Archbishop’s Comments on Taoiseach’s Meeting with Pope Francis | Archdiocese of Dublin

Archbishop’s Comments on Taoiseach’s Meeting with Pope Francis

Archbishop’s Comments on Taoiseach’s Meeting with Pope Francis

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Archbishop of Dublin comments on Taoiseach’s meeting with Pope Francis

Press Release Monday November 28th


Archbishop Diarmuid Martin said he was very pleased to hear that Pope Francis told Taoiseach Enda Kenny this morning that he hopes to visit Ireland for a short visit for the World Meeting of Families in 2018.  He said it confirms the importance of the World Meeting for the Church in Ireland and around the world.


Preparations for the World Meeting are already underway. Archbishop Martin is on his way to Rome this afternoon (Monday) to meet with Cardinal Kevin Farrell head of the Pontifical Council for the Family who will be planning the World Meeting, with the host diocese of Dublin.  Archbishop Martin said it was an important gift from Pope Francis to the Irish Church and the Church globally.


He said he welcomed the fact that the Taoiseach had reiterated the government’s commitment to providing all appropriate arrangements in the event of Pope Francis coming to Ireland in August of 2018. ENDS



Archbishop Martin spoke to Mary Wilson on the RTE Drivetime Programme on Monday evening following the Taoiseach’s visit  


Listen back here:!rii=b9_21093718_0__



The World Meeting of Families takes place every three years, and is coordinated by the Vatican’s Dicastery for the Laity, Family and Life.  Established by Pope Saint John Paul II in 1992 as a pastoral initiative, its aim is to strengthen the sacred bonds of the family unit across the globe.  The first World Meeting of Families took place in Rome in 1994, the International Year of the Family.  Every three years since 1994, families from all over the world are invited by the Holy Father to attend this global gathering.  During a World Meeting, families come together to share experiences, to dialogue, to pray and work together to grow as individuals and as family units.  Delegates participate in discussion groups on the role of the Christian family in the Church and society, and are addressed by distinguished speakers.  The eighth and most recent World Meeting took place in Philadelphia in September 2015.

9th World Meeting of Families in Ireland, is an international pastoral event which will take place in Dublin from 22 to 26 August 2018.  Pope Francis asked for the 2018 World Meeting of Families to take place in Dublin with the theme “The Gospel of the Family: Joy for the World”.

Archbishop Diarmuid Martin is the President and host, and Father Timothy Bartlett is its Secretary General.