St. Patrick’s Breastplate | Archdiocese of Dublin
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Christ be with me,

Christ be beside me,

Christ be before me,

Christ be behind me,

Christ be at my right hand,

Christ be at my left hand,

Christ be with me everywhere I go,

Christ be my friend for ever and ever.




St Patrick’s Day


Celebrant:   Gathered together in the name of Jesus Christ whose death and resurrection we look forward to in lent, we pray to God 
For Pope Francis, that he may lead the church with in the love, compassion and the truth of Jesus Christ, Lord hear us.
For leaders of church and state in Ireland, that they may lead our people with wisdom and with justice,   Lord hear us.
For those away from home at this time of year, that our prayers may help them in any problems and worries of life,  Lord hear us.
For Irish missionaries throughout the world, and for all our people working in the developing countries, that God may bless their efforts to create a more just world,  Lord hear us.
For those we love who have died recently and for all whose anniversaries occur at this time, Lord hear us.


Let us pray the prayer of St Patrick for his people:


May the Strength of God guide us.

May the Power of God preserve us.

May the Wisdom of God instruct us.

May the Hand of God protect us.

May the Way of God direct us.

May the Shield of God defend us.

May the Angels of God guard us.

Against the snares of the evil one.

May Christ be with us!

May Christ be before us!

May Christ be in us,

Christ be over all!

May your Grace, Lord,

Always be ours,

This day, O Lord, and forevermore.
