16/9/14 Culture Night 2014 | Archdiocese of Dublin

16/9/14 Culture Night 2014

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Press Release September 16th 2014

WW1 Diaries on Public Display for the First Time for Culture Night

“The roll call of the Munsters on Monday was the saddest thing imaginable. In the field beside St. Mary’s (the little tent chapel the artillery chaps erected for us) the four Companies all sat around on the dry grass. One Company was called at a time. Everybody was worn, sad, depressed after the loss of so many loved comrades. Some had lost brothers, others cousins, but all had lost good and faithful companions. The Sergeant Major called out name after name.  “Killed”, Wounded”, “Missing” was answered, according to the fate of each.   (Extract from the World War One Diary of Fr. Francis Gleeson, Ascension Thursday, 13th May 1915)

The diaries of a Dublin priest who ministered to soldiers in World War One will go on public display for the first time this Friday, as part of the Archdiocese of Dublin’s exhibition to mark Culture Night (Friday 19th).

Father Francis Gleeson was Chaplain to the Royal Munster Fusiliers in World War One, as they faced battle on the Western Front. He was the priest depicted in the famous painting, The Last General Absolution of the Munsters at Rue du Bois by Fortuninon Matania, where he is seen mounted on a horse, giving absolution to the troops on the eve of the Battle of Aubers Ridge in May 1915.

Fr. Gleeson kept meticulous diaries of his time with the Munster Fusiliers. They contain vivid, emotional and most often tragic accounts of his time with the troops in the trenches and near the battlefields. He was often the only person in a position to communicate with families of soldiers and this Friday’s exhibition will include numerous correspondences between Fr. Gleeson and the Irish families of men missing or killed in action.

As well as the Fr. Gleeson diaries, a range of archival material on World War One will be presented, including documents on the ‘Tobacco Fund Appeal’ started by the Weekly Dispatch in 1914 and subscribed to by over 250,000 households. The Appeal was launched to ensure that one parcel per week of smoking material was to every man on the front lines, who “love their weed as they do their country”!

There will be a  visual presentation of artists’ insights into WW1 include compelling works by Irish artist, William Orpen, as well as the previously mentioned Fortunina Matania’s portrait of Fr. Gleeson and a painting of Irish troops under bombardment in Palestine.

There will be a live performance of the poetry of WW1 by actor Margaret Ó Dálaigh, followed by a concert of popular songs of WW1, and a recital of Sacred Music led by the Dublin Diocesan Music Group. The exhibition will take place in Holy Cross College, Clonliffe Road, Dublin 3. Doors open at 6 p.m. and admission is free.

Also to mark Culture Night, St. Mary’s Pro-Cathedral will host a sacred music evening, beginning with Vespers, with the Boys of the Palestrina Choir at 5pm, followed by a sung Mass. There will be an organ recital by Robbie Carroll, organ scholar, music from the St. Marys Pro-Cathedral Girls’ Choir and later, contemporary sacred music from Sharon Lyons and friends and selections from Pergolesi, “Stabat Mater” (boy’s voices). The evening ends at 10pm with Compline, sung prayer of the Church, again with boy’s voices. 



Friday 19 September 2014 (6.00–9.30 p.m.)


History            6.15 p.m. and 7.15 p.m.

Talk on archival material of World War One especially the diaries of Father Francis Gleeson, Chaplain to the Royal Munster Fusiliers. Given by Noelle Dowling, Diocesan Archivist.


Art                  6.30 p.m. and 7.30 p.m.

Presentation of images related to WW1which will open up the visual perspective on this period with Fr. Damian McNeice, art enthusiast.


Poetry             6.45 p.m. and 7.45 p.m.

Live performance of the poetry of WW1 by Margaret Ó Dálaigh, actor, with introductions and occasional music of the period.


Music              8.15 p.m. and 9.15 p.m.

Concert of music including popular songs of WW1, and sacred music in a range of styles from the repertoire of the Dublin Diocesan Music Group, directed by Fr. Pat O’ Donoghue.

Holy Cross College (also known as Clonliffe College) is located at the junction of Clonliffe Road & Jones Road, Drumcondra.



A selection of Marian music, readings and reflections

The Boys of the Palestrina Choir

Saint Mary’s Pro-Cathedral Girls’ Choir

Mary Flynn

Sharon Lyons

The boys of the Palestrina Choir

5.15 p.m.         Vespers (sung evening prayer of the Church)

5.30 p.m.         Benediction of the Most Blessed Sacrament

5.45 p.m.         Sung Mass

6.30 p.m.         Organ recital given by Robbie Carroll, organ scholar

6.45 p.m.         Cathedral Girls’ Choir

7.10 p.m.         Boys of the Palestrina Choir

7.40 p.m.         Organ recital given by Darren Magee, choral assistant

8.00 p.m.         Sharon Lyons & friends, contemporary sacred music

8.45 p.m.         Mary Flynn, poetry, readings and song

9.45 p.m.         Selections from Pergolesi ‘Stabat Mater’ boys’ voices

10.00 p.m.       Compline (sung night prayer of the Church) boys’ voices

Director of the Cathedral Choirs: Blánaid Murphy