13/09/07 Crosscare- Caring for those most in Need

13/09/07 Crosscare- Caring for those most in Need

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Press Release Thursday, 13th September 2007

Crosscare appeal for funding for those most in need

Crosscare, the social care agency of the Catholic Archdiocese of Dublin will hold its Annual Collection all masses this weekend (15th/16th)
Crosscare has a track record of providing quality services to those most in need in Dublin for over 65 years. Crosscare run 11 social and educational support programmes.
Last year Crosscare provided over 13,000 bed nights in their 4 homeless projects; provided close to 30,000 hot meals to people who are isolated and lonely from three city centre food centres; provided accommodation and support to 50 vulnerable young boys in residential projects and helped over 400 families through the Teen Counselling service. “This work would not be possible without the support of the people of Dublin who give so generously each year at our annual collection.” said Conor Hickey Crosscare’s Director.
Hickey went on to explain that “Crosscare have recently developed a new long term vision for our organisation and a detailed five year strategy which will be launched later this year. Our aim is to break new ground in delivering innovative social care programmes and to help respond to those who need support most”
Crosscare’s annual collection is a vital source of income to the agency and Hickey has asked that people once again show their support and generosity at all masses this weekend.