Ecumenical Bible Week 2021 | Archdiocese of Dublin

Ecumenical Bible Week 2021

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Ecumenical Bible Week 2021


Despite the challenges of these days, we are thrilled to announce a great line up for Bible Week 2021, running from Pentecost Sunday (23rd May) to Trinity Sunday (30th May) 2021.
5 different free of charge online events
around the theme


Unlocking Faith Today: Responding to New Realities

Our Scripture base for Bible Week 2021 is:
“So if anyone is in Christ, there is a new creation: everything old has passed away; see, everything has become new!” (2 Cor. 5:17)


What to expect?

Bible Week 2021 will be online – where there’ll be debate, talks, music
and (we hope) lots of participation.



Opening Event

Morning Prayer led by Ruth Gyves
Hosted by Holy Trinity Church, Rathmines
Monday 24 May 2021 at 10.00am
More Info>>
Register Here








Panel Discussion

Panel Discussion With Young Adults: The Once and Future Church
Wednesday 26th May @5pm
More Info>>
Register Here










A Vision for a Better World post-pandemic: Faith into the Future
Thursday 27th May @2.00pm
More Info>>
Register Here









Thinking Allowed

What is your personal dream of faith into the future?
Thursday 27 May at 7.00pm
More Info>>
Register Here









Closing Event

‘Holden Evening Prayer’ – Sung Lutheran Vespers with music by Marty Haugen
Sunday 30 May at 7.30pm
More Info>>
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