Building Hope: Pastoral Strategy Implementation Group | Archdiocese of Dublin

Building Hope: Pastoral Strategy Implementation Group

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Building Hope

Pastoral Strategy Implementation Group


Terms of Reference
  1. To advise the Archbishop on the development of a Pastoral Plan for the Archdiocese, having regard to the recommendations of the Building Hope Task Force and of the Sacraments Implementation Group.
  2. To ensure consistency and the greatest possible integration with the Synodal process being followed by the parishes of the Archdiocese.
  3. To advise the Archbishop on the initiation and communication of the pastoral planning process within parishes and the timing and content of each stage of the process.
  4. To prepare a framework to be issued by the Archbishop to guide the process of dialogue and discernment within parishes, including the information and other resources to be made available to parishes.
  5. To prepare and organise training and support for clergy, parish pastoral workers, Chairs of Parish Pastoral Councils and Finance Committees to equip them to facilitate effective engagement within parishes.
  6. To act as a resource to the Diocesan Offices and to parish personnel in the pastoral planning process.
  7. To advise on the response to be made by the Archdiocese to proposals received from parishes.
  8. To advise on the terms of the Pastoral Plan to be issued by the Archbishop at the end of the consultative process for implementation by parishes.
Archbishop Dermot Farrell
Very Rev Gareth Byrne (Chair)
Orla O’Grady Walshe (Project Coordinator)
Very Rev Declan Blake
Ms Patricia Carroll
Mr Tom Foley
Ms Kirsten Mahon
Rev Deacon Dermot McCarthy
Dr Cora O’Farrell
Ms Geraldine Tallon
Very Rev Msgr Eoin Thynne