26/04/07 Vocations Sunday

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The World Day of Prayer for Vocations will take place on Sunday 29th April.

The new Director of Vocations in the Dublin Diocese has said he is encouraged by the number of men he has met who are still willing to take ‘the radical step’ to the priesthood.
Fr. Eamonn Bourke was speaking in advance of World Day of Prayer for Vocations which takes place this Sunday, April 29h
 “Still today, in spite of all we hear, there are still those who are willing to take the radical step to leave all “, said Fr. Bourke, “In a world that seems often to misunderstand priesthood, the priest stands as a signpost to God. “
Five seminarians were accepted into formation for the priesthood from Dublin at the start of the current academic year. At present the Dublin Diocese has fourteen seminarians, nine are from Dublin, two are foreign nationals and three are from other Dioceses in Ireland. One man is due to be ordained later this year.
Fr. Bourke took up his new post last September and has introduced a number of initiatives to encourage vocations in the Diocese. This weekend the Vocations office will launch www.priest.ie a web based resource which will provide accessible, comprehensive information for anyone considering becoming a priest.
Staff at the Dublin Diocesan Vocations Centre spent the past several months visiting secondary schools in the Diocese as part of their work. Also, for the first time this year, the Vocations Centre had a stand at the FÁS Opportunities Conference in Croke Park and found the response from those in attendance very encouraging.
Fr. Bourke said he was optimistic for future vocations. He said interest in the priesthood is now spread across many age groups with particular interest emerging from mature candidates.
Prayers for Vocations will be said at all Masses in the Dublin Diocese this weekend.  A specially commissioned icon, depicting the face of Christ and blessed by Pope Benedict XVI, will be placed in several Dublin Parishes over the next 12 months to encourage prayer for Vocations, as part of a prayer initiative; ‘Seek His Face’.
In his message for World Day of Prayer for Vocations Pope Benedict XVI said “In order to encourage vocations, it is necessary to teach the faithful how to hear God’s voice. It is easier to listen for God’s voice in a church community that is harmonious and where people feel responsible for each other. All the different ministries that exist within the church must be used to promote communion with God and communion among the faithful.”
Priesthood Sunday in Dublin is on Sunday, April 29th when a collection to cover the educational costs of Dublin seminarians will be held at Masses throughout the Diocese.