Archbishop’s Statement on Homeless | Archdiocese of Dublin

Archbishop’s Statement on Homeless

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Press Release December 2nd 2014

Archbishop Diarmuid  Martin has said  that following consultations with staff, he is in to a position to make a substantial  Diocesan Property available  for emergency homeless accommodation in Dublin city centre.

Archbishop Martin has advised staff to make contact with the city’s Homeless Executive today in order to proceed as quickly as possible.  With appropriate support, it is hoped the Diocesan building can be made suitable before Christmas to provide shelter for between  30 and 40 homeless people in the North Inner City.

The Archbishop said it is his wish that this would  happen as soon as possible. Already this morning, the Lord Mayor of Dublin Christy Burke  has made contact with Archbishop Martin to look at how they can work together  to address the issue of homelessness in Dublin .

Earlier, Archbishop Martin expressed his deep sorrow at the death of a homeless man on the street in the city centre.  Only yesterday, the Archbishop visited a Crosscare day drop-in centre where homeless can get a healthy meal at very reasonable prices.  Most of those present in the centre at the time were homeless people who spoke about the difficulties they found every day and every night in finding somewhere safe to sleep.

Various groups fighting homelessness and providing shelter and care for the homeless have been repeatedly calling attention to the existence of a real crisis of homelessness in Dublin.

Archbishop Martin said he is very deeply concerned about a deeply divided Dublin where on the one hand there is rejoicing at increased spending over the Christmas period and on the other hand where the number of those homeless and hungry is actually increasing.

The Archbishop called for a public summit – and if necessary to host it with the city’s Lord Mayor- of all those involved in fighting homelessness, together with municipal and political and business leaders in Dublin, to address the immediate question of emergency accommodation for the homeless.  ENDS


Listen back to Archbishop Martin’s appearances on Newstalk’s Pat Kenny Show and on RTÉ Morning IrelandTuesday 2nd December 2014