Notices For Parish Newsletters 18/01/2021 | Archdiocese of Dublin

Notices For Parish Newsletters 18/01/2021

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Parish Notices



Week of Prayer for Christian Unity 2021

18th to 25th January marks the Octave of Prayer for Christian Unity. This year’s Liturgy was prepared by the monastic community of sisters in Grandchamp, Switzerland, who draw much from the spirit of the Taize Community. The diocesan liturgy resource centre have three resources that they hope will help you find prayers you could include each day of the Octave in your parish liturgy, a simplified prayer in the home, and the entire text ‘as Gaeilge’. This year’s Inaugural Service, hosted by Christ Church Rathgar Presbyterian and organised by the Dublin Council of Churches, can be viewed here:


WPCU 2021 simplified-for-home-use



Sunday of the Word of God 2021 –  24th January

The diocesan liturgy resource centre have a resource that offers some simple suggestions as to how we can visually honour the Word of God in the course of the Sunday Eucharist, even within our current restrictions, and a reflection on the Word to be shared or used for inspiration and prayer alone.



Dublin Diocesan liturgical Resource Centre

In place of our Annual Winter/Spring Seminar we invite you to join us for 3 Online Liturgy Tuesdays with presentations and chats where ideas can be shared. To book your place email

  • Tuesday 26th January – 8.00 – 8.45pm -ZOOM – How we can celebrate the season of Lent in COVID times?
  • Tuesday 2nd February 2021 00 – 8.45pm – ONLINE ( Day for Consecrated Life
  • Tuesday 9th February 2021 8.00 – 8.45pm – ZOOM – How do we reconcile in COVID time



Lumen Dominican Centre Online Courses

The programme is truly ecumenical, seeking to promote the dialogue between faith and culture and acknowledging the giftedness of other religious traditions. In this way, Lumen fosters the development of all its participants and enables them to undertake various forms of service or ministry in Church and society.

We appreciate that some of you may not be able to attend the centre in person but we wish to draw your attention to a number of online modules that we are offering this term and which you can learn about on the attached brochure or on the website.  For more information Email: or visit

LumenSpring2021-SP (2)



The 80 day pandemic pilgrimage (Sunday January 10th – Sunday March 28th)

The Parishes of Celbridge and Straffan are holding a virtual pandemic pilgrimage. There are a number of ways to get involved:

Prayer Walking: mulling over piece of scripture/ carrying in your heart an intention as you walk

New series of talks on  Jesus: – 10 weeks, Wednesday 8 pm beginning Weds January 13th

Friday Fasting: one light meal/Spiritual Reading ( particularly on Friday)

Celebration of the Eucharist: Sacred Silence – 30 mins daily – perhaps two 15 minute periods.

Guided Meditations: Morning Prayer/Night Prayer and Scripture Rosary.

For more information and to access resources for the Pandemic Pilgrimage please visit Celbridge and Straffan Parish | Dublin Diocese (



Youth Initiatives


YCD Connected – Bringing Young People Together

The Young Church Dublin invite you to join our connected group for Young Adults (20’s 30’s) We meet online every Wednesday, from 8.00-9.00pm for some time of fellow, reflection on Scripture and prayer together. It provides an opportunity to connect in with other young adults in a community of faith. For more information please email:


The Young Church Dublin – Young Adult Alpha Course

The Young Church Dublin team would like to invite you to join us for our Young Adult Alpha online course which we will start from Monday, 18th January, from 7.00-8:15pm. The course will be run from the comfort of your own home over Zoom for 11 weeks until March 29th. This Alpha course with YCD is an opportunity for you to grow in your own faith. Alpha is also a wonderful opportunity for friends, family or community members to explore the Christian faith together. Taking part might even encourage you to run Alpha yourself in the future!

All participants must register by emailing your name and contact details to *Please note that numbers are limited.


Foundational Leadership Programme for Young Adults – New Course Dates January 2021

The Foundational Leadership Programme offers participants a unique opportunity to explore and develop Gospel transformational leadership Skills. This programme endeavours to provide participants with the knowledge and skills necessary to be Gospel centred transformational leaders and change agents within their own parishes, communities.  The Foundational Leadership Programme is run jointly between the Catholic and Church of Ireland Dioceses of Dublin and a team of young adult volunteers. It is uniquely placed to nurture and mission a new generation of faith leaders. Commitment will be one Saturday morning starting in January 2021 (16 January, 20 February ,20 March initially)

For more information, online registration and payment – use this link



Support Services


Overview of Loss and Bereavement – online workshop 28th January (Please note this is for Parish Teams and Priests only)

I would like to bring your attention to an online 1-day workshop on ‘Overview of Loss and Bereavement’ which will be held on 28th January from 9.15am – 4.15pm.  (This workshop is aimed at those working with the bereaved within your parish e.g. clergy, bereavement support groups, bereavement committees and funeral support teams).  Further details and booking process can be found on the following link:-


Irish Hospice Foundation – Living with Loss

We are now accepting bookings for the 2021 series of Workshops on Loss and Bereavement which will be delivered online via Zoom from January – June.  Details and booking process can be found on the following lin Please note bookings and payment for the workshops can only be made by using the following link to Eventbrite


Aware – Support & Self Care Groups

If you, or those with whom you work wish to connect with people in relation to your mental wellbeing, please consider using the Phone In and Zoom Support & Self Care Groups, the Support Line or Support Mail, now and throughout the holiday season. These services provide support, coping skills and information – and most importantly help people who are in distress to know and feel that they are not alone in their experience.  For more information about the groups and all of our services on


COVID-19 Support Line for Older People

ALONE manage a national support line and additional supports for older people who have concerns or are facing difficulties relating to COVID-19 (Coronavirus). Professional staff are available to answer queries and give advice and reassurance where necessary. The support line is open seven days a week, 8am – 8pm, by calling 0818 222 024. Calls to the ALONE National Support Line cost no more than a local call to a landline. Calls from Vodafone or landline bundles, PAYG bundles, and mobile contracts are free.