Archbishop Dermot Farrell
Remarks at the presentation of certificates at the Construction Skills Programme in Dublin Port
December 8, 2023
I am delighted to have the opportunity to visit this project and to meet the most recent participants. Today is a day of celebration for you and your family and friends. You have every reason to be proud of your decision to take part in this programme and to stick with it us and now to embrace the opportunities which your time here has made possible.
We all of us face challenges in life and we all need support in making the effort to overcome them. In particular, we all need opportunities to make a fresh start, whether it is in our personal lives or careers. New beginnings are times of special grace. They are often turning points on which we can look back with gratitude.
Like you, I’m sure, I am grateful to those who have made this programme possible, and the many opportunities for a fresh beginning which has offered to over 1,000 participants. It was initiated and continues to be run by St Andrew’s Resource Centre, Westland Row. The Archdiocese of Dublin is very happy that it made the Resource Centre building available to this great organisation which this year celebrates its 50th anniversary. I congratulate the whole team in St Andrew’s, but I want to acknowledge in particular of the staff led by Jim Hargis, who developed the concept of this programme and have developed it to this stage of real impact. I also congratulate the Inner City Renewal Group which partners with St Andrew’s to organise and deliver this programme.
I want to thank the authorities of Dublin Port for their far-seeing support for this project by making these premises and the site available; it is a tangible investment in the future of our City. My thanks to those who are funding this programme through the Laois and Offaly Education and Training Board, on behalf of the network of ETBs.
Every successful project requires a combination of a few committed individuals and many willing supporters. Above all it requires people to take a chance, to seize the opportunity presented and to make good use of it. Today, the focus is rightly on the participants and their families. I congratulate them again and I thank them for allowing me to be part of this special day.
+Dermot Farrell,
Archbishop of Dublin

Archbishop Farrell with the certificate recipients