Special Moment of Prayer for Life | Archdiocese of Dublin

Special Moment of Prayer for Life

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Archbishop’s House, Dublin D09 H4C2
11th May 2018

Special moment of Prayer for Life


I write to thank the priests of the diocese in their pastoral efforts to address the question of the protection of human life from conception to natural death.

I would suggest that every parish should hold a special moment of Prayer for Life at a time you consider appropriate on Saturday/Sunday 19/20 May, Feast of Pentecost, dedicated to the protection of life.

This could simply be a period of adoration and reflective prayer.  I will send out some background material that might be of use in animating such a ceremony.  You could announce this event over this weekend.

The following extract from my recent homily at Knock might also be of help in reflection.  I will, however, be issuing a further statement soon.

In our time, the Church and believers must always be pro-life.  The new family of Jesus, the Church, must always be a beacon of support for life at its most vulnerable moments and a beacon of support at any vulnerable moment of any woman or man along the path of life.

The Church must be pro-life when it comes to the unborn and those who are vulnerable at the end of their lives.  However, the Church must be pro-life at so many other moments in the lives of people.  Being pro-life means recalling all of us to reflect on the deeper meaning of life and to reject many of the paths of superficiality that just lead away from fulfilment.  The Church is called to be pro-life not just in words and statements and manifestoes but to be pro-life in deeds, through being a Church which reflects the loving care of Jesus especially for those who face challenges and who grapple to understand the challenges of their lives.

With prayerful good wishes,

Yours very sincerely,

+Diarmuid Martin