50th International Eucharistic Congress Reaches Out With Special Mass in Nursing Homes | Archdiocese of Dublin

50th International Eucharistic Congress Reaches Out With Special Mass in Nursing Homes

50th International Eucharistic Congress Reaches Out With Special Mass in Nursing Homes

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The 50th International Eucharistic Congress (IEC2012) will reach out to those in nursing homes across the country with a special commemorative Mass next week 3 – 10 June 2012, the week preceding the Congress.


The theme of the Mass links into one of the daily Congress themes: ‘Communion with Christ and with One Another in the Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick in Nursing Homes and Places of Care’. 


This special Mass in nursing homes will give residents and staff the opportunity to mark the Eucharistic Congress by participating in the celebration.


This nationwide initiative in private and voluntary nursing homes is a partnership between IEC2012, Nursing Homes Ireland, and the Federation of Catholic Voluntary Nursing Homes.


Following the homily, the liturgy of Anointing will take place, blessing all sick pilgrims, comforting each one in their suffering and filling them with new hope and strength.


Secretary General of IEC2012, Fr Kevin Doran, said that those who are sick or frail due to old age must always have a central place in the ministry of the Church, as they had in the ministry of Jesus.  “It is an essential element of the mission of the Church today that we continue to seek ways of keeping people in communion even when they are no longer visible in the community on a daily basis.”


Speaking about this initiative, Archbishop Diarmuid Martin said it was an integral part of the outreach of the Congress.  “It will ensure that the theme of the Congress: The Eucharist; Communion with Christ and with One Another’, reaches beyond the boundaries of the RDS and Croke Park into the hearts and minds of all to whom the Eucharist gives meaning and life and particularly to our brothers and sisters, resident in the many nursing homes throughout the country.”  Archbishop Martin will celebrate Mass in St. Mary’s in the Phoenix Park on 5 June.


Tadhg Daly, Nursing Homes Ireland Chief Executive Officer, said: “Nursing Homes Ireland believes this international event affords residents and staff of private and voluntary nursing homes an excellent opportunity to come together to celebrate this unique event in community-care settings nationally.”


Rosemarie Nolan, Chairperson of the Federation of Catholic and Voluntary Nursing Homes said: “This allows residents to celebrate the International Eucharist Congress within their community in union with all participating in the official ceremonies in Dublin.”


IEC2012 pastoral resources to support this initiative in nursing homes are available at:




Further information:



  • Aisling Harmey, Media Relations Manager, 50th International Eucharistic Congress 2012,


Tel: 00353 (01) 234 9903    Mob: 00353 (0) 87 137 2447    Email:



  • Aoife Connors, Media Officer, 50th International Eucharistic Congress 2012,


Tel: 00353 (01) 234 9940    Mob: 00353 (0) 87 628 0580    Email:


Notes for Editors:



    • The 50th International Eucharistic Congress 2012 will take place in Dublin from 10 – 17 June 2012 with up to 25,000 pilgrims expected to attend each day at the RDS, including up to 12,000 international pilgrims representing more than 99 different countries.


    • IEC2012 will transform the RDS into a Eucharistic Village for an eight day festival of faith and culture. The Eucharist will be celebrated in the Liturgy and adored in the Prayer Space.


    • The Congress is an international gathering of people, held every four years somewhere in the world, which aims to promote an awareness of the central place of the Eucharist in the life and mission of the Catholic Church; to help improve our understanding and celebration of the liturgy and to draw attention to the social dimension of the Eucharist. These aims are achieved through a programme of pastoral preparation in the years leading up to the Congress and a programme of liturgical and cultural events, lectures and workshops over the course of one week.  Previous Congresses took place in Quebec (2008) and Guadalajara (2004)


    • The theme of the Congress is ‘The Eucharist: Communion with Christ and with one Another’ (Communion – like Solidarity – means a relationship of mutual love and self-giving).


    • On 17 June, more than 80,000 people are expected to gather and celebrate Statio Orbis, the Final Mass, of the 50th International Eucharistic Congress 2012 at Croke Park Stadium.


    • There are a total of 223 keynote speakers as part of the IEC2012 programme of events, which includes 38 speakers in the main arena delivering Catechesis (teaching), personal testimonies, homilies and addresses.


    • A total of 144 presenters will deliver workshops during Congress week


    • There are 41 speakers delivering addresses at the Chiara Luce Youth Space for young people between 17 and 25 years old.


    • A total of 160 workshops including talks, addresses, group reflections, meetings, concerts and plays