Homily at Mass with Philippine Community | Archdiocese of Dublin

Homily at Mass with Philippine Community

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Pro-Cathedral, 18.30 November 17th 

“As the news broke earlier this week of the horrendous disaster that took place in the Philippines, I immediately wanted to find an occasion to be with some representatives of the Philippine community here in Dublin and to join with you in prayer as we remember those who died and as we remember those whose homes and livelihoods have been shattered.  I think especially of the children, of the many are who are injured or are missing, of those who mourn and of those who still seek their lost loved ones.

I think of you here in Dublin who are so far from home on an occasion like this and who live with uncertainties about your families and friends.  The Christian community here in Dublin is with you and will continue to stand by you.

The message of today’s Gospel is also about the significance of the Temple.  Jesus is telling us that worship of God belongs no longer just within one Temple, but it belongs to all peoples who come in spirit and in truth.  Jesus message reaches out to all peoples and unites all peoples.  That is the spirit in which we are united here this evening.  That is the spirit which demands that all Christians rise up in solidarity when their brothers and sisters in any part of the world are in sorrow.

I hope that the Christian community here in Dublin will witness to their solidarity with the Philippine people with great generosity, so that your people and your country will soon regain peace and serenity, that families will be reunited and that even in their loss they will be able to face the future knowing that they are surrounded by men and women who witness to the loving care of Jesus Christ.

          The message of Jesus about the future of creation and where the world is going is in fact a message about how we live today.  It is a message that goodness can prevail and that goodness will prevail if we respond united in solidarity, living lives of goodness, generosity and love.

May the Lord be with you in your grief and anguish.  May the Lord sustain those who mourn.  May the Lord give you strength to face the future.  May the Lord grant rest to those who have died.”




Archbishop of Dublin announces special collections for Philippines and Syria


The Archbishop of Dublin, Diarmuid Martin, has asked that a special collection due to be taken up at all Masses this weekend be used to help with the relief effort in the Philippines as well as that in Syria.

The second collection at Dublin Masses at the weekend is to be replaced by a special collection, asked for by the Irish Bishops, for the relief effort in Syria.

In a letter to all priests of the Diocese this afternoon, the Archbishop said “As news continues to arrive concerning the disastrous situation caused in the Philippines by the devastating typhoon Haiyan.   Urgent requests are coming from the Church in the Philippines for prayers and for help to provide immediate relief for hundreds of thousands of people who are struggling simply to stay alive.”

He said that in the light of these developments, the collection at all Masses on Saturday evening and Sunday next (16th-17th November), will be for both disasters: 50% going to relief in Syria and 50% for immediate relief in the Philippines. 

“I would ask you to appeal to Mass goers to be particularly generous in the face of these two disasters,” said Archbishop Martin, “I am conscious of the fact that many people here in Ireland are under great financial pressure at this moment, but I have no doubt that those who can, will be willing to support the Filipino and Syrian people.”

Meanwhile, on Sunday evening next at 18.30pm Archbishop Martin will celebrate Mass in St. Mary’s Pro-Cathedral for the situation in the Philippines. He said many members of the Filipino community here in Dublin are anxiously awaiting news of loved ones as the scale of the damage caused by the natural disaster continues to unfold. He invited all who wished to join with him in prayer on Sunday evening.

Pope Francis prayed for the victims of the typhoon after the Sunday Angelus in St Peter’s Square. He firstly called for silent prayer, and then led the faithful in a recitation of the Hail Mary. Furthermore, he urged those present to help their brothers and sisters in the Philippines concretely, as well as through prayer.  ENDS