Year of Consecrated Life | Archdiocese of Dublin

Year of Consecrated Life

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logoCL2015 is the Year for Consecrated Life & Pope Francis has encouraged all Religious to “Wake up the World”

Here in the Archdiocese of Dublin Srs. Elizabeth & Louise in the Office for Religious have collaborated on a blog keeping you up to date with news & events throughout this important year.

Called to “wake up the world” !

 As we walk the roads of the world, may religious men and women be splendid witnesses, effective proclaimers, companions and neighbours for the men and women with whom we share the pilgrimage of life  in the joys and struggles of daily living.

Standing at the crossroads of untrodden paths, may consecrated life travel onwards in exodus along the streets of history, with a faith which recognises the wisdom of weakness, a contemplative gaze of faith which sees God dwelling in our lives and an unconditional love which offers healing balm for a broken world. 

Clothed anew in the Joy of the Gospel, may the encounter  with the Risen Christ strengthen us as we inaugurate new seasons of prophecy in service to the Church, building the Kingdom of God here on earth along open horizons and avenues of hope.  Guided by the Holy Spirit, may our religious communities continue to be sacred places where the mystery of the human touches the divine mystery.

Mary, Star of the New Evangelisation, grant us a prophet’s voice to wake up the world with the Gospel of life, reawakening in the hearts of many the longing for God.  AMEN.

Prepared by the Office for Religious, Archdiocese of Dublin

~Day of Consecrated Life 2015~