Congratulations to Fr. Fintan Gavin | Archdiocese of Dublin

Congratulations to Fr. Fintan Gavin

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Archbishop Martin congratulates Dublin priest appointed

by Pope Francis

as Bishop of Cork & Ross

The Archbishop of Dublin, Diarmuid Martin has extended warm congratulations to Fr. Fintan Gavin, whom Pope Francis today announced as the next Bishop of Cork and Ross.

Archbishop Martin said that Fr. Gavin, currently Chancellor of the Archdiocese of Dublin, had brought and an enormous contribution to many as a Diocesan priest and as a highly regarded Canon Lawyer, not just in Dublin but also throughout the country.

“Fr. Gavin will be missed in our Diocese where he is known for his experience, knowledge and personal warmth” said Archbishop Martin, “I am personally very pleased that his contribution has been recognised by Pope Francis and that he will have a an opportunity to bring his gifts and wide pastoral experience to the Diocese of Cork and Ross. He will be missed by all of us in Dublin but I know he will minister to the very best of his ability for the people of Cork and the wider Irish Church at the Bishops Conference level.”

Archbishop Martin added that Fr. Gavin had also demonstrated an ability to reach out to young people in the Diocese working with a variety of youth groups and young adults helping them to grow in faith in a variety of innovative ways.

While serving in the inner city parish of Saint Andrews, Westland Row, Dublin, Bishop elect Gavin collaborated in the very successful ‘Second Chance Saturday’,  offering an invitation and an encouragement to people who had drifted form the Church to give their faith a second change, reaching out through street ministry and offering social time and hospitality.  Has led groups of young people to International World Youth Days in Madrid, Rio de Janeiro and Krakow.  Has participated as a chaplain to the Dublin Diocesan Children’s Pilgrimage to Lourdes each year during Easter Week, involving travelling with a group of children with special needs and their helper volunteers to Lourdes, collaborating with leaders who plan, fundraise and train together as helpers in advance in the winter and early spring months.

Recently he worked with the Music Director developing the Gospel Choir in Our Lady of Victories Parish, Ballymun Road, Dublin, who together with a young adult group animate a Mass for Young People in the parish every Sunday evening.  The choir was especially chosen to lead the liturgical singing during the meeting of Pope Francis with engaged and newly married couples at Saint Mary’s Pro Cathedral, Dublin, during the World Meeting of Families last August. ENDS