27/2/14 Responses on Marriage & Family consultation “did not come as a surprise” | Archdiocese of Dublin

27/2/14 Responses on Marriage & Family consultation “did not come as a surprise”

27/2/14 Responses on Marriage & Family consultation “did not come as a surprise”

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 Press Release February 27th 2014 



Please see below for your information, the address by Archbishop Diarmuid Martin to priests and parish councils in one Dublin deanery this evening. A deanery is a grouping of parishes within the Archdiocese. In Dublin there are 16 deaneries. In  a wide ranging address, the Archbishop spoke on the many responses received from the people in the Diocese, in  the recent consultation  carried out for the forthcoming  Synod of Bishops in Rome.

Responses from the people to the consultation have been returned  to Rome. The  Extraordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops due to be held in Rome, 5th-19th October 2014 on the theme Pastoral Challenges of the Family in the Context of Evangelisation.