Diocesan Agencies | Archdiocese of Dublin
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Accord The Diocesan Agency for Marriage and  the Family which aims to promote a better understanding of Christian marriage and help people initiate, sustain and enrich their marriage and family lives. Accord serves the pastoral needs of couples at different stages in their relationship by marriage preparation, marriage support and marriage and relationship counselling. Accord facilitators deliver relationship and sexuality programmes to schools in the diocese.



Child Safeguarding and Protection Service The Child Safeguarding and Protection Service was established tocps assist the diocese in the implementation of child protection policies and procedures, both in terms of prevention and in response to allegations. The Service also provides pastoral outreach and support for victims of child abuse.



Crosscare Dublin, like any modern Capital City has its share of poverty and disadvantage. Crosscare is the umbrella agency under which the various Diocesan projects to alleviate social disadvantage and its effects are operated. From its HQ based in the grounds of Clonliffe College, Crosscare is the starting point for all kinds of initiatives and projects reaching out to the poor and marginalised.