Manresa Synod Evenings | Archdiocese of Dublin
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Manresa Synod Evenings



The Diocesan Synodal Steering Committee is grateful to the members of the Manresa Team who have created a series on Synodal prayer and discernment evenings which has immense potential for all of us who care about the future of handing on the faith in our country. You are warmly encouraged to explore and to take advantage of this generous offer. 

The Synodal Pathway will be successful if we all try to listen deeply to each other and through each other to the Spirit of God. There is a discipline in this: often we listen “with our engine running”. The Synodal process invites us to unself-centred listening, a true discipline for everyone involved. It is not an accident that the fundamental prayer of the Jewish tradition is “Hear, O Isreal.”