Statement on Mount Merrion Parish | Archdiocese of Dublin

Statement on Mount Merrion Parish

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Statement of Archbishop Diarmuid Martin regarding Mount Merrion Parish & Minister Josepha Madigan

“Comments by Minister Josepha Madigan yesterday arising from a situation that arose in the Parish of Mount Merrion at the weekend have caused parishioners in Mount Merrion and further afield considerable distress. Many have contacted my offices to express their hurt and upset at the Minister’s comments, as reported in the media.


There is no shortage of priests in the Archdiocese of Dublin for the celebration of Sunday Mass.  Due to a misunderstanding, the priest assigned to Mass in the parish of Mount Merrion on Saturday evening, failed to turn up. It is in no way correct to say that the Minister “said Mass”.


It is regrettable that that Minister Madigan used this occasion to push a particular agenda. Her expressed view that a mix up in a Dublin parish on one particular Saturday evening should lead to the Universal Church changing core teachings is bizarre.


Minister Madigan might consider listening to the voices of those people who disagree with her public comments, she might consider the hurt she has caused to parishioners who deem her actions deeply disrespectful.”  ENDS