26/06/2011 National Eucharistic Congress | Archdiocese of Dublin

26/06/2011 National Eucharistic Congress

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The Feast of Corpus Christi and the National Eucharistic Congress which began in Knock yesterday.

Press Release 26th June 2011

A candle blessed at the celebrations in Knock yesterday will this  morning light in St. Mary’s Pro Cathedral in Dublin, as in every other Cathedral Church in Ireland to mark preparations for the International Eucharistic Congress which takes place in Dublin in June 2012

In this morning’s Homily Archbishop Martin addresses the vision for a Eucharistic Congress in our times, our interdependence as people and violence in Dublin this week. The Archbishop said, “ Our young people long for peace and the ability to realise their talents – and yet violence and exclusion still abound.  What are we say about the repeated incidence of pointless and yet fatal violence that have marked this city, this very week?  Where is such violence leading?  What benefit does it bring to those who sponsor it, when they know well that their own nights will be sleepless and fearful?  What are they saying to their children and their loved ones?”

A full copy of the Homily is attached and available on