Notices for Parish Newsletters 01/02/2021 | Archdiocese of Dublin

Notices for Parish Newsletters 01/02/2021

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Parish Notices



World Day for Consecrated Life – 2 February 2021

Join us for Online Service of Prayer, Music and Reflection to mark World Day for Consecrated Life. Tuesday 2nd February at 8.00 p.m. The Service of prayer will  be livestreamed from the Monastery of St. Alphonsus, Drumcondra, Dublin.

World Day for Consecrated Life



Accord Annual Collection

Accord Dublin’s Annual Collection will take place on the weekend of 13th & 14th February. We realise that it will be much more difficult for parishes to support us this year – although the demand for services is greater than ever. Your parishioners can donate in the following ways:

Online at where you will find a DONATE button.

By post to Accord Dublin, Holy Cross Diocesan Centre, Clonliffe Road, Dublin 3.

By bank transfer to ACCORD Dublin Catholic Marriage Care Service CLG, Bank of Ireland, 88 Lower Camden Street, Dublin 2. IBAN: IE27 BOFI 9001 1357 0742 03; BIC:BOFIIE2D.

Accord_AnnualCollection_Poster_2021AW A3



Dublin Diocesan liturgical Resource Centre

In place of our Annual Winter/Spring Seminar we invite you to join us for 3 Online Liturgy Tuesdays with presentations and chats where ideas can be shared. To book your place email  For full details please see attached flyer.

  • Tuesday 26th January – 8.00 – 8.45pm -ZOOM – How we can celebrate the season of Lent in COVID times?
  • Tuesday 2nd February 2021 00 – 8.45pm – ONLINE ( Day for Consecrated Life
  • Tuesday 9th February 2021 8.00 – 8.45pm – ZOOM – How do we reconcile in COVID time?



COVID-19 and Church-21: New survey

The Mater Dei Centre for Catholic Education, DCU invites all adult churchgoers in Ireland to take part in their new survey Covid-19 & Church-21.  It aims to gather information on how churchgoing and faith have been impacted by the pandemic and to find out more about the different online and socially-distanced services that have taken place during the varying restrictions.  Your input is much appreciated.  All adults – lay, clergy and religious, are invited to participate in this anonymous study.  For more, please see Covid-19 & Church-21 or contact



Continuous Rosary in Ireland for Peace and Charity

Continuous Rosary in Ireland for Peace and Charity,  Beginning Ash Wednesday, 17th February 2021
The idea is simple. A continuous Rosary will be offered up every minute of every day for PEACE and CHARITY in Ireland.
There needs to be a minimum of 2 parishioners per parish, one with surname beginning A-L and one with surname M-Z, who will pray the Rosary, at a set time, twelve times per year. It is however hoped that many families from each parish will be involved. Every Parish in Ireland has a date and time allocated, the same for every year. For your allocated date and time please click the link below on your diocese and then your parish.
It would be appreciated if you could get family and friends overseas involved. For those of you who may like to pray the Rosary every day, and promote it to others, please visit an initiative under the spiritual leadership of Archbishop Eamon Martin, Primate of All Ireland.

Continuous Rosary in Ireland for Peace and Charity







Five Pastoral Conversations on Zoom.  Presented by a team from the Office for Evangelisation and the Diocesan Liturgical Resource Centre. Tuesdays 16 Feb, 23 Feb, 2 Mar, 9 Mar and 16 Mar 2021 at 8.00 p.m. Full details including booking information shortly



Trocaire Lenten Campaign 2021

This year Trocaire’s Lenten Campaign will focus on exploring the Impact of Conflict on Families in South Sudan. This Lent, we learn more about the suffering of people who have lost their homes and loved ones to war, and how they are rebuilding their lives through love, friendship and solidarity. Parish resources are now available at Parishes – Resources | Trócaire (

Trocaire Parish Ad




Youth Initiatives


Faithfest Online

Faithfest is back!! Join us for an evening of games, music, workshop, chats and prayer.  Faithfest will take place 5 March from 6:30 – 8:30 online. You can register online using this link:  For more information email:




YCD Connected – Bringing Young People Together

The Young Church Dublin invite you to join our connected group for Young Adults (20’s 30’s) We meet online every Wednesday, from 8.00-9.00pm for some time of fellow, reflection on Scripture and prayer together. It provides an opportunity to connect in with other young adults in a community of faith. For more information please email:




The Young Church Dublin – Young Adult Alpha Course

The Young Church Dublin team would like to invite you to join us for our Young Adult Alpha online course which takes place on Monday’s from 7.00-8:15pm. The course will be run from the comfort of your own home over Zoom for 11 weeks until March 29th. This Alpha course with YCD is an opportunity for you to grow in your own faith. Alpha is also a wonderful opportunity for friends, family or community members to explore the Christian faith together. Taking part might even encourage you to run Alpha yourself in the future!

All participants must register by emailing your name and contact details to *Please note that numbers are limited.



Foundational Leadership Programme for Young Adults – New Course Dates January 2021

The Foundational Leadership Programme offers participants a unique opportunity to explore and develop Gospel transformational leadership Skills. This programme endeavours to provide participants with the knowledge and skills necessary to be Gospel centred transformational leaders and change agents within their own parishes, communities.  The Foundational Leadership Programme is run jointly between the Catholic and Church of Ireland Dioceses of Dublin and a team of young adult volunteers. It is uniquely placed to nurture and mission a new generation of faith leaders. Commitment will be one Saturday morning –  20 February, 20 March initially.

For more information, online registration and payment – use this link




Support Services


Irish Hospice Foundation – Living with Loss

We are now accepting bookings for the 2021 series of Workshops on Loss and Bereavement which will be delivered online via Zoom from January – June.  Details and booking process can be found on the following link Please note bookings and payment for the workshops can only be made by using the following link to Eventbrite



Aware – Support & Self Care Groups

If you, or those with whom you work wish to connect with people in relation to your mental wellbeing, please consider using the Phone In and Zoom Support & Self Care Groups, the Support Line or Support Mail, now and throughout the holiday season. These services provide support, coping skills and information – and most importantly help people who are in distress to know and feel that they are not alone in their experience.  For more information about the groups and all of our services on



COVID-19 Support Line for Older People

ALONE manage a national support line and additional supports for older people who have concerns or are facing difficulties relating to COVID-19. Professional staff are available to answer queries and give advice and reassurance where necessary. The support line is open seven days a week, 8am – 8pm, by calling 0818 222 024.