23/02/07 New Saint for Dublin

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Dublin to have a New Saint by Summer

The Archbishop of Dublin Dr. Diarmuid Martin,  has warmly welcomed the news that Dublin will have a new saint this June, when Blessed Charles of Mount Argus will be canonised by His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI. Archbishop Martin was Actor for the Cause of Blessed Charles.
Blessed Charles was a much loved figure in the Capital city and around Ireland at the turn of the last century for his devotion to the sick and healing.
Born John Andrew Houben in Mustergleeen, Holland in 1821, he joined the Passionist Order at the age of 19. Transferred first to England, he came to Mount Argus –just as it was being founded and travelled Ireland raising funds to help build it.  He grew to love Dublin and its people and spent his time working with the ill and dying in the community. Irish people travelled from all over the country to meet Blessed Charles when word of his tremendous healing power spread. His funeral in January 1893 drew thousands of people to Mount Argus, where he lay in state for five days.
His remains were moved to a Shrine in the Church in 1949. Today, people still regularly visit  the relic of Blessed Charles in Harold’s Cross.
He will be canonised on June 3rd.