18/10/14 Pope Francis “extraordinary” address at close of Synod | Archdiocese of Dublin

18/10/14 Pope Francis “extraordinary” address at close of Synod

18/10/14 Pope Francis “extraordinary” address at close of Synod

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The Archbishop of Dublin has welcomed the publication of the final text at the closing of the Synod of Bishops in Rome this evening.  Archbishop Diarmuid Martin said the text must be read in the context of Pope Francis’ extraordinary final remarks to the Synod, after which the Pope received a five minute standing ovation from those present.

Pope Francis warned Bishops of the temptation to a hostile rigidity that forces people to lock themselves into the letter of the law, he also criticised the temptation to “come down from the cross to please people and disregard the deposit of faith.” However he said there cannot be a “false sense of mercy which wants to bind up wounds without really caring for them”

Archbishop Martin said tonight “ The Pope from the very beginning wanted openness he  trusted those present at the synod  to take  the discussions as far as they could and in all honesty.  Sometimes people in the face of these  challenges tended to overlook the Holy Spirit, the guarantor of the process.  The biggest challenge remains; as to how in today’s complex cultural situation the church can open a dialogue with men and women and young people where they are and lead them to a better idea of the Christian understanding of marriage ; this will involve a radical rethinking of the churches pastoral care for marriage and catechises among young people.”  

Archbishop  Martin said  Pope Francis helped everyone understand the direction in which he wished the Synod process to progress , when he mandated publication of details of the votes in the Synod Hall, paragraph by paragraph in a welcome  gesture of transparency. He said this Synod has been radically different as thanks to the Pope, it has led to open dialogue and  genuine debate.

The report of the Synod, described by the Vatican as a “work in progress” will be sent to all Bishops Conferences as the first working paper for next year.  Archbishop Martin represented the Irish Bishops Conference at the Synod  which ran for two weeks. 


The full text of Pope Francis’ speech is available here: 

Click here to listen to I-Catholic interview in Rome with Archbishop Diarmuid Martin:

Click here for Pope Francis’ address at conclusion of Synod of Bishops, 18 October: