Diocesan & Parish Financial Reports | Archdiocese of Dublin

Diocesan & Parish Financial Reports

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Diocesan & Parish Financial Reports

 In December 2016 the Archdiocese of Dublin filed two financial reports with the Charities Regulatory Authority.


The first financial report of the “Charities of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Dublin”   comprises the financial statements of the Diocesan Offices and a number of other charitable funds administered by the diocese.  The Charity comprises the financial statements of the Diocesan Offices and a number of other charitable funds administered by the diocese. The Diocesan Offices support the 199 parishes of the Archdiocese in promoting and advancing the Catholic faith.


The second financial report is of the “Parishes of the Diocese of Dublin” The Charity comprises the financial statements of the Combined 199 Parishes, the Share Fund, the Common Fund and the Clerical Fund.  There are 199 parishes in the Diocese. The parishes are established and operate according to the provisions of the Code of Canon Law under which each parish is a canonical person. Canon Law is the name given to the regulations which  apply within the Catholic Church.  


Note re  Religious Order Parishes

There are eight parishes (listed in the report)  excluded from the Combined Parish Accounts for the 18 month accounting period ended 31 December 2015. The physical assets such as churches in these parishes are owned and managed by the relevant religious order and these orders also have their own charitable registration with the Charities Regulatory Authority. The Religious Orders will complete their own reporting for the Charities Regulatory Authority.


These financial reports reflect a change to the year-end date for Diocesan and Parish Accounts, from 30 June to 31 December.  As a result, an 18 month set of financial statements have been produced to year end 31 December 2015. 


Charities of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Dublin

Annual Financial Report

18 Month Period Ended 31 December 2015

Click here:


Parishes of the Diocese of Dublin

Annual Financial Report

18 Month Period Ended 31 December 2015

Click here: