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July 22, 2006

22/06/06 Mass for Peace in the Middle East Homily

Mass for Peace in the Middle East, Homily Notes of Most Rev. Diarmuid Martin, Archbishop of Dublin and Primate of Ireland. Pro-Cathedral, 22nd July 2006 We come to answer to the appeal of Pope Benedict XVI for the entire Church to raise its voice in prayer for peace in the […]
July 21, 2006

20/07/06 Magill Summer School Address.

Talk given at the Magill Summer School, 20th July, by Dr. Diarmuid Martin, Archbishop of Dublin, titled ‘Secularisation and the Loss of Religious Identity’. A few days ago I hosted a gathering to launch a new book on the contribution of Irish missionaries to Nigeria written by Irene Lynch, the […]
July 10, 2006

9/07/06 Ordination Homily

Homily of Archbishop Martin at the ordination of Padraig O’ Sullivan, Robert Colclough and Joseph Mc Donald on Sunday in St. Mary’s Pro Cathedral “Jesus looked steadily at him and loved him”.  These are the words we have just heard in the Gospel about this striking encounter between Jesus and the rich […]
June 7, 2006

7/6/06 CORI Conference Homily

MASS FOR THE ANNUAL GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE CONFERENCE OF RELIGIOUS OF IRELAND (CORI) Homily Notes of Most Rev. Diarmuid Martin Archbishop of Dublin and Primate of Ireland ———– Rosslare Harbour,  8th June 2006 A few weeks ago I presided at a Mass for the 175th anniversary of the foundation […]
May 8, 2006

7/5/06 Mater Anniversary Mass

Fourth Sunday of Easter 2006 20TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE OPENING OF THEMATER PRIVATE HOSPITAL Homily Notes ofMost Rev. Diarmuid MartinArchbishop of Dublin and Primate of Ireland———–Pro-Cathedral, 7th May 2006 Opening Remarks             On this Fourth Sunday of Easter we come to celebrate the work on the Mater Private Hospital […]
April 24, 2006

22/04/06 Papal Anniversay Homily

SECOND SUNDAY OF EASTER 2006 Anniversary of the Inauguration of the Petrine Ministry of Pope Benedict XVI Homily Notes of Most Rev. Diarmuid Martin Archbishop of Dublin and Primate of Ireland ———– Pro-Cathedral, 22 April 2006 Perhaps the word that I have heard most from people when they speak of […]
April 15, 2006

15/4/06 Easter Vigil Homily

EASTER VIGIL 2006 Homily Notes of Most Rev. Diarmuid Martin Archbishop of Dublin and Primate of Ireland ———– Pro-Cathedral, 15th April 2006           We are gathered at this most solemn moment in the Church’s year: the holy night of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ.  We have listened to a series […]
April 14, 2006

14/4/06 Way of the Cross Reflections

WAY OF THE CROSS through Phoenix Park Dublin Elements for reflections of Most Rev. Diarmuid Martin Archbishop of Dublin and Primate of Ireland Good Friday, 14th April 2006 Words of Welcome           We come at this special hour on Good Friday afternoon to commemorate the Passion and Death of Jesus.   […]
April 13, 2006

13/4/06 Chrism Mass Homily

Homily Notes from Chrism Mass  Introduction Most Rev. Diarmuid Martin Archbishop of Dublin and Primate of Ireland Pro-Cathedral, 13th April 2006           On this morning of Holy Thursday we come together to reflect on the gift of the ministerial priesthood to the entire Church. We come together as representatives of […]
April 5, 2006

3/4/06 Social Care in changing Ireland

IN A CHANGING IRELAND HAS SOCIAL CARE PRACTICE LEFT RELIGIOUS AND SPIRITUAL VALUES BEHIND? Speaking Notes of Most Rev. Diarmuid Martin Archbishop of Dublin and Primate of Ireland ———– Dublin Institute of Technology, Mountjoy Square, 3rd April 2006         As a seminarian in Clonliffe College, I spent my summers working […]
April 1, 2006

1/4/06 Remembering Pope John Paul II

  REMEMBERING POPE JOHN PAUL II Homily Notes Most Rev. Diarmuid MartinArchbishop of Dublin and Primate of Ireland———–Pro-Cathedral, Dublin, 1st April 2006   I remember well the evening of the 1st April last year, as the news had just broken that the Pope John Paul’s health had entered into a […]
March 2, 2006

2/3/06 Common Good in an Unequal World

Conference on the Compendium of the Social Doctrine of the Church THE COMMON GOOD IN AN UNEQUAL WORLD Speaking Notes of Most Rev. Diarmuid Martin Archbishop of Dublin, Primate of Ireland —————- Croke Park Conference Centre, Dublin 2 March 2006         It has been suggested that I speak on the […]
February 27, 2006

27/2/06 Homily at Funeral Mass for Bishop Williams

EMBARGOED: 5.45P.M. 27/2/06 Solemn Funeral Mass forMOST REV. DESMOND WILLIAMS, D.D.Titular Bishop of SummaEmeritus auxiliary Bishop of Dublin  Homily Notes ofMost Rev. Diarmuid MartinArchbishop of Dublin, Primate of Ireland—————-Pro-Cathedral, Dublin, 27th February 2006         I remember on one occasion when I was back from Rome on holidays, calling to visit […]
February 22, 2006

21/2/06 The Risk Of Education

THE RISK OF EDUCATIONPresentation of the Book of Luigi Giussani Speaking Notes ofMost Rev. Diarmuid MartinArchbishop of Dublin and Primate of Ireland———–Westin Hotel, Dublin, 21st February 2006           On many occasions I have spoken about what was perhaps the greatest surprise that I experienced on my return to Dublin […]
February 20, 2006

18/2/06 Pobal Conference Address

The Twentieth Pobal Conference A HUMBLE AND LISTENING CHURCH – A Step towards Meeting Today’s Spiritual Needs Speaking Notes of Most Rev. Diarmuid Martin Archbishop of Dublin and Primate of Ireland ———– Jesuit Conference Centre Milltown Park, Dublin 6  Pobal sets out as its first aim that of increasing awareness […]
February 16, 2006

12/2/06 World Day of Sick Homily

Homily Notes ofMost Rev. Diarmuid MartinArchbishop of Dublin, Primate of Ireland—————-Church of Saint Laurence O’Toole, Kilmacud, 12 February 2006             The celebration of the World Day of the Sick has become very much an important day in the annual calendar of the Archdiocese of Dublin.  I congratulate once again […]
January 13, 2006

13/1/06″Bible Wars” – Book Launch

Presentation of Book THE BIBLE WARS IN IRELAND   Speaking Notes of Most Rev. Diarmuid Martin Archbishop of Dublin, Primate of Ireland —————- Trinity College, Dublin, 13th January 2006 I took up Irene Whelan’s book The Bible Wars in Ireland – the ‘Second Reformation’ and the Polarization of Protestant Catholic […]
January 5, 2006

5/01/06 Festival of Peoples Homily

 Epiphany Celebration FESTIVAL OF PEOPLES Homily Notes ofMost Rev. Diarmuid MartinArchbishop of Dublin, Primate of Ireland—————-Pro-Cathedral, Dublin, 5TH January 2006 6pm           We have come to a new phase in our celebration of the Mystery of Christmas, to the eve of the Feast of the Epiphany, the Feast of the revelation of […]
December 23, 2005

23/12/05 The Humility of Jesus’ Birth

 THE HUMILITY OF JESUS’ BIRTH Most Rev. Diarmuid Martin Archbishop of Dublin and Primate of Ireland We often tend to think that Jesus was born in the humility of the manger by accident, because of the fact that uncaring innkeepers were not prepared to offer even a small corner of […]
December 12, 2005

11/12/05 Tsunami Fund Update

Dublin Diocese Tsunami Collection: Update Last January we held a special collection in all the Churches in Dublin for the victims of the Tsunami in South East Asia. The collection amounted to a staggering €4,095,331.25. The money was given to Trocaire, the Catholic Development Aid Organisation, asking that it be […]
December 2, 2005

29/11/05 Gaudiem Et Spes, Mater Dei

 Vatican II – Forty Years OnGAUDIUM ET SPES: THE CHURCH IN THE MODERN WORLD Speaking Notes ofMost Rev. Diarmuid MartinArchbishop of Dublin, Primate of Ireland—————- Mater Dei Lecture Series, 29th November 2005  It is said that you will never get a committee to write a good document.  Gaudium et Spes, unlike most other […]
November 24, 2005

24/11/05 Leadership Lecture NCI

LEADERSHIP AND THE CHURCH Speaking Notes ofMost Rev. Diarmuid MartinArchbishop of Dublin and Primate of Ireland———–National College of Ireland, 24th November 2005            Three years ago it would never have entered my imagination that I would be speaking here today nor indeed that I would be here as Archbishop of Dublin.   Three […]
November 23, 2005

19/11/05 Mass for Anniversary of Frank Duff

Mass for 25th Anniversary of the Death of the Servant of God, Frank Duff Homily notes ofMost Rev. Diarmuid MartinArchbishop of Dublin Pro-Cathedral, 19th November 2004           We come together on the twenty fifth anniversary of the death of the Servant of God, Frank Duff.  We remember his life and his work.  We remember […]
November 15, 2005

14/11/05 40th Anniversary of “Nostra Aetate”

  FORTIETH ANNIVERSARY OF THE DECREE “NOSTRA AETATE” OF THE SECOND VATICAN COUNCIL Speaking Notes of Most Rev. Diarmuid Martin Archbishop of Dublin, Primate of Ireland —————- 14th November 2005 I would like to bring the formal part of our celebrations to a close by thanking all those who have […]
November 15, 2005

14/11/05 Irish Prisoners Overseas

IRISH PRISONERS OVERSEAS AND THEIR FAMILIES  Speaking Notes of Most Rev. Diarmuid Martin Archbishop of Dublin and Primate of Ireland ———– 14th November 2005 I am happy to be with you at this celebration of the Twentieth Anniversary of the Irish Commission for Prisoners Overseas, even if I come as […]
November 14, 2005

14/11/05 Ordination to Diaconate

 ORDINATION TO THE DIACONATE Homily Notes ofMost Rev. Diarmuid MartinArchbishop of Dublin and Primate of Ireland———–Pro-Cathedral, Feast of Saint Laurence O’Toole14th November 2005          Today is a very special occasion. We have come together to celebrate the Feast of Saint Laurence O’Toole, Principal Patron of the Archdiocese, and to ordain to the […]
October 11, 2005

Violence in Society: A Christian Response

A report from the Women's Forum Listening Day which took place in Holy Cross College, Clonlife in November 2004.
September 30, 2005

29/09/05 Positive Ageing Week

Homily Notes ofMost Rev. Diarmuid MartinArchbishop of Dublin and Primate of Ireland———–Pro Cathedral. 29th September 2005 Longevity is one of the characteristics of this generation, at least in the Western world.   For me longevity is a particular gift of God, which hopefully each individual can enjoy to the full and so […]
September 28, 2005

27/09/05 Master Painters Of Pakistan

Opening of Exhibition of Master Painters of Pakistan Nochtach Anama – A Nation Bares Its Soul[American College, Merrion Sqaure until October 13th] Remarks by Archbishop Diarmuid Martin (Tuesday September 27th) It gives me great pleasure to be here this evening for the opening of this Exhibition – the first exhibition of […]
September 28, 2005

27/09/05 Homily for Opening of New School Year

MASS FOR THE OPENING OF THE SCHOOL YEAR 2005/2006  Homily Notes of Most Rev. Diarmuid Martin Archbishop of Dublin and Primate of Ireland ———– Pro-Cathedral, Dublin, September 27th 2005. This is a great time to be a teacher.  I am sure that for many of you who have education and […]
September 26, 2005

26/09/05 The Future of Europe – Challenges for Faith and Values

 THE FUTURE OF EUROPEChallenges for Faith and Values  Speaking Notes ofMost Rev. Diarmuid MartinArchbishop of Dublin and Primate of Ireland———–Public Seminar, All Hallows College, Drumcondra, Dublin 26th September 2005 “If we look at Europe as a civil community, signs of hope are not lacking: when we consider these signs with […]
September 20, 2005

19/09/05 Crosscare Appeal Launch

CROSSCARE PRESS CONFERENCE Speaking Notes of Most Rev. Diarmuid Martin Archbishop of Dublin, Primate of Ireland —————- Food Centre, Portland Row, 19th September 2005 Crosscare, the social agency of the Dublin diocese, has been serving the poor and working to prevent poverty for over 60 years now.  There have been […]
September 14, 2005


OPENING OF THE 2005 DUBLIN DIOCESAN PILGRIMAGE TO LOURDES Homily Notes of Most Rev. Diarmuid Martin Archbishop of Dublin, Primate of Ireland —————- 8th September 2005  I welcome all who have joined us on the 2005 Dublin Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes.  We have come from all corners of the diocese.  […]
September 6, 2005

2/09/05 Celebration of Marriage

Homily Notes of Most Rev. Diarmuid Martin Archbishop of Dublin, Primate of Ireland —————- The Annual Mass for Celebration of Marriage Saints Mary and Peter, Arklow, 2nd September 2005 —————- First of all I think I must say congratulations, congratulations to our jubilarians, especially those who are celebrating 50 and […]
September 2, 2005

2/09/05 VMM Strategic Framework Launch

VMM STRATEGIC FRAMEWORK LAUNCH Speaking Notes of Most Rev. Diarmuid Martin Archbishop of Dublin, Primate of Ireland —————- All Hallows College, 2nd September 2005 These are very interesting and important times in the world of international development.  In the coming months, important decisions will be taken which will affect the […]
August 23, 2005

23/08/05 World Youth Day: Some reflections of Archbishop Diarmuid Martin

WORLD YOUTH DAY Some reflections of Archbishop Diarmuid Martin—————————— There are two great heroes of World Youth Day: the Pope and the young people.  Both were marvellous in Cologne. Cologne was the first World Youth Day that I really attended.  I was in Rome for World Youth Day 2000, but […]
July 19, 2005

18/07/05 Will Ireland be Christian in 2030?

WILL IRELAND BE CHRISTIAN IN 2030?  Speaking notes of Most Rev. Diarmuid Martin Archbishop of Dublin, Primate of Ireland  Patrick MacGill Summer School, Glenties, 18th July 2005  A few weeks ago I was surprised by a remark on a German television talk show by Gregor Gysi, the leader of the […]
July 11, 2005

11/07/05 Reception of the Remains of Monsignor John J. Greehy

RECEPTION OF THE REMAINS OF MONSIGNOR JOHN J. GREEHY Homily Notes ofMost Rev. Diarmuid MartinArchbishop of Dublin and Primate of Ireland———–Church of Saint Joseph, Terenure, 11th July 2005  We have come to say farewell from this earthly journey to our friend, priest and teacher Monsignor John Greehy. Those of us who were […]
June 17, 2005

17/06/05 Crosscare Website Launch & Inauguration of “Celebrating Difference”

CROSSCARE WEBSITE LAUNCH & Inauguration of “Celebrating Difference” Speaking Notes of Most Rev. Diarmuid Martin Archbishop of Dublin, Primate of Ireland —————- Saint Patrick’s College, Drumcondra, 17th June 2005 It is not so long since we launched the Crosscare Annual Report and here we are together again to launch a […]
June 14, 2005

13/06/05 Presentation of the Irish Edition of the Compendium Of The Social Doctrine Of The Church

  Presentation of the Irish Edition of the COMPENDIUM OF THE SOCIAL DOCTRINE OF THE CHURCH Speaking notes of Most Rev. Diarmuid Martin Archbishop of Dublin, Primate of Ireland —————- Saint Patrick’s College, Maynooth, 13th June 2005   I remember well my first introduction into the world of international finance.  […]
June 3, 2005

3/06/05 International Assembly of Leprosy Mission International

INTERNATIONAL ASSEMBLY OF LEPROSY MISSION INTERNATIONAL  Speaking notes of Most Rev. Diarmuid Martin Archbishop of Dublin, Primate of Ireland —————- An Grianan, Termonfechin, 3rd June  2005  I am very happy to be with you this evening for the presentation of the two Wellesley Bailey Awards to recipients from Brazil and […]
May 31, 2005

31/05/05 Wristband Launch

WRISTBAND LAUNCH Speaking Notes of Most Rev. Diarmuid Martin Archbishop of Dublin, Primate of Ireland —————- Holy Cross College, Clonliffe, 31st May 2005  Our launch today is a remarkable testament to the extraordinary event that was the last illness and death of Pope John Paul II.  One of the distinguishing […]
May 16, 2005

16/05/05 Trinity Monday

TRINITY MONDAY 2005 Service of Commemoration and Thanksgiving   Homily Notes of Most Rev. Diarmuid Martin Archbishop of Dublin and Primate of Ireland ———– Trinity College Dublin, 16th May 2005 I am grateful for this invitation to join with you on Trinity Monday, a day on which the community of […]
April 22, 2005

22/04/05 Solemn Mass of Thanksgiving on the Occasion of the Election of Pope Benedict XVI

SOLEMN MASS OF THANKSGIVING on the occasion of the election of His Holiness POPE BENEDICT XVI   Homily Notes of Most Rev. Diarmuid Martin Archbishop of Dublin, Primate of Ireland —————- Pro-Cathedral, Dublin, 22nd April 2005 We have experienced a remarkable few weeks.  Only three weeks ago we were gathered […]
April 18, 2005

18/04/05 Mass for the Election of the New Pope

MASS FOR THE ELECTION OF THE NEW POPE   Homily Notes of Most Rev. Diarmuid Martin Archbishop of Dublin and Primate of Ireland ———– Pro Cathedral, Dublin, 18th April 2005   A little over an hour ago, with the words “extra omnes” the doors of the Sistine Chapel were solemnly […]
April 6, 2005

5/04/05 Homily of Archbishop Diarmuid Martin at the Solemn Mass of remembrance for Pope John Paul II

Solemn Mass of Remembrance for His HolinessPOPE JOHN PAUL II Homily notes ofMost Rev. Diarmuid MartinArchbishop of Dublin, Primate of Ireland—————-Pro-Cathedral Dublin, 5th April 2005   Introductory Remarks  A UachtarainA ThaoisighLord MayorExcellenciesArchbishop Neil and Representative of Other Christian ChurchesMy Dear Friends We have come here today to mourn and to remember.  We […]
April 1, 2005

1/04/05 Mass for Pope John Paul II

MASS FOR POPE JOHN PAUL II Homily Notes ofMost Rev. Diarmuid MartinArchbishop of Dublin and Primate of Ireland———–Pro-Cathedral, Dublin, 1st April 2005 I am grateful to all of you who have come here to the Pro-Cathedral to pray for Pope John Paul II.  I express my appreciation to President Mary McAleese, […]
February 7, 2005

8/02/05 Let’s Live Lent

LET’S LIVE LENT Introductory comments ofMost Rev. Diarmuid MartinArchbishop of Dublin, Primate of Ireland—————-Pro-Cathedral, Dublin, 8th February 2005   We have with us this evening the Archbishop of Addis Ababa in Ethiopia Archbishop Berhaneyesus.   His presence with us is to mark the diocesan Lenten Initiative Let’s Live Lent. We all have […]
February 6, 2005

6/02/05 Homily at Mass for World Day of the Sick

WORLD DAY OF THE SICK 2005Dublin Diocesan Celebration Homily notes ofMost Rev. Diarmuid MartinArchbishop of Dublin, Primate of Ireland—————-Church of the Holy Child, Larkhill/Whitehall6th February 2005 Everywhere Jesus went during his ministry he preached the good news and he met with the sick.  Probably there is no other group so constantly […]
February 4, 2005

4/02/05 Address to Irish Primary School Principals Conference

IPPN Conference 2005 – Inspiring Professionalism SCHOOL ETHOS, MANAGEMENT AND GOVERNANCE Speaking notes ofMost Rev. Diarmuid MartinArchbishop of Dublin—————-City West Hotel, Friday 4th February, 2005 Of all the areas with which I have to deal with as Archbishop of Dublin, the one about which I feel most inadequate is that of education […]
January 17, 2005

18/01/05 Week of Prayer for Christian Unity 2005

WEEK OF PRAYER FOR CHRISTIAN UNITY 2005 Homily Notes ofMost Rev. Diarmuid MartinArchbishop of Dublin————-Saint Finian’s Lutheran Church “The foundation and presupposition of justification is in the incarnation, death and resurrection of Christ. Christ himself is our righteousness. By grace alone, in faith in Christ’s’ saving work and not because of […]
December 31, 2004

1/01/05 World Day of Peace

WORLD DAY OF PEACE 2005 Opening Greeting ofMost Rev. Diarmuid Martin Archbishop of Dublin   Church of Our Lady, Star of the Sea, Sandymount —————– I thank all of you have accepted my invitation to begin this year gathered in prayer to celebrate the World Day of Peace called by […]
December 2, 2004

2/12/04 Michael Littleton Lecture 2004: The Christian in the Public Square

R.T.E. MICHAEL LITTLETON LECTURE 2004  The Christian in the Public Square Most Rev. Diarmuid MartinArchbishop of Dublin————–R.T.E. Radio Centre, 2nd December 2004 “It is of supreme importance, especially in a pluralistic society, to work out a proper vision of the relationship between the political community and the Church, and to distinguish […]
December 1, 2004

1/12/04 De Paul Trust annual report launch – Talk of Archbishop Martin

DE PAUL TRUST Launch of the Annual Report 2003-2004Comments ofMost Rev. Diarmuid MartinArchbishop of Dublin————- Croke Park Conference Centre, 1st December 2004   The De Paul Trust is a relative newcomer to the Dublin scene but its roots, through the various branches of the Vincentian tradition, are deep.   Dublin has been […]
November 26, 2004

26/11/04 Launch of Crosscare’s Cedar Programme -Address of Archbishop Martin

LAUNCH OF CROSSCARE’S CEDAR PROGRAMME Speaking Notes of Most Rev. Diarmuid MartinArchbishop of Dublin Saint Vincent’s Centre for Deaf People26th November 2004 —————– Participation is of the essence of liturgy.   Second Vatican Council stressed the significance of the active participation of all in the liturgy as one of the major elements in the liturgical […]
November 13, 2004

14/11/04 Homily for Feast of St. Lawrence O’Toole

FEAST OF ST. LAWRENCE O’TOOLE14th November 2007 ——————– Theme:  The Good Shepherd lays down his life for his sheep. Every generation has its own conceits about its times and we are no different.  Our conceit is that we live at a time of great change and that the pace of […]
November 12, 2004

12/11/04 75th Anniversary of establishment of diplomatic relations between Ireland and the Holy See

IRELAND AND THE HOLY SEE 75th Anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations  Response ofMost Rev. Diarmuid MartinArchbishop of Dublin ——————– Pontifical Irish College, Rome 12th November 2004 We are all indebted to Professor Keogh for his presentation here this afternoon and for his original work over the years in […]
November 3, 2004

3/11/04 Talk of Archbishop Martin to The Ceifin Conference

CEIFIN CONFERENCE 2004 Imagining the Future  Imagining the Future for Organized Religion Speaking notes ofMost Rev. Diarmuid MartinArchbishop of Dublin———————West County Hotel and Conference Centre, Ennis3rd November 2004   A few weeks ago, I called a meeting at which the majority priests who work in the Archdiocese of Dublin were to […]
October 18, 2004

18/10/04 Homily of Archbishop Martin at the Mass for the opening of the Academic Year

SAINT PATRICK’S COLLEGE, DRUMCONDRA   Mass for the Opening of the Academic Year 2004 Homily ofMost Rev. Diarmuid MartinArchbishop of Dublin —————-18th October 2004   It is always a pleasure to return to Saint Patrick’s College.  I was ordained a priest in this Church in 1969.  It is one of the […]
October 16, 2004

16/10/04 Homily at Annual Interdenominational Remembrance Service of the Irish Kidney Association

Homily Notes ofMost Rev. Diarmuid MartinArchbishop of Dublin——————-Corpus Christi Church, Drumcondra16th October 2004   “God’s love is from generation to generation”. “His mercy is from generation to generation”.  This is a theme that rings out throughout the entire biblical tradition.  God’s love and mercy have accompanied the journeying of humankind […]
October 15, 2004

15/10/04 Has Religion a Role in a Technological Society?

ETHICS AND VALUES IN A DIGITAL AGE  Has Religion a Role in a Technological Society?   Reflections of   Most Rev. Diarmuid Martin   Archbishop of Dublin   In today’s world the terms ethics and values are understood in different ways by different people.  To a lesser degree the same […]
October 4, 2004

4/10/04 Homily on the on the occasion of the commencement of the Michaelmas Law Term

THE BAR COUNCIL Votive Mass of the Holy Spiriton the occasion of the commencement of the Michaelmas Law Term Homily ofMost Rev. Diarmuid MartinArchbishop of Dublin Saint Michan’s Church, 4th October 2004   At the beginning of the Michaelmas Law Term we have come together to reflect on the Word […]
September 30, 2004

30/09/04 Address to the priests of the Diocese – Launching New Pastoral Initiatives

PARISHES WORKING TOGETHER FOR MISSION All Hallows College, Dublin, 30th September 2004 Address of Most Rev. Diarmuid Martin Archbishop of Dublin   This morning we had an interesting and useful discussion.  I thank Sister Helena O’Donoghue for the manner in which she guided our reflections.  We have looked at the […]
September 28, 2004

28/09/04 Address to the National Conference of Priests

Annual Conference of the National Conference of Priests of Ireland THE PRIEST: EVANGELIZER AND WITNESS Address of Most Rev. Diarmuid Martin Archbishop of Dublin ————– Dromantine, Co Down 28th September 2004 When we talk about the ministry of priests, our first reflection must always be on the Eucharist.   The Eucharist […]
September 23, 2004

23/09/04 Conference on Equity, Health and Healthcare

CONFERENCE ON EQUITY, HEALTH AND HEALTHCARE Concluding comments ofMost Rev. Diarmuid MartinArchbishop of Dublin—————Kings Inns, Dublin   Only a few days ago, I addressed the diocesan social service agency Crosscare, noting that: “One of the great political challenges, right across Europe today, is how to reconcile strong economic growth with equity. How […]
September 21, 2004

21/09/04 Mass for the Opening of the School Year 2004-2005

Homily ofMost Rev. Diarmuid MartinArchbishop of Dublin ——————- Pro-Cathedral, Dublin 21st September 2004 I am particularly happy to be present here this evening, for the first time as Archbishop of Dublin, at the Mass for the opening of the school year 2004/2005.  I greet the teachers present, the representatives of teachers’ […]
September 17, 2004

17/09/04 Launch of Crosscare’s Annual Collection

LAUNCH OF CROSSCARE’S ANNUAL COLLECTIONSaint Laurence O’Toole Day/Food Centre ————————- Address ofMost Rev. Diarmuid MARTINArchbishop of Dublin Our daily news is filled with stories about tribunals, the state of our health service, traffic chaos – stories that interest us because they affect us in our daily lives. Crosscare supports people who rarely make […]
September 8, 2004

08/09/04 Dublin Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes – Opening Homily

Dublin Diocesan Pilgrimage to LourdesOpening HomilyMost Rev. Diarmuid MartinArchbishop of Dublin I am particularly happy to open the 2004 Dublin Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes on the Feast of the Birthday of our Blessed Lady on this 150th anniversary of the proclamation of the Dogma of the Immaculate Conception. This is […]