Sunday’s Prayer of the Faithful | Archdiocese of Dublin

Sunday’s Prayer of the Faithful

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Prayer of the Faithful
25th Sunday of the Year
Sunday November 6th 2011
V. Rev. Donal Neary, S.J., Gardiner Street.




32nd Sunday of the Year


Celebrant: Gathered by God’s word into the community of Jesus Christ, we pray in faith and confidence:


For the leaders of the church throughout the world that they may follow the Lord faithfully in promoting the faith in Jesus Christ that does justice, Lord hear us


For all who are ill, especially in the local hospitals and nursing homes, Lord hear us


For our new President, Michael D Higgins, that he may influence the progress of our country with justice, compassion and wisdom, Lord hear us


For those unemployed and suffering from financial loss, for the creation of jobs and economic decisions which will benefit all, Lord hear us


For all who have died, especially those who died recently and for all whose anniversaries occur at this time; may they enjoy the eternal happiness of heaven, Lord hear us


Celebrant: Let us pray


Lord God, May your Holy Spirit inflame our hearts, enliven our hope and open our minds, so that together with our sisters and brothers in faith we may recognise you in the Scriptures and in the breaking of bread. May your Holy Spirit transform us into one body and lead us to walk humbly on the earth, in justice and love, as witnesses of your resurrection, through Christ our Lord. Amen.


(from the EC prayer).