Welcome for Marie Collins’ Pontifical Appointment | Archdiocese of Dublin

Welcome for Marie Collins’ Pontifical Appointment

Welcome for Marie Collins’ Pontifical Appointment

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Archbishop Diarmuid Martin has extended his warmest congratulations to Marie Collins on her appointment by Pope Francis to the Pontifical Council for the Protection of Minors. The Commission will benefit greatly from her commitment to  ensuring that the highest standards of child protection will exist in the Catholic Archbishop Martin says: “Ms Collins is a person of great integrity and determination. I am grateful to her for accepting the appointment, knowing that over the years she had many reasons to have felt frustrated and disappointment by the failings and the slowness of the Catholic Church in Ireland in addressing child safeguarding concerns. In the face of such frustrations she never gave in. Her voice has continued to be that of someone who is not afraid to speak the truth and call leadership in the Church to responsibility”. “Her contribution to the work of child protection in the Archdiocese of Dublin has been crucial and her advice and critical comment have been of invaluable help and inspiration to me personally”. ENDS