Details of Pope Francis’ visit to the World Meeting of Families | Archdiocese of Dublin

Details of Pope Francis’ visit to the World Meeting of Families

Details of Pope Francis’ visit to the World Meeting of Families

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Comments of Archbishop Diarmuid Martin on the launch of the programme
of the visit of Pope Francis to Ireland on the occasion of the World Meeting of Families

Saint Patrick’s College, Maynooth, 11 June 2018


“We are here to officially announce the programme of the visit of Pope Francis to Ireland on the occasion of the World Meeting of Families together with the details of the Programme for the Family Pastoral Congress that will be held at the RDS in Dublin on the days before the visit of the Pope.

Today we launch the programme of the final stage of a process that has been underway for over two years here in Ireland and has reached out to parishes throughout the country through the Amoris pastoral programmes.

My hope is that now the World Meeting of Families – the pastoral preparation, the Pastoral Congress in the RDS and the visit of Pope Francis – will open out for families renewed inspiration, hope and healing.

The visit of Pope Francis to the World Meeting of Families in Dublin must not be just a once off event.  It comes as the Church in Ireland struggles to find a new place in Irish society and culture – a very different one from the dominant one it held in the past.

Pope Francis is above all a free man.  He shows us we can live in a world where faith seems marginal and yet manage to touch hearts and challenge them to reflect on and discern those fundamental values vital for society.  What he does is to find ways in which he can win hearts for what the teaching of Jesus involves, not through imposing and judging, but through winning and attracting.

Pope Francis said to me that he considers the World Meeting of Families as a gift to the Irish Church.  His idea, however, is not that we will receive a gift to be placed in a glass-case for ourselves.  He looks on the World Meeting of Families as a gift that the Irish Church can then share with others.

Family is about love, no matter how imperfect and failing: it is about a love that enriches lives.  I am thinking about the love of spouses, the love of parents for children, the goodness with which families enrich communities.  We have great families who would never think of themselves as great: they simply do their best.  Where would any of us be without the love and generosity we received from our parents?

I wish to sincerely thank all those in the Church in Ireland and the public authorities all of whom, in their own areas of competence, have made an enormous contribution to ensure that as many people who wish to can take part in the events.

I encourage families to take part in the global event that is World Meeting of Families.  I encourage families to take this unique opportunity to see Pope Francis where they can.  All are welcome.”    ENDS

Full details of the Pastoral Programme for the World Meeting of Families in the RDS in Dublin are available here:




Publication of the Programme for the Pastoral Congress
and Papal schedule for the 9th World Meeting of Families


The Holy See Press Office publishes today (11.00am Irish time) the itinerary of the Holy Father Pope Francis for his pastoral visit to the 9th World Meeting of Families in Ireland on 25 and 26 August.  Please see details of Pope Francis’ itinerary below.

Please see the homepage of for the full Programme of the Pastoral Congress for the World Meeting of Families, and highlights from this programme are provided below.

At a press conference this morning in Saint Patrick’s College, Maynooth, details of the Programme of the Pastoral Congress for the World Meeting of Families 2018, and the itinerary of Pope Francis, were announced by Archbishop Diarmuid Martin, President and host of WMOF2018; Archbishop Eamon Martin, President of the Irish Catholic Bishops’ Conference; Father Timothy Bartlett, Secretary General of WMOF2018; and WMOF2018 volunteers.




Apostolic journey of His Holiness Pope Francis to Ireland on the occasion of
the World Meeting of Families in Dublin 25-26 August 2018


Saturday 25 August 2018


08:15 Departure by plane from Rome/Fiumicino for Dublin
10:30 Arrival at Dublin International Airport
10:45 Transfer to Áras an Uachtaráin
11:15 Arrival at the Presidential Residence
WELCOME CEREMONY in front of the main entrance of the Residence
11:30 COURTESY VISIT TO THE PRESIDENT in the Presidential Residence
12:00 Transfer to Dublin Castle
12:10 Arrival at Dublin Castle
15:30 Arrival at St Mary’s Pro-Cathedral
  VISIT to the CATHEDRAL Greeting of the Holy Father
16:15 Transfer to the Day Centre of the Capuchin Fathers
19:30 Arrival at Croke Park Stadium
19:45 FEAST OF FAMILIES in Croke Park Stadium Speech of the Holy Father

Sunday 26 August 2018


08:40 Departure by plane for Knock
09:20 Arrival at the Airport in Knock

Immediate transfer to the Shrine

09:45 Arrival at Knock Shrine
  VISIT to the CHAPEL of Knock Shrine
  ANGELUS on the square in front of the Shrine Angelus of the Holy Father
10:45 Transfer to the airport in Knock
11:10 Arrival at the airport in Knock
11:15 Departure by plane for Dublin
11:50 Arrival at Dublin International Airport
Lunch with the Papal Delegation
14:30 Arrival at Phoenix Park
15:00 HOLY MASS in Phoenix Park Homily of the Holy Father
  MEETING WITH THE BISHOPS in the Convent of the Dominican Sisters Speech of the Holy Father
18:30 Arrival at Dublin International Airport
18:45 Departure by plane for Roma/Ciampino
23:00 Arrival at the Airport of Roma/Ciampino



Highlights from the Pastoral Programme for the 9th World Meeting
of Families in Dublin from 21 to 24 August 2018


• Of the 200 announced speakers, 91 are lay women, 65 are lay men and 44 are Clergy/Religious.

• The largest group are couples.  This a lay-led, couples-led programme.

• It is an international programme, with speakers from all five main continents of the world.

• Amoris Laetitia is the guiding theme of all three days of the Pastoral Congress and of all the topics chosen.

• This is the first WMOF to have a specific workshop on Safeguarding.

• Other themes include:

○ The future of marriage preparation in Parishes.

○ Finding new ways of the joy of commitment and sacramental marriage in today’s culture.

○ The challenges of handing on faith in the home today.

○ Finding new language to affirm the joy, beauty and goodness of sexual love within marriage.

○ The importance of solidarity between the generations in family.

○ Exploring the impact of technology on the family.

○ Exploring the key role of the family in caring for ‘our common home’, the earth.

○ Looking at the relationship between business and the family.

○ Exploring the relationship between sport and the family.

○ What does Pope Francis mean by the ‘Throwaway Culture?’ (Address by Cardinal Tagle).

○ The link between the family and the forthcoming Synod on Vocational Discernment.

○ Looking at key challenges faced by many families today, including:

◘ Homelessness
◘ Addiction
◘ Domestic Violence
◘ Displacement as Migrants and Refugees
◘ Disability
◘ Separation and Divorce

○ Exploring how Parishes can support those families with members who identify as LGBTI+ (presentation by James Martin SJ)

○ The joy of belonging to a family reflect in contemporary interest in our genealogies.

○ The vocation of fatherhood in today’s world.

○ There will be fun cookery demonstrations with faith and family themes.


Some additional speakers/panellists will be announced over coming weeks, particularly in the area of technology and the family and the family and sport.

• Registrations are going extremely well with almost 30,000 already registered.  This is the largest of any WMOF.

• Of these almost 6,000 are 18 years old and under.  The largest of any WMOF and the reason for an enhanced Teen & Children’s programme.

• More than a quarter are couples aged from 29-40.  Young families are clearly registering for the event.

• Over 11,000 of those registered are international.  The largest of any WMOF.  103 countries are represented.

• People need to register soon, if they wish to attend the RDS.  Organisers may have to close registration in advance of the event because of demand.

• There are already 5,500 volunteers with one day volunteers still needed for the Mass in Phoenix Park.