11/12/08 Launch of book on Cardinal Cullen

Book Presentation PAUL CARDINAL CULLEN – PORTRAIT A PRACTICAL NATIONALISTby Dr Ciaran O’Carroll Speaking Notes ofMost Rev. Diarmuid MartinArchbishop of Dublin and Primate of Ireland ———-Holy Cross College, Clonliffe, 11th December 2008 Doctor Ciaran O’Carroll’s book contains a photograph of Cardinal Cullen, surrounded by a group of clergy, on the […]
December 11, 2008

11/12/08 Portrait of Ireland’s First Cardinal

Press Release December 11, 2008 Embargo 6pm Portrait of Ireland’s First Cardinal published by Dublin Priest A priest of the Dublin Diocese has just published a book on Ireland’s first Cardinal, Paul Cardinal Cullen. This study of one of the country’s most influential church figures draws on primary sources, not […]
December 9, 2008

9/12/08 Our Lady’s Choral Society to perform in Vatican

Pope Benedict has invited a Dublin choir to be the first ever to performHandel’s Messiah in the Vatican.   Our Lady’s Choral society, a choir of the Archdiocese of Dublin, willperform for His Holiness, Pope Benedict XVI as part of the 80th anniversaryof the founding of the Vatican City State […]
December 9, 2008

8/12/08 Archbishop’s comments on East Wall Murder

Archbishop Diarmuid Martin has expressed his solidarity with the community of the East Wall district of Dublin following the tragic murder of Mr. Aidan O’ Kane, and extended his sympathy to the O ‘Kane family. While awaiting the full results of the Garda investigation, the Archbishop noted that “the possibility that […]
December 4, 2008

04/12/08 Homily-Travelling Towards Inclusion

Parish of the Travelling People TRAVELLING TOWARDS INCLUSION Homily Notes ofMost Rev. Diarmuid MartinArchbishop of Dublin and Primate of Ireland Pro-Cathedral, 4th December 2008  The Gospel reading we have just heard belongs to series of texts in which Jesus speaks about judgement and warns the early Christian againsfalse prophets.   Today […]
December 4, 2008

04/12/08 Travellers to Play a greater Role in Dublin Parish Life

  Press Release December 4th 2008 Travellers to play greater role in Dublin Parish life   The Parish of the Travelling People (PTP) in the Archdiocese of Dublin is today launching a range of initiatives to help Travellers play a greater role in the life of their local parish. It […]
November 14, 2008

14/11/08 Homily for Feast of St.Laurence O Toole

CHECK AGAINST DELIVERY   Feast of Saint Laurence O’Toole 2008ORDINATION TO THE DIACONATE Homily Notes ofMost Rev. Diarmuid MartinArchbishop of Dublin and Primate of Ireland———–Pro-Cathedral, Dublin, 14th November 2008   Today we have the joy to celebrate the Feast of the Principal Patron of the Archdiocese of Dublin, Saint Laurence O‘Toole, […]
November 7, 2008

8/11/08 St. Vincent de Paul Society Homily

Saint Vincent de Paul Dublin Region Society DayTOUGHER TIMES – TENDER HEARTSHomily Notes ofMost Rev. Diarmuid MartinArchbishop of Dublin and Primate of Ireland———-Croke Park Conference Centre, 8th November 2008         We owe a debt of gratitude to Pope Benedict for choosing as the theme of his first Encyclical the love […]
November 7, 2008

7/11/08 Challenges and Opportunities for Ministry

Pastoral Theology Conference CHALLENGES AND OPPORTUNITIES FOR MINISTRY Speaking Notes ofMost Rev. Diarmuid MartinArchbishop of Dublin and Primate of Ireland ———-Milltown Institute, 7th November 2008 I am pleased to be here at the opening of this Conference on Pastoral Ministry which takes as its overarching theme the question asked by […]
November 7, 2008

7/11/08 Child Protection Update

It has been the practice of Archbishop Diarmuid Martin to put on the public record updates of statistics concerning allegations of child sexual abuse made against, or suspicions raised concerning, priests of the Archdiocese, or priests from Religious Congregations or other Dioceses who have worked in Dublin.   This current […]
November 6, 2008

05/11/08 Book Launch “The Vatican”

Presentation of the Book “The Vatican” by Michael Collins Speaking Notes ofMost Rev. Diarmuid MartinArchbishop of Dublin, Primate of Ireland—————-5th November 2008   As many of you know, I worked in the service of the Holy See for many years.  My CV records some of the particular tasks I was assigned […]
November 4, 2008

4/11/08 The Changing role of Religious

SOCIAL MINISTRY – THE CHANGING ROLE OF RELIGIOUS Speaking Notes ofMost Rev. Diarmuid MartinArchbishop of Dublin, Primate of Ireland Association of Bursars of Religious of Ireland Conference2008 —————-Emmaus Conference Centre, 3rd November 2008 “Being Christian is not the result of an ethical choice or a lofty idea, but the encounter […]
October 13, 2008

13/10/08 Teen Counselling Opens in Dun Laoire

Crosscare has today (Monday 13th) officially opened its full time teen counselling service in Dun Laoghaire, for teenagers and their families facing crisis.  Minister for Social and Family Affairs, Mary Hanafin performed the official opening. (2.30pm) Crosscare is the social care agency of the Dublin Diocese. The new service was […]
October 13, 2008

11/10/08 Right Of Place Homily

Homily notes for the Right of Place Remembrance MassBishop Éamonn Walsh, Auxiliary Bishop of DublinSt. Joseph’s Church, Wilton, Cork – Saturday, 11 October 2008 It is so important to learn from mistakes.  There is no point in running away or hiding in fear and shame.  All of us have to […]
October 13, 2008

13/10/2008 Synod on the Word

Intervention from the Archbishop Martin at the 12th Ordinary General Assembly of Bishops in Rome, Monday October 13, 2008 The topic for the Synod is “The Word of God in the Life and Mission of the Church.” I speak on the relationship between The Word of God and Charity.    Numerous interventions […]
October 2, 2008

2/10/08 Day for Life 2008

The Catholic Church in Ireland will mark the ‘Day for Life’ 2008 this Sunday, 5 October, at Masses throughout the country with a Pastoral Letter addressing an important aspect of health care: mental health.  The Pastoral, jointly published by the Catholic Bishops of Ireland, Scotland, England and Wales, has been […]
September 30, 2008

30/9/08 New School Year Homily

OPENING OF SCHOOL YEAR 2008—————-Church of the Holy Child, Larkhill, Whitehall, Santry,30th September 2008 We have gathered to thank God, to pray and reflect at the beginning of a new school year.  In particular I wish to express my thanks to the teachers present here for their dedication to Catholic […]
September 8, 2008

8/9/08 Homily at Opening of Lourdes Pilgrimage

OPENING OF THE 2008 DUBLIN DIOCESAN PILGRIMAGE TO LOURDESHomily Notes ofMost Rev. Diarmuid MartinArchbishop of Dublin, Primate of Ireland—————-8th September 2008 “Let us celebrate with joyful hearts the birth of the Virgin Mary, of whom was born the son of justice, Christ our Lord”.         These are the words of […]
September 8, 2008

Archbishop’s Homily at Opening of Pilgrimage

“Let us celebrate with joyful hearts the birth of the Virgin Mary, of whom was born the son of justice, Christ our Lord”.         These are the words of the Official Liturgical Entrance Antiphon for the Feast of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary which we celebrate today. Today […]
September 7, 2008

7/9/08 Largest Lourdes Pilgrimage Begins

The largest ever Pilgrimage from the Archdiocese of Dublin to Lourdes begins today, (Sunday). 2008 is the Jubilee year for Lourdes, the 150th Anniversary of the Apparitions of Our Lady to St. Bernadette in 1858. Pope Benedict XVI will visit the Shrine for three days, beginning on Friday. The first […]
August 6, 2008

07/08/08 Tsunami Fundraiser Update

PRESS RELEASE THURSDAY 7TH AUGUST 2008   Four million euro for Tsunami Victims spent Close to one million people, most of them schoolchildren have benefited from money raised in the Archdiocese of Dublin in the wake of the Tsunami disaster. Four million euro was raised in the Diocese in response […]
July 18, 2008

17/7/08 CYC PIlgrim reads at WYD Vigil Mass with Pope

Dublin student, Aisling O’Rourke will read at this Saturday’s Prayer Vigil Mass in Sydney with Pope Benedict XVI. The Mass is the culmination of World Youth Day in Australia and up to half a million people are expected to attend the event at Randwick Racecourse in Sydney. World Youth Day […]
July 10, 2008

5/7/08 Triple Ordination for Diocese

The Archbishop of Dublin, Dr. Diarmuid Martin this morning (Saturday July 5th) ordained three men to the priesthood in Dublin. They are the first to be ordained in the Diocese in two years and join over 600 other priests in the service of the Catholic people of Dublin.The ordinations are […]
July 5, 2008

5/7/08 Ordinations Homily

PRIESTHOOD ORDINATIONS 2008 Homily Notes ofMost Rev. Diarmuid MartinArchbishop of Dublin and Primate of Ireland———–Pro-Cathedral, Dublin, 5th July 2008           Let us go back a little in the Gospel of Saint John and see the context in which Jesus is speaking.  In the lines immediately just before our reading, […]
June 27, 2008

27/06/2008 Governance Challange for Future Primary School Needs, Kilmainham

GOVERNANCE CHALLENGE FOR FUTURE PRIMARY SCHOOL NEEDS Speaking Notes ofMost Rev. Diarmuid MartinArchbishop of Dublin and Primate of Ireland ———-Royal Hospital, Kilmainham, 27th June 2008 Speaking Notes ofArchbishop of Dublin and Primate of Ireland One of the first things that struck me when I became Archbishop of Dublin was just […]
June 5, 2008

05/06/08 Launch of ICJSA Document

VIOLENCE IN IRISH SOCIETY: TOWARDS AN ECOLOGY OF PEACELaunch of ICJSA Document Speaking Notes ofMost Rev. Diarmuid MartinArchbishop of Dublin and Primate of Ireland———–Catholic Youth Care, Dublin, 5th June 2008         Many – myself included – have over the past years expressed our horror on the occasion of one or […]
May 24, 2008

24/5/08 Archbishop’s Homily at Lourdes

  INTERNATIONAL MILITARY PILGRIMAGE TO LOURDES 2008 Homily Notes ofMost Rev. Diarmuid MartinArchbishop of Dublin, Primate of Ireland—————-24th May 2008         We are gathered in a privileged place at a privileged moment.  We gather at an evidently holy place.  We gather on the one hundred and fiftieth anniversary of the […]
May 19, 2008

19/05/08 New Episcopal Vicar for Evanglization appointed.

PRESS RELEASE MONDAY 19TH MAY 2008 New Episcopal Vicar for Evangelization appointed. A new Episcopal Vicar for Evangelization has been appointed in the Archdiocese of Dublin, the firstappointment of its kind in the history of the Diocese.The new Episcopal vicar is the Very Rev Fr. Ciaran O’ Carroll. He will head […]
April 27, 2008

27/4/08 Assembly of Parish Councils

GATHERING OF PARISH PASTORAL COUNCILS Speaking Notes of Most Rev. Diarmuid Martin Archbishop of Dublin and Primate of Ireland Saint Laurence O’Toole, Kilmacud, 27th April 2008   “Over the past few weeks, in this liturgical season of Easter, we have been progressively listening to readings from the Acts of the Apostles.  […]
April 25, 2008

25/04/08 Diocesan Gathering of Parish Councils

PRESS RELEASE FRIDAY APRIL 25TH Diocesan Gathering of Parish Councils Over 1,200 members of parish pastoral councils are due to attend a Diocesan gathering and celebration of the Eucharist in Kilmacud, Dublin this Sunday (April 27th). The event, one of the largest of its kind in the Diocese in recent […]
April 16, 2008

13/04/08 Launch of the Year of Vocation

LAUNCH OF THE YEAR OF VOCATION Speaking notes ofMost Rev. Diarmuid MartinArchbishop of Dublin, Primate of Ireland—————-Pro-Cathedral, Dublin, 13th April 2008         City people like myself have very little understanding of sheep and shepherding.   Our experience has probably been limited to turning a corner on a country road and suddenly […]
April 10, 2008

10/04/2008 NUI Annual Public Lecture, Maynooth

NUI Convocation Centenary Annual Public Lecture THE ROLE OF EDUCATION IN THE NEW IRELAND Speaking Notes ofMost Rev. Diarmuid MartinArchbishop of Dublin and Primate of Ireland———–Saint Patrick’s College, Maynooth, 8.00pm, 10th April 2008         For many years I lived in Rome in a German institution where life ran according to […]
April 3, 2008

03/04/08 Irish School of Ecumenics Book Launch

LAUNCH OF THE BOOK:THE IRISH SCHOOL OF ECUMENICS 1970-2007 Speaking Notes ofMost Rev. Diarmuid MartinArchbishop of Dublin and Primate of Ireland ———-Milltown Park, 3rd April 2008 The first thing that struck me in reading about the origins of the Irish School of Ecumenics was when it was founded.  We are […]
March 22, 2008

22/03/08 Easter Vigil Homily

Embargo 10pm Saturday March 22nd EASTER VIGIL 2008 Homily Notes ofMost Rev. Diarmuid MartinArchbishop of Dublin and Primate of Ireland———–Pro-Cathedral, 22rd March 2008 We celebrate this Holy Easter Night united with Christians gathered all round the world.  We celebrate with those who gather in large Cathedrals and Shrines; we celebrate […]
March 21, 2008

21/03/08 Way of the Cross Reflections

WAY OF THE CROSS 2008 through Phoenix Park Dublin Elements for reflections ofMost Rev. Diarmuid Martin Archbishop of Dublin and Primate of Ireland Good Friday, 21ST March 2008 INTRODUCTION           We set out on the Way of the Cross in this public place.  We raise the Cross high for all […]