Building Hope parish gathering resources | Archdiocese of Dublin

Building Hope parish gathering resources

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Many thanks to everyone who participated in this week’s Building Hope Zoom meetings. Approximately 275 people from 115 parishes took part. It is great to see the momentum building. Thank you to all who participated. Training will be available again along the way.

It is time now to make the parish profile material widely available in your parish – speaking to it also on Sundays. The parish profile for your parish was sent out at Easter by email to priests, deacons, parish pastoral workers, parish secretaries, chairs of pastoral council (where email addresses had been submitted) and chairs of parish finance committees. Animators and group leaders should access it through them.

As promised at this week’s meetings, we are providing several items:

1. A PowerPoint for use in the Building Hope parish gathering
2. A Microsoft Word template you can use to invite people to the Building Hope parish gathering
3. Speaking notes for the chair of your parish’s Building Hope Leadership Group or Animators
4. Group leader guidance
5. Key words and prompts

Also now available are:

6. Building Hope – Group Focus
7. Set-up for Building Hope Parish Gathering

As well as video training material:

Welcome and introductory materials

Framework for pastoral renewal

Parish partnerships

Many thanks to everyone who has engaged with this initial phase of the Building Hope process – and also to those who are working their way into it now. Your efforts are much appreciated.

From the Building Hope Pastoral Strategy Implementation Group