The Principles which Inform our Pastoral Strategy | Archdiocese of Dublin

The Principles which Inform our Pastoral Strategy

The Principles which Inform our Pastoral Strategy

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The Principles which Inform our Pastoral Strategy

1. Jesus Christ is the foundation and centre of our mission and ministry.
2. Baptism gives us our vocation as brothers and sisters of Jesus Christ
respecting the different yet complementary roles of lay, consecrated and
ordained people.
3. Consultation, collaboration, listening and discernment lead to a culture of
dialogue, solidarity and openness.
4. Active participation of the People of God – clergy, religious and lay people,
must be facilitated. It is essential to the life, leadership and decision-making of
the Archdiocese and parishes.
5. Inclusiveness inspires the mission of the parish so that all may know the
embrace of God’s love.
6. Women’s role in the life of the Church, and the sense of marginalisation
expressed by many women, must be recognised and addressed to ensure their
full participation at both central and local levels.
7. The engagement of Young People in the life of the Church begins with
recognising their needs and appreciating their contribution. A commitment to
developing and supporting peer ministry is necessary for this engagement.
8. Shaping change on a ‘bottom up’ not ‘top down’ basis respects the
differences of context, history and capacity across the diocese. The ‘nothing
about us, without discerning with us’ is the core approach of this strategy.
9. Training, support and care for all who are involved in ministry and volunteering
across the diocese must be a priority.
10. People on the margins and disaffected are included, accompanied and
have their voices heard.
11. Care of the earth and the cry of the poor call us to an appropriate response
shown by our words and actions.
12. Diocesan resource allocation supports those parishes in greatest need.


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The Principles which Inform our Pastoral Strategy