Televised Mass to mark the Final Month of Preparations for IEC2012. | Archdiocese of Dublin

Televised Mass to mark the Final Month of Preparations for IEC2012.

Televised Mass to mark the Final Month of Preparations for IEC2012.

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Televised Mass on RTE this Sunday Marking the Commencement of the Final Month of Preparations for IEC2012.

This weekend marks the beginning of the final month of preparation for the 50th International Eucharistic Congress and the Papal Nuncio, Archbishop Charles Brown, will celebrate Mass live on RTE1 Television at 12 noon on Sunday 6th May. The congregation will be made up of members and volunteers of IEC2012 Music will be provided by the Palestrina Choir under the direction of Blánaid Murphy.  Those who are sick or frail due to old age have an important place in the life of the Church and we are delighted that, through this celebration of Mass, they can be drawn into the final stage of preparations for the Congress.