Synodal Readers | Archdiocese of Dublin
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Synodal Readers

16 Synodal Readers have been tasked to collate and discern the Reports from the parishes which will inform the synodal Diocesan Report. The group are representative of laity, religious and clergy. All Synodal Readers have been assigned one of the 16 deaneries and some readers will also have responsibility for reports from the various Focus Groups. The Synodal Readers are:

Sr Éibhlis NicUaithuas
Donal Neary SJ
Deacon Michael O’Connor
Mary Kirk
Fr Michael Shortall
Kirsten Mahon
Sr Louise O’Rourke
Kieran O’Mahony OSA
Patricia Carroll
Fr Paddy Sweeney
Peter Siney
Fr Kieran McDermott
Sr Siobhan Larkin
Gerard Gallagher
Fr Martin Hogan
Dympna Mallon

Diocesan Synodal Steering Committee
28th April 2022