Notice for Parish Newsletters – 01/03/21 | Archdiocese of Dublin

Notice for Parish Newsletters – 01/03/21

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Parish Notices




We are pleased to announce that the Novena of Grace is going ahead as usual on 4th March 2021. This year we will have one evening Mass at 7.30pm.  It will be online only (given the restrictions). During Lockdown Pope Francis has invited us to dream … what have we learned from this pandemic and what kind of people can we be after it? Our preachers; Fr. John Callanan SJ, Dr. Jessie Rogers and Fr. Ashley Evans SJ, will help us understand our lockdown experience and prepare us for the future.

How to join the Novena:

Connect to online Masses at 7.30pm nightly via our website:

Petitions: Cards available at our front office and on our website.

Light a candle: come to our front desk or click on red donation button on our website and specify no of candles. The Church will remain open for private prayer from 12noon to 5pm.

We have prepared a booklet with the readings for each day, the Novena prayer and hymns. The booklet will be available in the Parish Office from Wednesday 24th February. Email or phone us to order a copy of the booklet 01-836 3411 or Email:







The Office for Evangelisation & Ecumenism, the Diocesan Liturgical Resource Centre and Parish Pastoral Workers to compile a list of upcoming initiatives for celebrating Lent 2021. There are resources and supports available on and




Let’s Live Lent: Bringing the Lenten Gospels to Life

Join us for Pastoral Conversations – Tuesdays @ 8pm.

  1. March 2ndSongs of the Sanctuary
  2. March 9thInto the Light
  3. March 16th  Seeds of Hope

Presented by a team from the Office for Evangelisation and the Liturgy Resource Centre. To book email




Lent 2021 – Our Hope Renewed

It is time to renew our hope! For we are a Community of Faith, Hope & Love. This Lent let us take the opportunity to connect with God and each other. We may be confused by Zoom and Social Media… but God is not… let us do what we can whilst keeping everyone safe. We are in this together. Click on the attached menu and follow the blue links for each Lenten Resource.

Our Hope Renewed – Lenten Menu



Parish Resources for Lent From the National Vocations Office

The National Vocations Office have uploaded some possible vocation themed prayers of intercession and inserts for parish newsletters for the Sundays of Lent.  Whether you chose to use these or not, please pray for vocations and seek ways to reference vocations in your parish.

The resources can be found on the Vocations website ( or by clicking on the following link:

If you know of anyone wishing to explore the possibility of a vocation to priesthood please invite them to email the vocations team at: or



Living In Unsettling Times – Reflections for the Time and Season 

The Glasnevin Grouping of Parishes are doing a series of online reflections by Fr Paddy Sweeney over Thursdays in Lent. Each session will start at 7:30pm and can be accessed by webcam.

  1. Thursday 4th March: Is God Asleep?
  2. Thursday 11th March: Living with Loss
  3. Thursday 18th March: Will We Get Back to Normal?
  4. Thursday 25th March: I haven’t much to offer! –








The Lent Lecture  with Cardinal Tagle is on Tuesday 9th March at 6.30pm. Registration is essential and the link to register is  We are hosting a number of Lent webinars/workshops- and if you or your colleagues/friends  would like to sign up- here is the link –




Youth Initiatives (From the Office for Evangelisation and Ecumenism)



Teen Hope Connected

Teen Hope Connected is a weekly Youth Group. It takes place every Wednesday 6-7pm via Zoom. Join us for fun, exploring faith and life with other Teens through small group discussions, top class games and prayer. If you are interested in joining, please email:








YCD Connected – Bringing Young People Together

The Young Church Dublin invite you to join our connected group for Young Adults (20’s 30’s) We meet online every Wednesday, from 8.00-9.00pm for some time of fellow, reflection on Scripture and prayer together. It provides an opportunity to connect in with other young adults in a community of faith. For more information please email:








Foundational Leadership Programme for Young Adults

The Foundational Leadership Programme offers participants a unique opportunity to explore and develop Gospel transformational leadership Skills. This programme endeavours to provide participants with the knowledge and skills necessary to be Gospel centred transformational leaders and change agents within their own parishes, communities.  The next Foundational Leadership day will be 20 March 

For more information, online registration and payment – use this link







Support Services


Generation Tech

Generation Tech is a free service and is run by volunteers. Volunteer run FREE HELPLINE to help older people in Ireland with tech issues. Our volunteers are tech experts and work in shifts from 8am-8pm Monday to Friday. Support is provided over the phone. If you need help with smartphones, tablets, social media, apps, PCs, printers, etc. CALL US on: 01-9633 288.




Aware – Support & Self Care Groups

If you, or those with whom you work wish to connect with people in relation to your mental wellbeing, please consider using the Phone In and Zoom Support & Self Care Groups, the Support Line or Support Mail, now and throughout the holiday season. These services provide support, coping skills and information – and most importantly help people who are in distress to know and feel that they are not alone in their experience.  For more information about the groups and all of our services on




COVID-19 Support Line for Older People

ALONE manage a national support line and additional supports for older people who have concerns or are facing difficulties relating to COVID-19. Professional staff are available to answer queries and give advice and reassurance where necessary. The support line is open seven days a week, 8am – 8pm, by calling 0818 222 024.