14/5/14 Crosscare Emigrants Survey | Archdiocese of Dublin

14/5/14 Crosscare Emigrants Survey

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Online Mental Health survey for Irish emigrants launched

Press Release Wednesday 14th May 2014


Young Irish emigrants are being asked to take part in a global on-line survey to assess how they are coping with having to start a new life away from home.  This unique survey, looking at the mental health of recent Irish emigrants will be carried out by Crosscare’s Migrant Project.

Crosscare Migrant Project is an NGO that provides an information and support service for intending Irish emigrants and returning Irish emigrants. Funded by the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade for this work the organisation has a particular focus on those in vulnerable situations. The survey is aimed at Irish people who have left Ireland since January 2009.

Over the last 5 years approximately 200,000 Irish people have left the State. This year will likely see the largest number of Irish people emigrate to Canada alone, since the 1800s.

Policy Officer, Joe O’Brien explained the rationale behind the survey, he said, “Leaving your home and your country and trying to start a new life in a whole different setting and part of world is one of the most challenging things that any person can undertake. We want to find out more about the personal and emotional challenges that people face and struggle with and most importantly how they are coping.” Joe O Brien said that emigration looks like it will be a feature of Irish life into the future. This survey is about finding out about the strength of our recent emigrants and the practical ways they have coped with the emotional upheavals involved – all with a view to better informing and preparing future emigrants.

We are hoping for input from Irish emigrants all over the world including those who have returned. The survey will be open until the end of May. It’s a confidential survey and we will be asking about coping mechanisms, emotional supports, homesickness, changing perceptions and also peoples’ positive experiences of emigration.  We will also be asking people their own view on how their mental health has changed before, during and after the process of emigrating,” he added,

Informed by the outcome of the survey, Crosscare Migrant Project plan to produce an informed, ‘emigrant driven’ guide on how to cope with the emotional and mental challenges of emigration.

They  are specifically asking anyone with a Facebook or Twitter account to spread the word about this survey via the internet. It could be a small but important contribution to easing the strain of emigration for future emigrants

The survey can be found via and at



Richard King, Project Leader at / 01 873 2844 / 087 346 6898



Crosscare Migrant Project is a project of Crosscare, the social support agency of the Archdiocese of Dublin.

Crosscare’s services can be broken into three main categories:

  1. Working with those affected by homelessness
  2. The needs of young people
  3. The development of community driven services and