Message on the Dignity of Human Life | Archdiocese of Dublin

Message on the Dignity of Human Life

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Message from Archbishop Martin to all priests and parishes in the Archdiocese of Dublin

Catholic Teaching on the Dignity of Human Life and Regarding Abortion


I ask all Priests over the coming weeks to draw attention, in an appropriate way, to some basic principles of Catholic teaching concerning the dignity of human life and regarding abortion.

You will continue to receive resources, in particular, the Choose Life Newsletters, prepared by the Irish Episcopal conference and circulated by the Communications Office.  See also the statement from the Irish Bishops “Our Common Humanity”.  Both are available for download and circulation from the Latest News section of this website as well as Prayers for Life – Intercessions & Scripture reflections from the Diocesan Liturgy Office, which can be used over the coming weeks.

The Christian message is a message of life.  It is about how every human life is a reflection of the very life of God.  Each of us is created in the image of God.

Catholic teaching clearly affirms that every human life has unique and irreplaceable dignity.  Every human life has the right, from its very beginnings, to flourish and develop as God wants it to.

The 8th Amendment to the Constitution guarantees equal protection for both mothers and unborn children.  All should be equal in the face of the law.  Any society, which attempts to define certain lives as being of lesser worth and of lesser protection, betrays the common good.

With every good wish,

+Diarmuid Martin
Archbishop of Dublin