Life as a Priest | Archdiocese of Dublin
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Life as a Priest

We only have one life.  We want to know that the life that we lead will make a difference and will have a profoundly positive effect on others lives.  We want our lives to be lived with a purpose.

The life of a priest is such a life.  Whether it be celebrating the Sacraments, or bringing encouragement and hope to those he meets, priesthood truly is a calling apart.  It is fair to say that no two days in the life of a priest is the same.

Each new day brings its own unique challenges, joys and ways of bringing the gospel message alive.  Of course daily Mass and prayer must be the focal point of his life – how else would he and his community receive the strength they need to live the life that God wants for them?

The following will hopefully give you an insight into what a priest does each day.  These pages will grow as the months progress and as we add the stories of more priests lives to give you an idea of the richness and variety of priesthood today.

a priest shaking hands with a parishioner


A day in the life of…