Religious Order Sisters | Archdiocese of Dublin

Religious Order Sisters

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Blessed Sacrament

Regional: Sr. Patrick Forristal (England)
Sisters of the Blessed Sacrament.

Dublin contact:
Sr. Anna May
91 Seabury Crescent, Malahide, Co. Dublin.
Tel: 01 8451878.


Bon Secours

 Sisters of Bon Secours Ireland

Area Leader: Sr. Eileen O’Connor (Cork)

Bon Secours Leadership Office, College Road, Cork

Tel: (021) 454 3310


Carmelites (Carmelite Monasteries)

Carmelite Monasteries

St. Joseph’s, Carmelite Monastery,

Upper Kilmacud Rd, Stillorgan, Co. Dublin, A94 YY33

Prioress: Sr. Mary Brigeen Wilson

Tel: 01 2886089 / Email:

Star of the Sea, Carmelite Monastery, Seapark, Malahide, Co. Dublin, K36 P586
Sr. Rosalie Burke
Tel: 01 8454259 / Email:

Carmel of the Immaculate Conception, Roebuck, Dublin 14, D14 T1H9

Prioress: Sr. Teresa Whelan .


For orders of Altar Breads email:


Carmelite (Carmelite Sisters for Aged and Infirm)

Carmelite Sisters for Aged and Infirm.

Prioress: Sr. Maria Therese Healy, O.Carm.

Our Lady’s Manor, Bulloch Castle, Dalkey, Co. Dublin.

Tel: 01 2806993.


Cenacle (Congregation of Our Lady of the Cenacle)

Congregation of Our Lady of the Cenacle.

Provincial Superior: Sr. Veronique Sabre (France)


Charity (St. Vincent de Paul) D.C.

Daughters of Charity of St. Vincent de Paul

St. Catherine’s Provincial House, Dunardagh, Blackrock, Co. Dublin.

Provincial: Sr. Aine O’Brien DC

Tel: 01 2882669 / 2882896.


Charity (Missionaries of Charity) M.C.

 Missionaries of Charity

Superior: Sister Perpetua, M.C.

Convent: Missionaries of Charity, 223 South Circular Road, Dublin 8.

Tel: 01 4540163.


Charity (Religious Sisters of Charity) R.S.C.

 Religious Sisters of Charity

Superior General: Sr. Patricia Lenihan

Generalate: Caritas, 15 Gilford Road, Sandymount, Dublin 4, D04 X337



Charity (Sisters of Charity of St. Paul the Apostle)

 Sisters of Charity of St. Paul the Apostle

Superior General: Sr. Ann Sullivan (England)

Ireland Contact: Sr. Mary Lyons.



Christian Education

Religious of Christian Education

Provincial: Sr. Cara Nagle

Provincial House: 3 Bushy Park House, Templeogue Road, Dublin 6W.

Tel: 01 4901668 / Fax: 01 4901101.



Clarissan Missionary Sisters of the Blessed Sacrament

Acting superior:  Sr. Maureen Enibe

Our Lady of Guadalupe, Residence for Students, 28 Waltersland Rd, Stillorgan, Co. Dublin.

Tel: 01 2886600.


Columban Sisters M.S.S.C.
Missions in Asia, Britain and U.S.A.

Congregational Leader: Sr. Anne Carbon, M.S.S.C

Missionary Sisters of St. Columban.

St. Columban’s , Magheramore, Wicklow.
Area Leader (Wicklow) Sr. Anne Ryan, M.S.S.C


Cross (Daughters of the Cross of Liege)

Congregation of the Daughters of the Cross of Liege.

Superior: Sr. Anne Kelly

Daughters of the Cross, Beech Park Convent, Beechwood Court, Stillorgan, Co. Dublin.

Tel: 01 2887315 / 2887401 / Fax: 01 2881499.



Cross and Passion

Sisters of the Cross and Passion

Provincial Superior: Sr. Therese O’ Regan (resides in England)
Provincialate address: 299 Boardshaw Road, Middleton, Manchester M24 2PF, England

Tel: 0044 1616553184
Dublin contact: Sr. Máire Ní Shúilleabháin.

80 Kincora Avenue, Clontarf, Dublin 3.

Tel: 01 8337675


Daughters of the Heart of Mary

Leader: Sr. Anne Boland, St. Joseph’s, Tivoli Road, Dún Laoghaire, Co. Dublin.

Tel: 01 2804328/   Email:


Daughters of Mary and Joseph D.M.J.
Congregational Leader: Sr. Helen Lane, 65 Iona Road, Glasnevin, Dublin 9. Tel: 01 8305640.


Daughters of Wisdom D.W.

Delegation Leader: Sr. Maureen Seddon, D.W. (resides in England).

Irish Contact: Sr. Margaret Morris, D.W.

2 Greenlands, Rosses Point, Sligo, F91 A6XE or


Disciples of the Divine Master P.D.D.M.

Delegation Leader: Sr. Bríd Geraghty.

White’s Cross, Newtownpark Avenue, Blackrock, Co. Dublin.  Tel: 01 2114949.



Dominican Congregation

Congregation Prioress: Sr. Elisabeth Healy, O.P.

Generalate, 5 Westfield Road, Harold’s Cross, Dublin 6WC D93.

Tel: 01 4055570 /1 /2 /3 – Fax: 01 4055682 / Email:

Mission Area Prioress in Ireland: Sr. Marie McHugh, OP.

Mary Bellew House, Dominican Campus, Dublin D07 Y2E7.


Faithful Companions of Jesus

Area Leader: Sr. Bríd Liston (Area of Europe).

Email: Tel: 087 2414959.

Area Office: 12 Priory Walk, Whitehall Road, Dublin 12.

Tel: 00353 1 4924044 (Office) / Email:


Franciscan F.M.D.M.

Franciscan Missionaries of the Divine Motherhood

Leader: Sr. Kathleen Murphy
Address: Brackenagh, Ballinasloe, Galway H53 PC59.

Tel: 090 9644025.

Dublin Contact: No. 185 Swords Road, Whitehall, Dublin 9.

Tel: 01 857 2876.


Franciscan F.M.M.

Franciscan Missionaries of Mary

Regional Leader: Sr Laetitia Chevallier (resides in Paris, France)

Dublin Contact: Sr Mary Fitzpatrick, 97 St Lawrence Road, Clontarf, Dublin 3.  Tel: 01-8332181


Franciscan F.M.S.J.

Franciscan Missionaries of St. Joseph (Mill Hill Missionaries)

Regional Leader: Sr. Mary Butler FMSJ.

St. Joseph’s House, Mill Hill Missionaries, 50 Orwell Park, Rathgar, Dublin D06 C535

Local Community Leader: Sr. Margaret Lonergan,

St. Joseph’s, 16 Innismore, Crumlin Village, Dublin 12. Tel: 01 4563445.


Franciscan F.M.S.A.

 Franciscan Missionary Sisters for Africa
Congregational Leader: Sr. Jeanette Waters, F. M. S. A.


Generalate, 34a Gilford Road, Sandymount, Dublin 4.

Tel: 01 2838376 / Fax: 01 2602049 / Email:



Franciscan Sisters of the Immaculate Conception

St. Francis’ Convent, 97 / 99 Riverside Park, Clonshaugh, Dublin 17

Contact Person: Sr. Immaculata Owhotemu.

Tel: 01 8771778 / Email:


Franciscan Sisters

Contact: Sr. Carmel Earls, OSF
St. Francis of Philadelphia

3 St. Andrew’s Fairway, Lucan, Co. Dublin.

Tel: 01 6108756.


Handmaids of the Sacred Heart of Jesus

St. Raphaela’s, St. Raphaela’s Road,Stillorgan, Co. Dublin, A94 TP38.

Superior: Sr. Mary Corr

Tel: 01 2889963.


Holy Child S.H.C.J.
Society of the Holy Child Jesus

Provincial: Sr. Carmel Murtagh (resides in England)
Dublin contact: Sr. Eileen Crowley
1 Stable Lane, Off Harcourt Street, Dublin 2, D02 HX83

Tel: 01 4782302


Holy Faith C.H.F

Sisters of the Holy Faith

Congregational Leader: Sr. Enda Mullen, CHF

Generalate: Aylward House, Glasnevin, Dublin 11.

Tel: 01 8371426 / Email:


Holy Family Sisters

Sisters of the Holy Family of Bordeaux

Provincial: Sr. Catherine Lavery (resides in England)

Contact person for Ireland: Sr. Claire McGrath
65 Griffith Downs, Drumcondra, Dublin 9. Tel: 01 5477709.


Holy Rosary M.S.H.R.

Missionary Sisters of the Holy Rosary

 Superior General, Sr. Franca Onyibor.

23 Cross Avenue, Blackrock, Co. Dublin A94 TV27.

Tel: 01 2881708 / 9 – Fax: 01 2836308.

Regional Leader: Sr. Paula Molloy.

Regional Office, 41 Westpark, Artane, Dublin 5. Tel: 01 8510010


Holy Spirit – Daughters of the Holy Spirit

Daughters of the Holy Spirit

Contact: Sr. Ita Durnin,
9 Walnut Park, Courtlands, Drumcondra, Dublin 9. Tel: 01 8371825.


Holy Spirit

Missionary Sisters, Servants of the Holy Spirit
Contact: Sr. Joan Quirke
143 Philipsburgh Avenue, Fairview, Dublin 3. Tel: 01 8369383


Infant Jesus I.J.S.

Infant Jesus Sisters

Provincial Leader: Sr. Marie Pitcher

Provincial House, 56 St. Lawrence Road, Clontarf, Dublin 3, D03 Y5F2

Tel: 01 8338930


La Retraite Sisters L.R.

Sisters of La Retraite

Area Leader: Sr. Hilary White, L.R.

77 Grove Park, Rathmines, Dublin 6. Tel: 01 4911771.


La Sainte Union Sisters L.S.U.

 Contact for Ireland: Sr Una Burke

LSU Provincialate, 53 Croftdown Road, London, NW5 1EL, England.
Dublin address: Teallach Mhuire, 41 Broadway Road, Blanchardstown, Dublin 15, D15 AE8H

Tel: 01 8214459.


Little Company of Mary L.C.M.

Little Company of Mary Congregation

Congregational Leader: Sr. Bernadette Fitzgerald, L.C.M.

28 Trinity Crescent, Tooting Bec, London SW17 7AE, England.

Tel: +44208-682 0928 Fax: +44208-682 0552.


Province Leader: Sr. Mary Flanagan, L.C.M.

Little Company of Mary Provincialate, “Cnoc Mhuire”, 29 Woodpark, Ballinteer Avenue, Dublin 16.

Tel: 01 2987040 / Fax: 01 2961936 / Email:


Little Sisters of the Assumption L.S.A.

Co-Ordinator: Sr. Mary O’Sullivan, L.S.A

Administration Office, 42 Rathfarnham Road, Dublin 6W.

Tel: 01 4909850 / Email:


Little Sisters of the Poor L.S.P.

Provincial: Sr. Anthony Francis, L.S.P.
Resides in England: St. Peter’s Residence, 2A Meadow Road, South Lambeth, London SW8 1QH

Dublin contact: Sr. Mary Christina, L.S.P.
Little Sisters of the Poor
Sybil Hill Road, Dublin D05 XK58
Tel: 01 8332308


Loreto (IBVM)

Provincial Leader: Sr. Barbara Murphy, IBVM

Provincialate: Loreto House, Beaufort, Rathfarnham, Dublin D14 H3V2

Tel: 01 4933827 / Email:

General Leader: Sr. Noelle Corscadden, IBVM. (Resides in Rome)


Marie Auxiliatrice

Sisters of Marie Auxiliatrice
Contact: Sr. Teresa Brogan
130 Upper Glenageary Road, Dun Laoghaoire, Co. Dublin
Tel: 01 2857389

7 Florence Street, Portobello, Dublin 8. Tel: 01 4537622.


Marist S.M.

Marist Sisters

Unit Leader: Sr. Miriam McManus. Tel: 01 4972196.

Marist Leadership, 51 Kenilworth Square, Rathgar, Dublin 6.


Medical Missionaries of Mary M.M.M.

Congregational Leader: Sr. Ursula Sharpe.

Congregational Centre, Rosemount, Booterstown, Blackrock, Co. Dublin.
Tel: 01 2882722 / Fax: 01 2834626 / Email:

Area Leader for Europe: Sr. Irene Balzan.
13 Ashleigh Heights, North Road, Drogheda, Co Louth A92 RTF4
Tel: 041 9830779.


Mercy R.S.M.

Congregation of the Sisters of Mercy

Rachamim, 13/14 Moyle Park, Clondalkin, Dublin 22.

Congregational Leader: Sr. Marie Louise White

Assistant:  Sr. Anna Burke

Tel: 01 4673737 /Fax: 01 4673749. Email:



 Sisters of Nazareth

Malahide Rd, Dublin 3.

Regional Superior: Sr. Brenda McCall.

Tel: 01 8332024 / Fax: 01 8334988.

Superior: Sr. Patricia Enright. Tel: 01 8338205 or Mobile: 086 8337646.



 Sisters of Charity of Nevers
Contact Person: Sr. Rosaleen Cullen,

76 Cherrywood, Loughlinstown, Dun Laoghaire, Co. Dublin.

Email: / Tel: 086 8411466.


Notre Dame

Congregation of Notre Dame des Missions

Provincial:  Sr. Catherine Corrigan (resides in England)

Contact Person: Sr. Elizabeth Hartigan.
Convent of Notre Dame des Missions, Upper Churchtown Road, Dublin 14.
Tel: 01 2983308 / Email:


Our Lady of Apostles O.L.A.

Missionary Sisters of Our Lady of Apostles

 Provincial: Sr. Kathleen McGarvey.

70B Shelbourne Road, Dublin 4.

Tel: 01 6685796 / Email:


 Our Lady of Charity of the Good Shepherd
(also known as Good Shepherd Sisters)

Province Leader: Sister Cait O’Leary.

Province Administration

63 Lower Sean McDermott Street

Dublin 1, D01 NX93

Tel: 01 8711109


Our Lady of the Sacred Heart O.L.S.H.

Daughters of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Missionary Congregation.

O.L.S.H. Provincialate, 14 Rossmore Ave., Templeogue, Dublin 6W.

Provincial Superior: Sr. Maireád Kelleher.

Tel: 01 4903200 / Fax: 01 4903113.


Poor Clare

Poor Clare Colettine Monastery

Acting Superior: Sister Mary Patrice.

St Damian’s, Simmonscourt Road, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4.



Poor Servants P.S.M.G.

Poor Servants of the Mother of God

Generalate: Maryfield Convent, Mount Angelus Road, Roehampton, London, SW15 4JA, England.
Tel: 0044 20 8788 4351.

Regional Leader: Sr. Margaret Cashman, P.S.M.G
Regional Office, St. Mary’s Convent, Watermill Road, Raheny, Dublin 5. Tel: 01 8312413


Presentation Sisters

(S.E./Northern Province amalgamated)

Presentation Sisters, North East Province, Provincialate, Acorn Centre Warrenmount, 28 Blackpitts, Dublin 8.

Provincial Leader: Sr. Mary Hanrahan.

Tel: 01 4166010  Email:


Redemptoristines O. S.S.R.

Order of the Most Holy Redeemer

Prioress: Sr. Gabrielle Fox

Sub-Prioress: Sr. Lucy Conway

Monastery of St. Alphonsus, St. Alphonsus Road Upper, Dublin D09 HN53.


Regnum Christi, Wingfield House, Kilcroney, Co. Wicklow.
Vice-Director: Karina Mondragon

Union of Catholic Apostolate (UAC)
c/o. Pallotine Community,
Sandyford Rd, Dundrum, Dublin 16.


Religious of Jesus and Mary R.J.M.

Congregation of the Religious of Jesus and Mary

Provincial:  Sr. Marie O’Halloran
Tel: 01 2969150.
Errew House, 110 Goatstown Road, Dublin 14.

Provincial Offices: Tel: 01 2993130.
Tel. Floor 1: 01 2966059 / Tel. Floor 2: 01 2966104 / Tel. Floor 3: 01 2993665.


Sacred Heart of Mary R.S.H.M.

Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Mary

Shared leadership: Sr. Mary Mullins, Sr. Kate Nolan and Sr. Rosemary Lenehan
28 Upper Green, Dunmurry, Belfast, BT17 OEL, Northern Ireland.
Tel: 048 90 626525.

Sacred Heart of Mary Sisters, 70 Upper Drumcondra Road, Dublin 9.
7 Bancroft Road, Tallaght, Dublin 24.
Tel: 01 4515674.


Sacred Heart R.S.C.J.

Society of the Sacred Heart
Provincial: Sr. Dairne McHenry.

Provincial Office, 76 Home Farm Road, Drumcondra, Dublin 9.

Tel: 01 8375412 / Fax: 01 8375542 / Email:


Sacred Hearts Sisters SS.CC

Sector Coordinators: Sr. Angela O’Toole, SS.CC. / Sr. Aileen Kennedy, SS.CC.

Tel: 01 4910173 / 01 4975614/  Email:

Sector House: 11 Northbrook Road, Ranelagh, Dublin 6.


St. Clare Sisters

Sisters of Clare

Abbess General: Sr. Julie McGoldrick.

The Generalate, 63 Harold’s Cross Road, Dublin 6W.

Tel: 01 4966880


St. John of God S.J.G.

Sisters of St. John of God

Regional Leader: Sr. Geraldine Fitzpatrick.

(resides in Kilkenny)

Regional Centre, College Road, Kilkenny.

Tel: 056 7722870.


St. Joseph of Lyon

Sisters of St. Joseph of Lyon

Co-ordinator: Sr. Marie Kiernan.

3 St. Margarets Ave., Dublin 5.

Tel: 01 8325896.



 St. Joseph of Chambery

 Sisters of St. Joseph of Chambery
Regional Superior: Sr. Joan Margaret Kelly.

St. Joseph’s Convent, Springdale Rd., Raheny, Dublin 5, D05 PW44.

Tel: 01 8478351

Superior: Sr. Eileen Silke

Tel: 01 8478351 / Email:


St. Joseph of Cluny S.J.C.

Sisters of St. Joseph of Cluny

Provincial Superior: Sr. Maeve Guinan.

Mt. Sackville, Chapelizod, Dublin 20.

Tel: 01 8213134 – Ext 4 / Email:


Sisters of St Louis 

Regional Leader: Sr. Uainín Clarke

St Louis Regionalate, 131 Beaufort Downs, Rathfarnham, Dublin D14 X9V3

Tel: (01) 4934194




St. Paul De Chartres

Congregation of the Sisters of St. Paul de Chartres

 Regional & Local Superior: Sr. Fabiola Pak.

6-8 Garville Avenue, Rathgar, Dublin 6.

Tel: 01 4972366.


St. Peter Claver S.S.P.C.
Missionary Sisters of St. Peter Claver
Superior: Sister Anie Tatla SSPC
Tel: 01 4909360 / Email:



Salesian Sisters

Provincial Leader: Sr. Bridget O’Connell.

Provincialate, 203 Lower Kilmacud Road, Stillorgan, Co. Dublin.

Tel: 01 2985188 / Email:


Sisters of Saint Brigid C.S.B.

Brigidine Sisters

 Contact person: Sr Triona O Driscoll.

Community Office, Castletown Road, Mountrath, Laois R32 DC58.  Tel: 057 8732142.


Sisters of St. Joseph of the Sacred Heart

Regional Leader: Sr. Clare Ahern.

(resides in Kerry)

Brosna Road, Castleisland, Co. Kerry.

6 Farmleigh Avenue, Stillorgan, Co. Dublin.



Sisters of Sion
Sion Sisters
Contact: Sr. Therese Fitzgerald,
13 Madison Court, Grattan Street, Dublin 2

D02 HV25. Tel: 01 5491243



Roman Union of the Order of St. Ursula

Provincial: Sr. Anne Harte Barry.

17 Trimleston Drive, Booterstown, Co. Dublin.

Assistant: Sr. Anne-Marie Dixon.

Tel: 01 2693503 / Email:


Ursulines of Jesus U.J.

Congregation of the Ursuline of Jesus

General Councillor Delegate: Sr. Hilary Brown (resides in England)

Dublin contact: Sr. Mary McLoughney, 26 The Drive, Seatown Park, Swords, Co. Dublin.

Tel: 01 8404323