23/05/07 Greystones’ Parishoners in Solidarity with Children in Prison

23/05/07 Greystones’ Parishoners in Solidarity with Children in Prison

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The People of Greystones do Hard Labour for Children in Jail.


Hundreds of parishioners in Greystones will show their solidarity with children imprisoned in the Philippines by taking part in 24 hours of “hard labour” this weekend.
The unique event is to raise funds for Fr. Shay Cullen’s PREDA Foundation which is dedicated to exposing the appalling conditions which children as young as nine endure in jail in the Philippines.
A group from the parish visited the Philippines earlier this year witness for themselves the huge task facing PREDA workers in trying to keep children out of adult prisons.
The PREDA foundation is currently trying to finance a new safe accommodation centre for young children and the people of the parish are hoping to raise significant funds to support its construction.
Last year Greystones became the first Justice parish in Ireland when its parishioners agreed to donate a percentage of parish funds to specific charities in the developing world.
500 parishioners have signed up to this latest venture. They plan to show solidarity with the jailed Filipino children by doing hard labour – literally breaking stones — for a 24 hour period. Everyone taking part has been asked to raise at least €100.
Greystones priest, Fr. David Halpin said, “the children behind bars in the Philippines are not actually doing hard labour by breaking stones, but much worse, their spirits are being broken. By us doing hard labour we are showing solidarity with those children and helping them get a chance at a decent life.” The 24 hours of Hard Labour begins at 8pm on Friday 25th and runs right through that night and all day Saturday until Saturday evening.