04/01/07 The Festival of Peoples

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Christmas 2006 looks set to have been one of the busiest in 20 years in Dublin’s Pro Cathedral, with thousands over people attending ceremonies and visiting the Cathedral over the past few weeks.

Christmas at the Pro ends this weekend with a series of very special events.  There is also an invitation to the public to bring along any unwanted Christmas gifts that are already piling up—which will then be distributed to those who will use them. Last year hundreds of gifts were taken to children’s hospitals in South America by the crew of the LE Eithne.
The Christmas Eve Mass was one of the best attended events in the Pro in two decades. The Cathedral was packed to overflowing with worshippers – who had come to participate in the very special Christmas celebration of the Eucharist. Fr. Pat O Donoghue, said this Christmas was one of the busiest he can recall in his time there. “The new immigrant population in the city centre has undoubtedly added to the numbers attending,” said Fr. O Donoghue,”

This weekend the Pro will once again host the Festival of Peoples on the Feast of the Epiphany, Saturday 6th Jan at 11am, which is a celebration of the people and communities from all over the world that have made Dublin  their home. Those participating will include representatives of the Polish, Romanian, Brazilian, Indian, Latvian and Nigerian communities in the city.  The Mass, which will be celebrated by Archbishop Diarmuid Martin, will have a colourful blend of music and traditions from around the world, to celebrate Christ’s message among all the peoples.

Sunday 7th Jan is the Feast of the Baptism of our Lord. Thousands of people have been baptised at the Pro Cathedral, from the surrounding areas and the nearby Rotunda Hospital over the years and they are invited back on Sunday to renew their baptismal commitment at the 11am Mass.

One of the highlights of Christmas at the Pro Cathedral this year has been the presence of the Sicilian Caltagirone’s Crib. The crib – an animated recreation of the sacred and magic atmosphere of the Christmas scene in the Sicilian tradition–has already had hundreds of visitors, many of whom may not have participated in Church events for some time, and will be in the Pro Cathedral until January 28th.