50th International Eucharistic Congress Reveals Details of Special Pilgrim Magnificat & App | Archdiocese of Dublin

50th International Eucharistic Congress Reveals Details of Special Pilgrim Magnificat & App

50th International Eucharistic Congress Reveals Details of Special Pilgrim Magnificat & App

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The 50th International Eucharistic Congress (IEC2012) announces the MAGNIFICAT App is now live on the App Store.

The perfect way to accompany and enhance your Congress experience, the easy-to- use App is now available for free and has all the information found in the print edition.

The one-of-a kind application includes: morning, evening, and night prayers inspired by the Liturgy of the Hours; readings and prayers of each daily Mass; daily meditations drawn from the best writings of the Church Fathers as well as recent spiritual masters; and essays on the lives of the saints from yesterday and today.

Every pilgrim attending the Congress will receive a special IEC2012 edition of the MAGNIFICAT magazine in their pilgrim pack. Produced in collaboration with IEC2012, the pocket-sized booklet features the complete texts for all liturgical events celebrated during the week-long Eucharistic Congress, with over 400 pages of devotions, songs, and other spiritual writings, including more than two full weeks of the MAGNIFICAT magazine.

Now in its twentieth year of publication, MAGNIFICAT has over a million readers throughout the world and is published in 6 languages (French, Spanish, American, English, German, and Lithuanian). Presented in a day-by-day format, MAGNIFICAT includes Scripture readings and liturgical prayers for daily Mass; prayers for morning, evening, and night; daily meditations by spiritual masters; profiles of the saints; blessings and hymns for special occasions; and sacred art commentaries.

Fr Kevin Doran, General Secretary of the Eucharistic Congress said: “Like the Eucharistic Congresses themselves, MAGNIFICAT had its origins in France (1992) and since then has gone on to become a rich resource for lay people in many European countries and in the United States. The good news is that MAGNIFICAT, like the Congress, is a journey rather than an event. It is there for you every month. We hope that you will find it helpful, and that you will want to join the growing MAGNIFICAT family around the world by subscribing to the monthly edition.”

The Magnificat IEC2012 edition is available free worldwide as an iPhone App:

Those unable to attend the Congress can watch the liturgical celebrations live on RTE television and by following the liturgy readings and prayers in the MAGNIFICAT. These resources can be downloaded here:

Further information:

  • Aisling Harmey, Media Relations Manager, 50th International Eucharistic Congress 2012,

Tel: 00353 (01) 234 9903    Mob: 00353 (0) 87 137 2447    Email:


  • Mark Linehan, Media Officer, 50th International Eucharistic Congress 2012,

Tel: 00353 (01) 234 9927    Email:


Notes for Editors:

  • The 50th International Eucharistic Congress 2012 will take place in Dublin from 10 – 17 June 2012 with up to 25,000 pilgrims expected to attend each day at the RDS, including 12,000 international pilgrims representing more than 120 different countries.
  • IEC2012 will transform the RDS into a Eucharistic Village for an eight day festival of faith and culture. The Eucharist will be celebrated in the Liturgy and adored in the Prayer Space.
  • The Congress is an international gathering of people, held every four years somewhere in the world, which aims to promote an awareness of the central place of the Eucharist in the life and mission of the Catholic Church; to help improve our understanding and celebration of the liturgy and to draw attention to the social dimension of the Eucharist. These aims are achieved through a programme of pastoral preparation in the years leading up to the Congress and a programme of liturgical and cultural events, lectures and workshops over the course of one week.  Previous Congresses took place in Quebec (2008) and Guadalajara (2004)
  • The theme of the Congress is ‘The Eucharist: Communion with Christ and with one Another’ (Communion – like Solidarity – means a relationship of mutual love and self-giving).
  • On 17 June, more than 80,000 people are expected to gather and celebrate Statio Orbis, the Final Mass, of the 50th International Eucharistic Congress 2012 at Croke Park Stadium.
  • There are a total of 223 keynote speakers as part of the IEC2012 programme of events, which includes 38 speakers in the main arena delivering Catechesis (teaching), personal testimonies, homilies and addresses.
  • A total of 144 presenters will deliver workshops during Congress week
  • There are 41 speakers delivering addresses at the Chiara Luce Youth Space for young people between 17 and 25 years old.
  • A total of 160 workshops including talks, addresses, group reflections, meetings, concerts and plays
  • The full programme is available at:
  • For more information:
