Building Hope feedback: Archbishop Farrell responds | Archdiocese of Dublin

Building Hope feedback: Archbishop Farrell responds

Building Hope feedback: Archbishop Farrell responds

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Dear Parish Team, PPC & PFC, 

Thank you once again for your engagement with the Easter 2022 initial phase of the Building Hope strategic planning process in the Archdiocese.

Please find below a document from Archbishop Farrell which summarises your responses to the initial parish Building Hope engagement and offers a clear sense of the direction in which we will now travel together.

We ask that you read the document together as a parish leadership group and at your deanery meeting.  Please share it widely with your parish volunteer groups, parishioners, Mass-goers and in the usual ways via parish website, newsletter, printout etc.

We look forward to continuing in dialogue and discernment into Advent and beyond.

With every blessing,

Very Rev Gareth Byrne, VG
Chair of the Building Hope Pastoral Strategy Implementation Group

Click here to download the document as a PDF