25/04/2012 Dublin churches unite for “Camino” Pilgrim Walk | Archdiocese of Dublin

25/04/2012 Dublin churches unite for “Camino” Pilgrim Walk

25/04/2012 Dublin churches unite for “Camino” Pilgrim Walk

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Press Release Wednesday April 25th 2012 Immediate Release

Dublin churches unite for “Camino” Pilgrim Walk

Dubliners and visitors to the capital will be able to take part in a city centre “Camino” or Pilgrim Walk during the International Eucharistic Congress in June.

Details of the Pilgrim Walk, which involves visiting and praying in seven city centre churches, were announced following an ecumenical prayer service in St. Ann’s Church in Dawson Street, Dublin this afternoon (Wednesday, 25th 4pm). Church of Ireland Archbishop Michael Jackson presided at the prayer service joined by Auxiliary Bishop of Dublin, Ray Field and members of the Dublin Diocesan Eucharistic Congress Preparatory committee.

A Pilgrim Walk is a sacred journey during which pilgrims seek to strengthen and renew their faith. Pilgrims walk with a clear intention, to draw closer to God.

The Walk is being held from Saturday 2nd -16th June. During this time Pilgrims will be able to walk and visit seven designated churches in Dublin City and spend time in quiet prayer and reflection in each. All pilgrims will be issued with a “Pilgrim Passport” that will be stamped in each of the seven churches visited. The walk concludes with a visit to St. Mary’s Pro-Cathedral, Marlborough Street where pilgrims will receive a Pilgrimage Certificate of completion.  People can participate in groups, on their own; they can complete the Pilgrim walk or “Camino” in a day or throughout the days of the Congress.

Speaking at the launch, Archbishop Michael Jackson said, “I am delighted that St Ann’s, Dawson Street, is associated with this most recent initiative in the exciting developments towards the International Eucharistic Congress. St Ann’s location allows a prime opportunity to welcome Congress pilgrims, something I know the parish feels privileged to be able to do.”

Bishop Ray Field said, “The essential nature of pilgrim walks remains a powerful experience for the spiritual life of Christians. I invite and encourage as many people as possible to walk with us in the days leading up to and during the Congress.”

The seven churches participating in the Pilgrim Walk are St Ann’s, Dawson Street, St. James, James Street, Our Lady of Mount Carmel, Whitefriar Street, John’s Lane, Thomas Street, St. Mary of the Angels, Church Street, St. Michans, Halston Street, and St. Mary’s Pro Cathedral, Marlborough Street. These churches will open from 8am to 8pm in order to facilitate pilgrims. A Pilgrim Mass will also be held at 5.45 pm each day in St. Mary’s Pro-Cathedral.
