Three roles with Archdiocese | Archdiocese of Dublin

Three roles with Archdiocese

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The Archdiocese of Dublin is currently seeking to fill three roles.
The Compliance Co-Ordinator will ensure that processes, transactions and other functions in parishes and the Diocese are carried out in a legal and ethical manner adhering to the internal policies and procedures of the Diocese.
The Faith Development Co-ordinator for Adult Faith and Pastoral Councils will accompany parishioners in the development of approaches to develop adult faith; develop new approaches to adult faith; develop resources for adult faith development and Pastoral Councils; and provide regular training and resources for adults to grow in faith, for Pastoral Councils and those in lay ministries.
The Faith Development Co-ordinator for Youth and Young Adult Ministries will develop an integrated approach to the development of youth and young adult ministries informed by the vision of Christus Vivit; develop a vision document for the Archdiocese of Dublin based on Christus Vivit and the Archdiocesan Statement of Mission; and develop a Youth Ministry Leadership catechesis programme based on new practices arising from Christus Vivit.
Full role descriptions at
Applications should be made to Closing date is Friday, October 21.